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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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dude, you look badass in the last photo. and dat dress and dose heels man, amazing. >:3

and i had totally forgotten about kingdom of alcatraz, hahaha, so awesome. xD
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on October 25, 2014, 12:27:18 PM
Armed with a flintlock magic gun (IDK if she'd actually use a flintlock, but I felt it looked cool -w-)
oooh kill em'

taken with the inner 3DS camera
this takes worse photos than the DSi


i've seen worse quality. also, lookin' sharp, man.
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One of our cooking volunteers won Parkway Volunteer of the Year.  That's my boss on the left.
District office
Dumpster graffiti
Looking (sort of) towards home
More graffiti....
Improvised truck unloading
Highest point on the parkway north of the James
White Rock Valley, from my favorite overlook
A better shot?
Overlook sign (aka "Gunboard sign")
Whole parking area
Love is life, Love is love.  At the Love Gap Sub-District yard.
I see you too have a Linkarian weapon.
And another.


@Kari: Thanks ^^
@Leaf: Actual pic taken of me, from my DSi, circa 2011
@Stew: Nice gun -w-

Nor, for the other pics I meant to post:

Hyrule Historia get. It's thick, it's heavy, and it's packed with so much info *w*

Old desk phone; seen at the funeral home. Still not the most interesting piece of vintage tech I saw at one of these; circa '06, I did find an Atari 2600 with ET hooked up to a TV in an office at one (Which was amusing in itself; the game that is considered to be responsible for the industry crash of '83 was in a funeral home).

Ghost pinatas #2spooky

Wario Bros. Unfortunately, Waluigi won't stand on his own; he falls face-first due to his odd maybe, if I didn't have Wario, I should resort to using something like Amiibo Link's frozen block of pee for support -w-;

Pumpkinweenie donut. Actually pretty good; tastes like candy corn (IDK if that's intentional or not, but I like it -w-)

I see this and my thoughts drift to TV Tropes for some reason

Donkey Kong hanging out
DK with DK Land

Whiz Kids, of the Tandy Computer variety. Two of those issues are courtesy of Stew -w-

The ever-confusing number of colors for Wii U game cases. Blue is standard, Mario games are typically in either red or blue (Red seems to indicate a later printing of the game), and New Super Luigi U is in green (Which caused much irritation at Gamestop; as the disc for that game and sometimes the case would always end up in the Xbox 360 section).

Inside a hut of pizza I used to work contrast to the one bro-in-law was working at in Tyler

My sister's cat, Steve :3

Mickey Mouse Magic Wands has the best translation -w-;

Another reason why Game-X-Change has great signs


@pent: you crashed my computer. nice pics otherwise.
@stew: i lol'd at the macgyver ramp and the love gap thing. also, lookin' spiffy with the guns, and dat outlook tho.
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Since it's Halloween, and unfortunately I'm unable to cosplay due to dress code at work, I decided to make a post showing off some of my various cosplays I have pictures of, and thoughts on them:

- Lass (Pokémon)
Reference pic
Honestly, looking through my early trap pics is kind of a scary experience in itself; given some of them honestly aren't that great. However, this costume is promising...even if I resorted to wearing an ankle-length skirt up to my chest to get the look of a miniskirt (As this was before I began buying my own clothes; instead resorting to what I was able to sneak out of stuff mom was going to put in a garage sale -w-; ). Otherwise, not bad; I'd consider revisiting this one

- Half-assed 2k-tan cosplay
Obligatory pic of 2k :3
The first OS-tan cosplay...and for a while, the one that was the closest. With 2k, I feel I came closer to her look; there's plenty of things to be ironed out, but otherwise, not bad for a first attempt.

- Half-assed 98SE-tan
...then there's half-assed 98SE-tan. This one's more a joke than anything; a nod toward Kari's cosplay of 98-tan (Which I remember her once describing as "fail 98-tan")

- Half-assed OS9-tan
Sonata...wait; not that one. This one
This one...yeah. This was just me being lazy -w-;

- Unintentional Kim Pine cosplay
Her alternate color scheme from the game
I picked out this jacket because it looked comfy (Although it was kinda tight in the arms)...and months later realized I, without even intending on it, had a cosplay of Kim Pine -w-

- Generic Japanese schoolgirl
I've had this since '12, but this pic originates from '13; with me and Gardy dressed similarly. Not much to say here; just a generic Japanese schoolgirl. I need to see if the website I bought this from still exists; so I can obtain a maid costume eventually >w>;

- Linkara
He has a magic gun; where'd he purchase that?
Mine could be considered a dark version of him; given the black jacket and fedora. Still, cool -w-

- PDP-11-tan
Reference pic...and my phone's wallpaper
I know this was just posted on the previous page, but I had to share it again; since it's my first good OS-tan cosplay. Also, magic gun, just because -w-


is it possible? the whale? looks good today???
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Is that a Totoro wrist band I see? :3


totoro wristband + jiji wristband from kikis
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


you butt, you always look good.

also i'm jelly of your gear. dat jack skellington and dose ghibli tho
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That's seriously what it's called.  The town is Love, the gap is thus Love Gap.

My office.


Nice new dress! The pattern reminds me a little of a pair of PJ pants I have.

The pattern on the comfy dress is pretty cool also.

Junk or not it's a good selfie. :)