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More IBM-tans

Started by stewartsage, January 11, 2010, 06:20:25 PM

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REFERENCE PIX...but he's short-haired. >_>



Hmmm...dunno where you hid that, but it might work...
Hafta skimp a bit on the silvery-ness, tho.


i give up on otakon. you people don't listen to my ideas/plans, and yet you expect me to do the majority of the work. ;__;

nej, if you lighten your hair slightly you might be able to make a passing SE-kun. Just act HAAA-DO GAAAAAY~~~

or a mac? :\
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Bah, lighten up Choco! What does it matter, if we all go as canon-tans or not? Isn't going to the con and getting to hang out with each other the main point of the trip? :<

But yes.

I am so going as Multics.

And Stewart and Nej are gonna be Emacs-kun and H6180-kun. :3


*sigh* yes, but.....

nevermind :\
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I'm not really satisfied with the design for LINC.  The reason it's taken so long for me to post this is the more I read, the more important important LINC seemed to me.  A good part of the 60's DEC line was either based on or based on part of LINC's systems, plus LINCTape became DECTape, RSTS, OS/8, and TSS-8 all were created for systems that descended from LINC.  Additionally, she may have beat both UNIX and Linux to a form of open sorcery when MIT put her design in the Public Domain.  So without further ado, LINC.

LINC (Laboratory INstrument Computer)
-Born in 1961 at MIT's Lincoln Laboratory
-Semi-related to Whirlwind (through TX-2's use to develop LINCTape)
-Went to work for DEC in 1964
-Largely forgotten, even by her children, only really RSTS
-Didn't get along well with the company/her fellow computers and OS's
--Refused to serve in the military
--Dislikes most company OS's
--Not very pro-DEC
--DEC lost patent on DECTape because of LINCTape
-Very friendly, especially with her contemporaries
-Worked for the National Institute of Mental Health for a while as well, developed some psychological skills
-Intelligent; has a good memory and quick recall (LINCTape was highly reliable and better then any contemporary system)
-Needs her planner to do anything, becomes lost without it (LINCTape wasn't an option, needed to operate)
-Can be difficult to talk to, only talking to one person at a time (locking keyboard meant only one key could be struck at once)
-Mother to a substantial part of the early DEC lineup; PDP-4, PDP-5, LINC-8 (a LINC and PDP-8 in one cabinet), and PDP-12, influenced PDP-11
-Considered something of a witch, possessed strange powers over paper (her design was entirely Public Domain)
-Status: Alive

Appearance: (as remembered) blue eyes, usually black dresses, wore green ribbons in her hair, a labcoat, necklace, in later years a stab vest (demonstration of LINCTape reliability often involved punch holes in tape with a paper punch)


Whirlwind-like was the first thing that came to mind.

"Strange powers over paper" made me think of Yomiko's papermaster powers; perhaps her stab-vest would've been made of some personally-constructed hardened paper? ^^

I'll probably provide comments in the form of drawage~ :3


I'm willing to wait for some of that, but I might cook up something of my own as well. If my block goes away, at least. -_-

Aurora Borealis

Sounds like an interesting character! Is she the biological mother of many of the DEC-tans?

Awww... Too bad she didn't get along with those who she helped create, nor was she loyal to their company. What happened there?

@Bella: That's what I thought too when I first read her description! :D


Quote from: Bells"Strange powers over paper" made me think of Yomiko's papermaster powers; perhaps her stab-vest would've been made of some personally-constructed hardened paper? ^^

Rumors to the effect that the author was thinking of the power associated with the British Library's 'Agent Paper' are totally and completely false.  That's also a good idea.

Quote from: Aurora-donoSounds like an interesting character! Is she the biological mother of many of the DEC-tans?

Awww... Too bad she didn't get along with those who she helped create, nor was she loyal to their company. What happened there?

She could be considered the biological grandmother/mother of any that used the DECTape system I suppose, if you mean the OS's.  At best she's a godmother or the like to any/all PDP-8 OS's.

Well, once they grew up that is.  Well she was a native MIT rather then a DEC, one of the last I believe, and resented being torn away from the life of academia and research at NIMH to be a corporate shill for DEC.  Plus, I imagine her beliefs (being a public domain system) would be rather counter to any corporate culture.  Plus, her later refusal to serve in the military; think of it as sort of like being a conscientious objector or a 'draft dodger' during a time of war (see Foyle's War Series I, A Lesson in Murder).


does liek. -w-
*waits patiently for pics*
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Quote from: stewartsage on February 03, 2011, 01:23:12 PMRumors to the effect that the author was thinking of the power associated with the British Library's 'Agent Paper' are totally and completely false.  That's also a good idea.

Ahhh-ha! *feels smug for figuring it out*

Quote from: stewartsage on February 03, 2011, 01:23:12 PM
Quote from: Aurora-donoSounds like an interesting character! Is she the biological mother of many of the DEC-tans?

Awww... Too bad she didn't get along with those who she helped create, nor was she loyal to their company. What happened there?

She could be considered the biological grandmother/mother of any that used the DECTape system I suppose, if you mean the OS's.  At best she's a godmother or the like to any/all PDP-8 OS's.

Well, once they grew up that is.  Well she was a native MIT rather then a DEC, one of the last I believe, and resented being torn away from the life of academia and research at NIMH to be a corporate shill for DEC.  Plus, I imagine her beliefs (being a public domain system) would be rather counter to any corporate culture.  Plus, her later refusal to serve in the military; think of it as sort of like being a conscientious objector or a 'draft dodger' during a time of war (see Foyle's War Series I, A Lesson in Murder).

I'm partial to her being the (intellectual/adoptive?) mother of all PDP-8 OS-tans, if only 'cause they don't have any ancestors yet and I dislike having ancestorless OS-tans when there's a possible mother-figure available.

LINC's attitude CERTAINLY would have been passed down to TSS-8 and OS/8-tan; they're both very wary about military environments (the former being a conscientious objector herself), and two of the more bohemian of the DECs.

Here's a list of other PDP-8 OSes, in case anyone wants to do some gratuitous -tanmaking:


good lord that's alot of -tans. o___o
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