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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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And mine is most likely the smallest, clocking in at under 20 volumes.  Mainly because I can't afford all of Negima.


Mine's the smallest, clocking in at What I borrow from my brother + friends since there are no places that sell manga around here and I have yet to find a series that's compelling enough that I'd want to order it online. : /


I have Elfen Lied and Infinite Ryvius, a total of 14 volumes.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i've never bothered to count, but i'm willing to assume that mine hovers somewhere around the 150-200 range.....

though i really should count. :\

btw, do 'how to draw manga' books or art/fanbooks count towards the total?
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(Accidentally posted this in the wrong topic. Really need more coffee...)


i'm really not sure what's going on here.....just like when i watched that.
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I just realized that went into the wrong topic...


same with what i posted. dammit.
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Anyway, with that error corrected, I think I'll actually leave a real picture here before I get off for the night (I could probably use the sleep...)
This is some stuff hanging over my bed; a cross I made out of matchsticks at church ages ago...right across from an ad for the original Nintendo DS that says "Touching is good". Don't you love conflicting messages?


why is rodney grimes written on the wall....?
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That's actually part of the cardboard that cross is on. For the curious, that's actually my real name (Hence the name of my Red Skull on Disgaea)


lol. that name sounds so familiar, like i heard it in a magazine or tv or something. xD
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Maybe you heard it in your dreams; like you saw a trailer for movie that I directed (Which, I haven't directed any movies...yet, at least; there's always the chance I get a video camera and some friends together to make a no-budget film to put on YouTube)

Anyway, it's time for more pics:
This is a bootleg of the series 4 box set of Doctor Who I ended up with; I bought what I was lead to believe was a used but like new copy of the Region 1 release, and instead got a new bootleg that's designed to look like a Region 2 copy, which looks pretty convincing until you see the discs. The first picture is of the bootleg copy by itself, the 2nd one has it next to the legit copy I bought shortly after, and the 3rd one compares the disks. Thankfully, I was able to easily lie about it being a Region 2 copy, so I was able to return it to that seller under Amazon for a refund.
I was finally able to take some pictures of the bottom of my movie and game shelf; where the DVD movies, the BluRays, and my DS games are kept.
This is the 4 most noteworthy versions of Windows I have; 95 OSR2, 98SE (With it's sleeve cut up to be put in a jewel case), ME (With the hologram of awesomeness; which is hard to get a good picture of), and 2000 (Also with the hologram of awesomeness). I also have 2 sets of Windows for Workgroups 3.11 installation disks, but the case they're in is currently missing...
Lastly, we have Sylvester ignoring me; likely because I didn't share my chicken with him

That's the last of the pics I took with my mom's camera; the pictures from here on out will be with the camera my sister gave me (Which is pretty well worn because of how long she's had it, but it's still better than my DSi)
Well, not quite the last pictures with that camera; there's still a handful of trap pics taken with it that I haven't posted yet


@pentium: KITTY!! <33
good that you were able to get a refund for the discs. ^^;

i need to find my camera's charger soon......
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Here's the first wave of pictures with my newer camera (It's actually my sister's old camera; which is pretty well worn after 5+ years of use, but still runs circles around my DSi):
This is my cell phone next to the pager I carry with me at work (Which the pager has a small crack in it's screen). That pager had to be from the early-to-mid '90s; who else would it be slightly bigger than my phone?
My phone again, with the lid open. I'm considering upgrading to something else; this one's battery life isn't quite as good as it used to be (Also, it's not as good as my previous phone as a whole, regardless of being slightly more advanced)