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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I swear, I'm gonna choke a bitch when I get home.

Also: Not a missile, they actually sent in a special forces team that shot and killed him.  Damn straight.


-w- gotta love the snipers.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 01, 2011, 09:57:44 PM
they probably don't like him; they fear him. either that or he's paying them. :\

I know that at least one of them does genuinely like him; since she is pretty much the teacher's pet. Aside from that, there is a chance the others are only pretending to like him and really feel the same way the rest of us do.

As for bin Laden dieing, I just saw that report on the frontpage of Yahoo while going to check my mail. I think this calls for celebratory dance! *Does the
Hare Hare Yukai*


Not only him but everyone else in his retinue.  No matter what my, um, more cautious friends might say I'm pretty damn happy. 


i just realized why some shopping areas don't have trash bins *_*
My my, aren't you lovely~


*Is not impressed with the overwhelming American patriotism here*

I really don't get you guys.  If it had been the SAS who had killed him, the British people would be like "Oh yay, he's dead!  What's on TV?" not chanting Rule Britannia in the streets...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Why's that Zen?

Let each country have their own method of celebration, whether chanting our country's abbreviation or what have you.  That and I think they'd be considerably overjoyed to have the SAS make up for their recent Libyan adventure.


Now now... let the tiny nationalist bickering that raised its head sleep again. ^^;

About Bin Laden's death...  good riddance. Symbolically it's an enormous thing, but in practice I wonder about the consequences. Fringe groups love martyrs after all. >.< I'm hoping this'd discourage the loonies, but fear it might spark a lot of strikes again.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 01, 2011, 07:28:22 PM
@pitkin: how are you feeling after the surgery, btw? we haven't asked in awhile and i hope there aren't any complications. :3

Feeling good, thanks for asking Choco! No complications whatsoever. :) Life's pretty much back to normal (though my recovery period has still some four months remaining), and now nothing stands between me and Fedora-Tan's throne-- I mean, Fedora-Tan. Organising my move currently, that is to say. ^.^ Yesterday Fedora-Tan took closer to 20kg of my stuff with him as he returned to France, including my power drill! x3


Quote from: stewartsage on May 02, 2011, 05:06:29 AM
Why's that Zen?

Let each country have their own method of celebration, whether chanting our country's abbreviation or what have you.  That and I think they'd be considerably overjoyed to have the SAS make up for their recent Libyan adventure.

cuz if you're pissed at them you could easily throw away some of their merchandise without them realizing it D:

My my, aren't you lovely~


They buried it at sea, apparently.


As a random though I just had, what is it about cats and wanting to knock everything over? My cat, even when there isn't any need to, will knock stuff over in the way of one of his various spots in the room

@Pitken: It's good that you're doing better


@nej: i was hoping they would preserve him in a museum. :\ my mum and dad think that they probably said that, and now they've got him in a torture cell for questioning or something.
@zen: never really thought of that. would make things damn more convenient if they had more, though. :\
@pentium: i should learn that dance. but it looks complicated. :\
@pitkin: good to hear. ^^ and a power drill? what might that be used for? >:3
@red: did he blow up your buildings? sorry to sound like a nationalist, but 1. you're a massive-ass nationalist for GB, so don't get all high and mighty when we wanna show some spirit, and 2. 9/11 was a major thing for us, almost like 11/5 for you guys. (only yours is good, and ours is bad.)
@stew: ding, dong, the witch is dead, which old witch? the wicked witch! ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.....
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i've been expecting this the whole day.
My my, aren't you lovely~


@Red: For God's sake, the man behind the worse attack on America and one of the wars we're currently in is dead. We have every right to celebrate and be proud of our country for this accomplishment. (And like K noted, YOU'RE a massive British nationalist and you'd be damned proud if GB had pulled off this feat, so, yeah. Pot calling Kettle black and all). Personally I'm overjoyed, but feel uneasy about the possibility of reprisals... I don't think I'm gonna venture to DC (or any other major cities) this summer, yeah... >____>;;

@Kari: Huh, your parents have an interesting theory there. XD; Ehh, I'm sort of disappointed that he just ended up buried at sea, but it's for the best, if they'd kept his body it would have been a major target and/or reason for attack.

@Pitkin: Glad to hear you're doing well and are getting ready to move in with Fedora-Tan. Must be really exciting. : )

@Zen: Hahaha, that picture is hilarious. XD

Aurora Borealis

We should all just be glad he's finally dead.

Have you checked out Fail Blog lately? On the second page now, there are a bunch of headline fail pics about Bin Laden's death.