Started by Chocofreak13, December 22, 2010, 03:19:44 PM

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I accept canon; it's just never really gonna come into play in any of my stories. ._____.


but the reason i don't midn you guys is that you don't write anything with the "canon" -tans, like XP and such. and even if you did, you guys recognize that they already had names, and if they didn't it's sometimes best to play it close to the actual name (codename).


what to discuss? should we continue with the family trees or go back to the old topic of the os-tan world? (we had made good progress on uniting theories untill an abrupt cutoff stopped us. :\)
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-Amiga-tan isn't the real (memetic?) sex goddess of the Amiga clan, that honour actually goes to C=128-tan. I realized this after reading C=128-tan's article for the first time; my GAWD, she's gorgeous, mature, refined, can do everything C=64-chan can and more, has none of the physical awkwardness of Amiga-tan, and has a level of adaptability nigh-unmatched by other vintage micro-tans (the C=128 has three different processors, four separate kinds of RAM, and two video chips to support its different modes of operation). Also, I'm one of the heartless bastards who dislikes Amiga-tan and has never gotten why she's supposed to be so special/desirable/clever/etc. >____>

-All the Wanderer-class-tans should get hobo names. A la http://e-hobo.com/hoboes/list/


Aurora Borealis

C128-tan does often get overlooked, doesn't she? And I'm guilty of overlooking the C128 in favor of the C64, Amiga and even the C65! (and C65-tan would have been a lot like C128-tan if it weren't for the abandonment and the ax craziness...)

The Amiga was to be the most awesome computer ever made and was way ahead of its time. I could see how she's really pretty and nice, but there has to be a caveat to that. I feared she is a Mary Sue, so I have an alternate interpretation of Amiga-tan: That she started off arrogant, or her efforts to help others came off as being condescending, and she struggled to relate to her puny, relatively tone-deaf competitors. While she may have meant well in her early years, humility and successful cooperation are things she had to learn the hard way, so she really had to earn the status she has now.

Bwahahaha! I love the idea of wanderers having hobo names! Sadly, I can't think of any at the moment. :(


I think I write (current) Amiga as too much of a Yamato Nadeshiko.... so that's just me.

Discussion: That's an awesome idea.


I've always seen Miggy as being one of the nicest characters in all of OS-tandom. I remember something her creator said, when we were discussing tragedies in OS-tan backstories; something to the effect of, "it's arguable OS/2, VMS, Multics, Unix - even Windows 1.0 and 2.0-tan - all did something that lead to their own downfall, but Amiga-tan was completely innocent." Of course that was C-Chan so there was a pretty clear bias there... but I digress. I kinda have to agree with him, I've never seen Amiga-tan as anything less than a selfless, sweet individual, and that's probably why I don't really like her. >__>;

Quote from: stewartsage on April 14, 2011, 04:52:40 PM
Discussion: That's an awesome idea.

I think I mentioned it before during a late-night discussion of such silly matters. xP

A few to get you started:
#1: "Hot Mess" Sara
#2: Stabs-A-Lot SAGE
#3: VICchan the Vixen
#4: Sharpshootin' Motorbike ITS-san
#5: ..........Commodore Sixty-Four

Aurora Borealis

We never did find out what 1.0 and 2.0 did that got them into trouble, did we? Amiga-tan seems too perfect- there has to be a dark side to her that she's struggled with at some point! There has to!

Good start with the hobo names!


She killed a dude in Pasadena.

Commodore Sixty-Nine amirite?  Nah, she's a nice girl I'm sure.


Love the Commodore. -w- what happens if (s)he's promoted to admiral, though? :\
Amiga's sin might be the sin of indifference. when shit hit the fan, maybe she just stood by and watched.
I've always wondered what happened to get 1.0 and 2.0 exiled. ik people have said that it was because they couldn't keep up during the OS wars, but with that mentality every OS prior to the newest would be exiled. :\ (for that matter, why wasn't 3.1 exiled at the time too?)
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Aurora Borealis

That sounds like a good idea too- Amiga-tan didn't take Commodore's downfall as hard as some of the others, Minuteman-tan, VIC-20-tan and C64-tan were the most devastated since they worked so hard to get the success they had. PET-tan would have still taken the fall hard, but by that point may have been more laid-back than she used to be.

It wasn't just that 1.0 and 2.0 couldn't keep up (that wasn't actually the main reason, as you said, so many more discontinued OS-tans would have otherwise been exiled), but also because they weren't very successful, and were seen as a liability more than an asset by that point. But the main reason was that they were conscientious objectors who outright opposed the imperialistic direction the Windows Family was taking. They didn't want to take part in scorched-earth tactics, and were seen as a threat from within.

As for DOS and 3.1, they both still had a considerable userbase, and although they didn't take part in scorched-earth tactics like 95 and NT, they were supportive of their endeavors.


i wonder how the mac's views would fall in that timeframe. 7.5 was leading the family by that point, right? wonder how the rest of the family felt, and what 8 and Sonata would have to say. :\
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Aurora Borealis

None of the Mac/Apple-tans got exiled (Apple III-tan and System 3.4-tan ran away from home years before) since there family unity and honor were strongly valued, and because of Apple II-tan's influences. She'd never let any of her family get exiled.

First, a little bit of background info:

The Mac-tans in the first half of the 90's were really confident that they would never be involved in a large-scale war, and didn't see the Windows-tans as a threat (i.e: Apple doubted Windows 3.0's success). They were short-sighted, slow to change, and none of them were particularly good tacticians. (Apple had some 90's successes, but some huge blunders too.)

They never expected a full-blown OS Wars, let alone from the Windows-tans. Reality hit them hard. Very hard, and suffered the consequences. System 7-tan and 7.5-tan tried their own aggressive tactics, which backfired and led to desperation attacks, which the other Mac-tans didn't object to because they were trapped in a state of desperation themselves.

Could it have been possible that System 7.5-tan was actually exiled because she didn't try to atone for her mistakes (at least System 7 did afterwards)?

Mac OS8-tan was born during the worst of the OS Wars and would have initially been used to the desperation felt by her family, but would be disappointed now. She's still a bit upset over what happened and that she couldn't get very involved, and now she tries to keep the peace and motivate others to learn from past mistakes.

Same would go for OS9-tan, who was born during an unstable transitional phase, when the family was trying to rebuild what remained of their territory.

I have seen some pictures of 7.5-tan and OS9-tan getting along, so it looks like they were able to put the past behind them, at least somewhat... just as long as they don't talk about family politics.


i'd be afraid to see 7.5 and 95 together now. :\

the macs sound like Japan; close-knit but stubborn and hard to change. :\

(will discuss moar tomorrow, too tired right now =__=; )
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Quote from: stewartsage on April 14, 2011, 09:33:51 PM
Commodore Sixty-Nine amirite?  Nah, she's a nice girl I'm sure.

......it took me three days to see what you did thar. And it made me laugh. >///////>


.....now you've got me thinking about 95 and Sys 7.5 doing naughty things to each other..... ./////.
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