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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@nej: didn't realize you read oglaf! :3
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Hahaha, I remember that one!  Oh man, it's been soooo long since I read Oglaf.

Dr. Kraus


damn, the witches snuck back in! well, at least we have something to talk about. :3

should we list (in topicless or other sites or something) the webcomics we read, if any?
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Webcomics: they combine the unfunniness and/or painfully long story arcs of print comics with the violence, obscenities and/or smuttiness of Teh Interwebz!

That is to say, I don't read them... cause I have better ways to piss my time away. >___>


@bella: people could take offense to that. :[
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I like my webcomics, what few have survived the long years to maintain my interest.

Finally, a translated version of that last pic!  mmmm, Dom and Jane... and Angela/Patricia....


I used to read a lot of webcomics, although now the only one I still read is Persona 3 FTW. Of all of them, my favorite was probably Neglected Mario Characters (More precisely, Bill & Fred's Quazi-Mediocre Adventure)

Anyway, it's time for another random MapleStory pic; this time, a picture of Gardenia having a run-in with a clone of herself, who apparently wields a sword while running around in pajamas:

Also, as a bonus, a picture of her attempting to cosplay as 2k-tan. Unfortunately, a cape doesn't work as well as a longcoat for this:


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 11, 2011, 10:27:00 PM
@bella: people could take offense to that. :[

I probably could have phrased it better - let's just say I'm far too short of attention span to get into web comics. : / (It's the same reason there's only a few TV series that I actually "follow" and am hesitant to watch anime series that have more than 20 episodes...) >__<

A(nother) choice selection from my shoujo-ai file:



I'll just leave this here...


I'm the same way Aurora .w. Except I haven't found any webcomics I like enough to keep up-to-date on. : /


I've been reading Zombie Hunters since the beginning <3.

Digital television.... you monsters.

SCAR = operator

Gonna be late!


As this picture has shown me, there is a secondary function to the upper exhaust fan on 2k-tan the Desktop; drying my mittens


@pentium: ah, the power of finding alternate uses for computers. you should have been here when i suggested that nejin bake cookies in his computer. -w-

@bella: you just have to find one that interests you. and watch what you say about certian things, that's my future livelihood you're insulting there. ;^;
@gen-pop: i follow paul reveres, oglaf, grim tales (snafu), PPG doujin (snafu), and now scandinavia and the world. :3 occasionally i check on VGcats and super effective, and i used to read my sister's boyfriend's webcomic, customer support, but it kinda stopped updating. :\

i've also been meaning to get back into homestuck, since my browser crashed and i lost the tab. :\

in other news, for anyone that's been paying attention, picbomb has broken the 12k image mark, and isn't even close to being done. i'm about a third of the way through the XP section of the warpzone, and still have every section after that in line to go through (including the h-files). after that, pixiv.

and before anyone offers/asks, don't interfere. this is MY job. >.>;
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