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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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@bella: i love you and your simpsons reference. ;v;
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Here's another one from MapleStory, of my previous main character, Kirk, facing the grestest foe: Windows 7 compatibility issues

Thankfully, they seem to have worked a lot of these bugs out with the big expansion they did back in December, but before that, this was a regular occurrence for me. Always on the same quest at the same point; like the game was giving me the bird for surviving the first half of this frustrating jumping quest.


i just find it funny that you named a character kirk. is he a CAPITAN, by any chance? >w>
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Yeah. In fact, my 3 characters and their namesakes on there are as follows:

- Kirk (Captain James T. Kirk, from Star Trek)
- Gardenia (A character I liked from the original .hack)
- The Walrus (The song "I Am the Walrus", by the Beatles)


you know, i was gonna ask if Gardenia has anything to do with .hack. :3 didn't realize you played.
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I've been meaning to get back to it; I left off roughly half-way through Quarantine, with my file dating back to when I started Infection in late summer '07. Although I really want to see how the story ends, It's hard to get back into it from a gameplay perspective after playing Persona 3.


why, out of all the people i know who played it, are me and my best friend the only people who finished it. :\
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Probably because virus core hunting gets really tiresome after a while


Picbomb guys!

Here's where I work, thought you'd be interested:

The racks where various PCs in need of TLC are hooked up.

My station.

Parts bins and spare PCs.

My supervisor, who is a cruel mistress!

And the mountain of sweets and such I share a room with.  Boss's wife runs a sweet shop.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


That's a pretty awesome, if cramped, office Red!  Does she let you indulge in any of those sweets or are they off limits?  Kitty supervisor is a harsh mistress indeed..... What kind of keyboard is that?  (also, wouldn't this fit better in Member Picture?)

Lt. Francis R. Gerard, future Adjutant General of the New Jersey National Guard.  Newest addition to the SW lineup.

And also yuri.


The keyboard I'm using?  It's an eMachines, like the one I used to have on our old XP tower.

And yes, I am allowed to indulge in the sweets.  I often walk into the office to find something on my desk for me.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Kitty supervisor's following everything you do! Make sure to not abuse your work email. x)


kitty supervisor reminds me of this. <3333
@stew: sweet, sweet yuri. <3
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Taking a break from posting MapleStory pics, here's a random screencap from a cut-scene in one of the downloadable stages of the agonizingly hard Disgaea spin-off, Prinny: Can I Really Be The Hero. This has become one of my favorite quotes from the entire series; it always comes to mind whenever I think about getting something on BluRay instead of DVD

@stew: The yuri you posted receives my seal of approval


@pentium: details on that game, please. :3
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