OS-tan Variations (We-tan~)

Started by Koshi, April 27, 2005, 11:42:25 AM

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Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Wolfwood2057"
hum...different versions of DOS-tan...

i suppose that makes sense too,since every windows-tan is technically a different version.I doubt it's canon since most people probably don't even talk about the 'official' DOS-tan much nowadays,but i'll certainly take to that theory :)

MS-DOS-tan the schoolgirl is seldom talked about in canon, and there have been very few pictures of her drawn in the past four years- most of the pictures in the DOS gallery here have been around since 2004 or 2005, and I know this because I've been and OS-tan fan and lurker since the summer of 2005. She's still canon but 'obscure', and interpretations of her personality and backstory largely originate from fanon.

The 'canon' is universally accepted among the OS-tan community, but the fanon created here and in other OS-tan communities is still strong and essentially is an 'expansion pack' to the canon OS-tan universe.


Another variation is Linux. Is it a Penguin?

Or is it a girl?
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


I think it's possible to go for days on the number of linux-tans there are...theres one for every distro,theres various ones for each distro,theres some that represent all,theres some that represent one.

Theres some that represent them here and there,they can represent them anywhere!

...okay that came out bad,but i think you see my point :D

out of them however,i'd say my favorite is this one

it's just so adorable+it's a penguin girl.I think on the wiki this is referred to as the Generic Linux Tan...with the kun being the giant penguin i guess?

whats not to like?
QuoteThat\'s right--you have to amuse yourself while playing a game; a game being something ostensibly designed to amuse. And if the player is doing this, then something has clearly gone wrong.
-Ben \'Yahtzee\' Croshaw


Meh. I like my girl better. She's sexy.
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Quote from: "Sora"Meh. I like my girl better. She's sexy.

tbh i don't like most of the sexy ones,save XP.I think they just don't hit the mark as well.

When i think of the OS-tans,i like to see one that seems as if...it could actually stand in public.

I can think of quite a couple obscene things in the bad way that would be said to that linux if she walked out in public.

Plus i'd rather see the tans dressing at least semi-formally or casually...rather then...in bikini-esque looks

i guess i'm having a hard time wording it,i just don't like the 'straight out sexy' look of some of the tans,like it feels like they're going more for looking nice then looking relatable. Like even XP and 2000 have that certain charm and windows-esque look,and look nice without crossing the borders
QuoteThat\'s right--you have to amuse yourself while playing a game; a game being something ostensibly designed to amuse. And if the player is doing this, then something has clearly gone wrong.
-Ben \'Yahtzee\' Croshaw


-shakes head groggily-
You're right; I'm sorry. Besides, that Linux does have poor dress sense...
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Quote from: "Sora"Another variation is Linux. Is it a Penguin?

Or is it a girl?

you are refering to  GNU-linux, otherwise known as "penguin". the penguin (1st pic) is the male version of this OS, while the girl is the -tan. the male version is, well, rather creepy (it has 3 dicks..... O___o ) and is currently the only male linux lurking the site, and the only male linux i've seen.
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Aurora Borealis

The creepy Linux penguin is the first OS-tan character to represent Linux and was the only representation for some time, but thankfully another artist drew a cute girl version as well. Both designs are valid by the OS-tan canon and fanon alike.

There are many Linux-tans representing different Linux distros, but not all of them have OS-tans since trying to personify ALL of them would be insanely difficult, with there being over 300 of them! ^^;

There is one other Linux-kun, personifying Damn Small Linux:

or for a much better view: here.


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Aurora Borealis

He's a sheep, is friends with Homeo, sometimes gets dragged into Homeko's yaoi-loving antics, and he is in love with Inu-T.

His name is also some sort of a pun, as "hitsuji" means sheep.




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