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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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I actually never though about that one, and it's just too awesome to not say that yeah; it's a brokick. For that...


i did. -w-

didn't nej post some AWESOME BROFIST ACTION a couple months ago in reaction to something my brother did? :\

listening to this right now. -w-
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@Choco: Who is that?

Anyway, this sign in Portal 2 makes me think my boss is a robot; considering his superiority complex


if robots are so much better than us, then let's see them get married while skydiving, then start the honeymoon right after. -w-;
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You have a good point. Besides, androids are far superior to plain robots (For proof of concept, compare Data from TNG to the robot from Lost in Space)

Anyway, here's a random pic I took with my camera, of a packet of mild hot sauce I got while at Taco Bell this past that apparently seeks freedom. Is it weird to say that I can relate to this packet?


with something that ambiguous, i think we can all relate.

even though i hate spicy food. :\
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What's wrong with spicy food? You know, unless it doesn't agree with you...


i have a sensitive tummy. as a result, i'm picky about what i eat, for fear of being sick later. :[

and spicy food is too spicy. i like a medium salsa once in awhile, though, ^^ (pineapple salsa is the best!! ^^)
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I typically prefer mild salsa, really; that's one thing I don't like too hot

Anyway, to get this back on topic, it's time for more MapleStory pics; this time, a scenic photo of Gardenia standing under a sakura tree


needs moar yuri. and mikos.

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I approve of the yuri
*Two thumbs up*



i'd like a list of all the series that contain yuri. -w-
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That would be nice; as a quick reference.

Now for more MapleStory pics; the first one being of the first draft for Kirk's "Losing a bet" Halloween costume. I almost did this, but ended up going with the pink dress instead since it worked better

The second one is a proposed alternate costume for Gardenia; her own take on "Losing a bet", with a really stupid-looking Christmas dress that I don't think anybody in their right mind would willingly wear


i think the christmas dress looks kinda cute.... ;^;

i REEEEEALY want that portable scanner, if only for the fact that it'd give me easy access to post whatever doodles i want. -w- (you guys might laugh at some of the storyboarding i've been doing for the os-tan comiket >w<; )
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I think it looks a bit silly, really...although, Gardenia could make it seem badass if she wore it while taking on a giant enemy crab by herself (Like a while back, when she fought one while wearing a bright pink dress)