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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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well, badassness is badass even in the wrong outfit. -w-
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You could put Chuck Norris in a clown costume, and he'd still be badass.

Anyway, here's another MapleStory pic; Gardenia's encounter with a creepy doll (Not a foe...but still a bit creepy)


oh god, that IS creepy. .__.;

hay guize, this almost fits here: how long do you typically wait before changing your avatar? i was thinking of changing mine again, but it feels a bit...soon?
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I change it whenever I feel like it. I've considered switching to something else soon, since I've used this 2k-tan avatar since I first joined.

Anyway, here's another random MapleStory pic; of when the icons for the alphabet pasta I was collecting at the time happened to line up too perfectly in the menu...


that's pretty cool....... :3

eh, i guess you're right, i can always go back to the broken heart pizza.

now it's just a matter of what picture to use. >w<;

EDIT: as you can see, i figured it out. :3
and to celebrate:

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This is what your average night on my laptop looks long as TV Tropes doesn't get involved


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Of course; had Asagi been running on Vista when I found her at a pawn shop, I wouldn't have bought it up so quickly (Although, I though it was funny how the fairly new laptop that was running Windows 7 was cheaper than the 10-year-old Viao next to it that was running Windows ME).

Also, 2k-tan discovers my pr0n stash; it being cleverly hidden in a folder saying that it doesn't contain what it really does
(Yeah; I took a pic I liked from the gallery and relabeled the folders she was holding)


reminds me of the files that used to be on shitty; i labeled them for the lulz:
more porn
sooper porn

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Dr. Kraus

More Porn


As a useless bit of knowledge, I do have a folder labeled as "Random Crap" on just about all my PCs; which literally contains a file called Random Crap, which is a long-running document about nothing.

The "Not Porn" folder, when it still existed, mainly contained funny pictures labeled in ways that made it sound like it did have some kind of porn in there; such as this picture, which was originally labeled "Hot Chicks":


that's pretty awesome, dude. -w-

i try to keep myself organized, but it usually results in endless catacombs of folders. :\

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This is quite possibly the single greatest ice cream invention since the Klondike bar; one that's also worth doing random and silly things to get. Behold, Choco Taco!


i was never really a fan of the choco taco, oddly enough. i don't really like nuts. :\

i much prefer this:
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Dr. Kraus

Guess what game I just finished replaying!?!?