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member picture thread :D

Started by zjhentohlauedy, March 27, 2010, 06:16:57 AM

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why are you always so nervous with her? it's obvious she likes you; you should relax and enjoy. -w-
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is she a nerd? cause if so, then she's right, lol. xDD no matter how pretty a girl is, the second she starts talking about dr. who she will never get a jock. xDD (they're too dumb to even grasp what dr. who is. :\ )

still. don't get so rattled! calm the f*ck down, man!
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you're not a jock. otherwise, you wouldn't be here.

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I've played just about every major sport there is, and I'm very physically fit. Or do you mean the mentality part?

and lolwut


bit of both. who knew you were a jock. how the hell'd you end up here? :\
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I am a jack of all trades! Except for PCS... and Android.

I go to the gym 3 times a week and can replace a Macbook Pro's ram in 10 minutes. Heck yeah.  8)



i didn't think it was possible.

not sure if i trust you...... >>;;

planning on baking a cake for my mother tomorrow. (it's her birthday today, but she has work tomorrow so it'll be a surprise. ^^) if i remember i'll try to post pics. :3
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I pride myself in my strength, as even she has described me as freakishly strong. I have no idea how red I looked at that point.

She dances too, but she's more of a fan-fiction/fantasy/RP nerd then I am (though I do RP at times, and do write fan-fiction sometimes too), she's actually CLUELESS when it comes to computers. Hence our awesome combination being like a Spiritomb.


@Choco: Will that cake be decorated with candy-coated peanut butter pieces that are shaped like fish?
@Krizonar: All I have to say is don't let her get away; you don't run into a girl like that everyday

Anyway, here's two more pics:
This is a Lego spaceship-slash-submarine I built a few years back; which has become one of the decorations on my bookshelf (Although I moved it to the top of my TV for these pics). The 2nd one shows it with the dome open, to reveal the pilot and the control system.


Being an athlete =/= being a stereotypical dumb jock K. Besides, who says a person who's into sports can't also be a nerd? Nerds aren't always sun-deprived uncoordinated weaklings.... >____>;

Don't be so black-and-white worldview. D:

Back to the matter at hand: Kriz and future Mrs. Kriz are adorable as ever. x) I don't think there's anything wrong with your posing/expressions either...


yay scott pilgrim! >:3

seriously, do i have the biggest manga collection here? :\
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I love Scott Pilgrim, had a dream like the plot of the comics last night.

Wasn't hard, she only has one ex, so yeah.

Probably, my collection isn't that big.

Though this picture shows me Katarina apparently got into my Deathnotes. 4 and 3 are backwards and 2 is missing.


i somehow acquired the entire manga of death note. :\

and scott pilgrim was awesome. -w- that's one comic i have yet to procure. :\
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 19, 2011, 11:19:10 PM
seriously, do i have the biggest manga collection here? :\

That's possible. xP


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 19, 2011, 11:19:10 PM
yay scott pilgrim! >:3

seriously, do i have the biggest manga collection here? :\


mine's prolly only around a hundred >3>
My my, aren't you lovely~