Oct. 22 - The birth of Windows 7-Tan

Started by MigKun, October 21, 2009, 11:38:23 PM

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Today is the official birthday of Windows 7-tan.

We went through many Vistans and we still don't know which is the true one. This time, we may have an official one to promote in Japan but people will still fight over which is the real 7-Tan.

But today is a joyous day! Let us celebrate it!

Full Image here: http://fc07.deviantart.com/fs51/f/2009/294/d/2/Windows_7_tan_by_Mig_kun.jpg

Added after 33 minutes:

Windows 7-tan

After the failings of Vistake, 7-tan has had to come in to save the day for her little sister.

7-Tan is initially seen as a workaholic, showing a very confident and cold side when someone meets her; this is because after Vistake's failings, no one took Vistake seriously and when they found out about 7-Tan, the other OS-tans just disregarded her and met her with such skepticism. But whenever something was asked of her, she would do everything right and more. Everyone was surprised and started to warm up to her. Once they did, she began showing her very caring by trying to accommodate everybody and showing off her fun side with her DirectX11. When she is in her initial professional mode, inside she is hurting because she really wants to be really nice and do anything else to make the user comfortable and happy but she can't show any sign of weakness because everyone sees Vistake first before they get to know her. When she comes across a time where she cannot do what a user wants, she would then channel XP-tan.

While her little sister used resources like crazy and barely did anything with it, she decided to be careful with every kb. She has a busty and curvy body and is very frustrated because she tries to lose the weight but she seems that she is unable to; she would multitask, play many physical activities and games, anything to lose the weight but she would get depressed when she finds that she would not lose a pound.

7-tan feels like she is trying to redeem Vistake but Vistake would lash at her for trying to make everybody happy and 7-Tan gets confused and sad by her reaction.

She enjoys:
- PC games like Team Fortress 2
- Daft Punk (her music Idols)
- trying to make everybody happy

She hates:
- her curvy body and weight
- Mac-tan and her commercials making fun of Vistake


4 quizzes, 1 result, XP-tan, that\'s me. >:| Dawrn it.


Quote from: "MigKun"She hates:
- her curvy body and weight
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far.

BTW, why does hate her curvy body?
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Quote from: "Sora"
Quote from: "MigKun"She hates:
- her curvy body and weight
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far.

BTW, why does hate her curvy body?

lol Why? Because she is jealous of XP-tan. Everyone loves XP-tan because she is way easier to deal with because of her minimum requirements; while she tries her best to accommodate everybody by even acting like XP-tan in Windows XP-mode, she still has large requirements and feels depressed because of it. Now, she tries to work out to lower her requirements with little success

Aurora Borealis

XP-tan... minimum requirements? BWAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, sorry, that's funny in retrospect! When XP was first released, it was derided by many for its high requirements and colorful appearance of the time, and that's why to this day, XP-tan is still portrayed as the extreme glutton since she was the current Windows OS when the OS-tans were first created.

Though in all fairness, XP is able to run well on today's netbooks and the XP-tans typically aren't over-the-top like many Vistan designs are. I think that if there were to be any character development in XP-tan's backstory, I think she would have at this point learned to be more resourceful and conservative than she was before.

I think it's really sweet that your Windows 7-tan character wants to redeem her older sister Vistan, but tragic that Vistan doesn't know that, and thinks that 7-tan is just trying to upstage her even further. Even Vistan needs some friends!

BTW, there is no settled design on Vistan and many different ones continue to be used, though some are more popular than others. The three most popular Vistan designs are Vistake and Visbou created by Futaba, and Chivistan created by +Nijiura+.


Yeah... XP-tan and "resource efficient" in the same sentence... Eight years ago nobody would have believed it.

Oh, well, my congratualtions to the MS/Madobe Family and my blessing to their newest member. ^^

Oh, good profile by the way.

There are some things I'd add/change, though:

-7-tan is definitely -not- as curvy as Vis-tan. She still doesn't really like her curves because she's afraid of being mistaken as someone with a great body and no brain (which is the impreession most people had of her older sister Vis-tan).

-Despite the Jealousy Vis-tan may feel towards her, I still think 7-tan would get along with vistan better than most of her sisters. In particular, I think she's the only one in the windows family who respect her enough to call her onee-sama (7 -is- largely based on Vista, after all).

-Favourite videogames of 7-tan probably include WiC and ArmA II (The two games that so far have the largest performance gains in 7. About +10/20 fps).

-Her favourite singer -has- to be Nana Mizuki  8)


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"XP-tan... minimum requirements? BWAHAHAHAHA!
Though in all fairness, XP is able to run well on today's netbooks and the XP-tans typically aren't over-the-top like many Vistan designs are. I think that if there were to be any character development in XP-tan's backstory, I think she would have at this point learned to be more resourceful and conservative than she was before.

I think it's really sweet that your Windows 7-tan character wants to redeem her older sister Vistan, but tragic that Vistan doesn't know that, and thinks that 7-tan is just trying to upstage her even further. Even Vistan needs some friends!

BTW, there is no settled design on Vistan and many different ones continue to be used, though some are more popular than others. The three most popular Vistan designs are Vistake and Visbou created by Futaba, and Chivistan created by +Nijiura+.

Yeah, but since XP has been a great and easy platform to work on by many developers, it was able to become very mainstream. Since many have already adjusted to XP's requirements, 7 seems just like the same memory hog as Vista except it uses it much more efficiently, thus why it is self conscious about her bust size and curves :P

I think the OS-tans should have their character backstories updated through the comics but it is like a character in a sitcom, it is hard to change them because the fans have learned to love them for who they are.

Well, I started thinking how Vista has been treated by the community and its problems when it started and still has. So why not make it part of a personality trait? :P Poor 7-tan.

Yeah, I mentioned that in my original post but I have come to care for Vistake as the preferred choice; I mean, Visbou is great as another Vista Edition but Chivista seems too... complicated compared to the other OS-tans. So because of that and how similar Vista and 7, I just thought 7 is what Vista should have been and reflected it as so in the design.

Added after 16 minutes:

Quote from: "Nuker"
Oh, good profile by the way.

There are some things I'd add/change, though:

-7-tan is definitely -not- as curvy as Vis-tan. She still doesn't really like her curves because she's afraid of being mistaken as someone with a great body and no brain (which is the impression most people had of her older sister Vis-tan).
I'd have to disagree about not being as curvy as Vis-tan. I am basing 7-tan off the Vistake Version of Vista, particularly in color scheme, but we all know Vista is a huge memory hog compared to XP but Vista is not as efficient and wastes all that memory; it is like eating all this food and barely getting any nutrients or anything else from it. 7, however, makes sure that every byte of memory is actually used and not wasted, thus her curvy body, much like how XP is busty because she eats so much memory except it is reflected on her body rather than her gluttonistic personality

But I will agree to add the whole "Great body, no brain" because that can also help fuel her desire to present herself as very professional and do everything correctly,  perfectly and more. Once they get to know her and forgetting their initial opinion of 7-tan, thinking of her as another Vistake with so many problems and difficult to get along with as well as being a dumb secretary, then they see she is very kind, caring, and wants everybody to be happy.

Quote-Despite the Jealousy Vis-tan may feel towards her, I still think 7-tan would get along with vistan better than most of her sisters. In particular, I think she's the only one in the windows family who respect her enough to call her onee-sama (7 -is- largely based on Vista, after all).
I agree; while they get along much better since they share many similarities, I think they will be your standard Younger/Older sister relationship because 7-tan will try to protect Vistake but then Vistake will be angry for defending her and the such.

QuoteFavourite videogames of 7-tan probably include WiC and ArmA II (The two games that so far have the largest performance gains in 7. About +10/20 fps).
How about FPSs and RTSs, particularly Military games? I dunno. I don't want to over complicate this. I guess 7-tan loves all games but leans more towards the military games, because she is usually submissive and accommodating, she can release her stress by commanding others and using rocket launchers.  

Quote-Her favourite singer -has- to be Nana Mizuki  8)
Favorite Group: Daft Punk
Favorite Singer: Nana Mizuki

Added after 1 minutes:

In a bit, I will start posting more drawings of my 7-tan in a few hours!

If you guys really like my 7-tan, why don't we spread the news!


Well Chivistan having a more complex character design was probably intentional: Vista -is- way more flashy than XP and has lots of addictional features, at the cost of being a rather bloated OS.

I like the Chivistan design the most, though I also like the rare Cynthia-inspired blonde-hair-with-Vista-halo version.

EDIT: Ah, I see you've replied. You've even modified the profile! Great! :D

On the whole curvy-body stuff: Well, 7 does use less memory than Vista did on this machine, though I have to agree it does still use much more than Xp. Also, the Windows 7 interface is even flashier than the Vista one, so yeah, I think you have a point.


Quote from: "Nuker"Well Chivistan having a more complex character design was probably intentional: Vista -is- way more flashy than XP and has lots of addictional features, at the cost of being a rather bloated OS.

I like the Chivistan design the most, though I also like the rare Cynthia-inspired blonde-hair-with-Vista-halo version. :D

Vistake is angry so she will cause you more problems than normal.

Aurora Borealis

Quite a few OSC-made OS-tans have a lot of backstory to them, and some of the canon OS-tans have backstories related to their history though the stories are fanon-only; for example, MS-DOS-tan's childhood with Windows 1.0-tan, 2.0-tan, OS/2-tan and PC-DOS-tan; that NT-tan fought against her 'sister' OS/2-tan and her mother VMS-tan, and that NT-tan is VMS-tan's cloned daughter though NT-tan doesn't know that.

And there's GNU/Linux-tan, originally created as sort of a throwaway character to represent all the Linux distros and didn't have a defined personality or any backstory, but OSC fanon created a vast backstory where she is the leader and ancestor of the Linux-tans and how she used to be UNIX's mortal enemy but the two managed to reconcile. Their descendants, on the other hand? Not so much! ^^;

3.1-tan, 95-tan, 95 OSR 2.1-tan and 95 OSR 2.5-tan also have fanon-made backstories as well (in fact, 95 OSR 2.1-tan's whole character design and personality also fanon-made! Her only existence in an OS-tan comic was that she was only mentioned once or twice in a 4-koma strip!), but the later Windows-tans don't seem to.

I see where 7-tan would have some respect for Vistan, since Windows 7 owes its existence to Vista!

My favorite Vistan is Chivistan because of her flashy appearance and that she captures the Vista color scheme very well. I also like Vistake's design, it's good but the color scheme is not Vista-like at all, unless you count the rare and extremely feared Red Screen of Death!

But I think Vistake's design works as well as Chivistan's since... Vista was a screwy OS after all!


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Quite a few OSC-made OS-tans have a lot of backstory to them, and some of the canon OS-tans have backstories related to their history though the stories are fanon-only; for example, MS-DOS-tan's childhood with Windows 1.0-tan, 2.0-tan, OS/2-tan and PC-DOS-tan; that NT-tan fought against her 'sister' OS/2-tan and her mother VMS-tan, and that NT-tan is VMS-tan's cloned daughter though NT-tan doesn't know that.  

Yeah! And I want to read all of it but I can barely find anything about it!

QuoteI see where 7-tan would have some respect for Vistan, since Windows 7 owes its existence to Vista!

My favorite Vistan is Chivistan because of her flashy appearance and that she captures the Vista color scheme very well. I also like Vistake's design, it's good but the color scheme is not Vista-like at all, unless you count the rare and extremely feared Red Screen of Death!

But I think Vistake's design works as well as Chivistan's since... Vista was a screwy OS after all!

Yup! So you can say that all of the Vistans are canon, just different editions. Anyway, I can see that whole thing about Chivistan but I barely see anything with her in terms of fancomics.

FYI: I am posting drawings in about an hour!

Aurora Borealis

Some of it is mentioned in the OSC wiki:


I think you'd like the OS-tan Annex Project storylines. The project was started by a former OSC member as a way to consolidate fanon, and integrate new OS-tans and their backstories into a storyline while remaining faithful to preexisting OS-tan canon.

There are a lot of OS-tan character and backstory ideas and conjectures in this thread, but at 31 pages long, it's a LOOOOOOOONG read!


The story is hard to find but simple to follow: because most events in the story are based on real life.
E.g. the break-up of the Windows/IBM family was based on the separation of IBM and Microsoft.
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


click to make it bigger


E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.