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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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So we're mothering Stew now, are we then?

*wraps in warm blanket* ^u^

Also, I got a pet plush badger yesterday. I've always wanted a plush badger so I was really excited to find this little guy for a few bucks at the second hand shop. ^^


n'awww!! he's adorable!! ~^^~ as a giant fan of plushies of all kinds, i highly approve. ^^ (the next ones i want are a Sebastian plushie (from black butler), a companion cube plushie, and a TARDIS plushie. :3)

didn't we agree at one point that i'm almost like OSC's mom? *tosses blanket over bella*

do you need anything, dear? :3
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Nice :3

I plan on taking some new pictures this weekend...also, some tea would be nice, Kari-san :3


Everyone take out a Franklinator!



*snuggles under blanket*

THIS is a Franklinator:



Well, to tide you guys over until I can take new pictures, here's a few I've meant to post for a few weeks:
For the curious, here's the clean equipment room at work. Well, how I generally try to keep it, at least; nobody follows the same organization system as me, it seems ^_^;
An antique fan at my grandmother's house. I like the way it looks :3
Here's the coffee mug I bought a few weeks ago. It's nothing fancy, but it just stood out to me at that thrift store when looking around, so I bought it
We close with an obligatory picture of my cat. He doesn't seem to care about the catnip mouse that's on top of him; he's more interested in what I'm doing :3


@pent: we're out of earl grey and mint, so i hope either chamomile or vanilla chai is okay......*sticks tea in microwave*

*tosses blanket over*

despite being a boring, thankless job, that's kind of a cool room. xD and i want that fan so bad. *__* and that's a nice mug. :0 and sylvester is as cute as always. :3

@stew: does this mean if bella gets a plush stick, and ties her new plush badger to it, she'll have a PLUSH franklinator? :\
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Well, it's time for the rollout of new pics; which I'll break up into 3 parts, to keep it going smoothly

Now, let us begin with part 1: Me, with pics of both standard and trap modes :3
Something I meant to take a picture of several months back; my Halloween costume from 2011. It's intended as a cosplay of Kirk30, one of my characters from MapleStory, but it also doubles as a different interpritation of Linkara
Double Pentiums! What could it mean?
(Me, with Penti-chan :3)
Striped socks~ >w<
Also, you can see my bra through my top just a little bit ^_^;;
I also bought solid black socks at the same time, as seen here (Also, the top is from mom's closet, for the curious)
As an interesting thing of note, I did go outside wearing this that night, to retrieve my iPod from the truck. Hey; the street light was out, nobody was outside, so why not be a trap-ninja? >:3

Next time, octodogs and a Selectric. Stay tuned...


god help you if your mom sees the last one.  xD

that said, lookin' good man. i'm jealous of those socks. -w-
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Thanks ^_^

...and now, wave 2 of pictures
Here it is; my IBM Correcting Selectric II :3
Bought it this past weekend, and after working with it for a bit, it seems to be working fine for the most part, aside from a very sensitive spacebar (Needs some cleaning, but hey; it works)
A close-up of what I typed, on the sheet sticking out of it in the previous pic :3
The dust cover it came with, which is actually for something by Texas Instruments (Explaining why it's not a perfect fit, and why it says "...but I'm working on TI!")
My goblet, which I've had for years. Easily one of my favorite cups :3
My attempt at octodogs...which, compared to how I imagined it, bordered on ME-tan level of quality ^_^;;
I don't think I quite did them right, but they where still good
Obligatory pics of my cat are go :3
Saw this in the parking lot of the Pizza Hut that my bro-in-law works at, and had to take pictures of it. Yes, that's a DeLorian, and it's loaded on a trailer. You have no idea how bad I wanted to ask the owner if he'd consider a trade

Next time, some of my video game stuff I haven't posted pics of before :3


you did the octodogs right, you just didn't make the cuts deep enough.
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