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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Nice posters dude. 8)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 12, 2011, 12:10:31 PM
@bells: i did too, but only cause i've seen the original. xD

....that's exactly why I lol'd. .__.;


@paul: what's the one in the top left?
@bella: right.....sorry.... .__.;
not quite a picture, but idk where else to put it, so here, my very first manga book! ^^ (got it from a school bookfair when i was 12. god i miss those things. ^^) i'll post some of the early work i did with it in free cookies. ^^ (it's taking alot of guts for me to post it there. ^^; )

click to make it bigger


How about this, Kari - if you post some of your early works in Free Cookies, I'll post some of mine. It's always fun seeing old works and comparing them to the new... 8D

Oh god, how I hate those so-called "how to draw manga" books; they're so uninspired and uninspiring, and the examples given typically look like some artistically-challenged American's notion of cliched "animu people". Sort of like something out of Kappa Mikey -

(Which, for the uninitiated, is a American produced series satirizing anime.)

Dr. Kraus




@bells: yes, that's the joke.

while it may be stifling, that's only to the people that can't grow and blossom on their own. there are people who would take that to gospel and COMPLETELY COPY everything that was in that book.

but for me, it answered a 7 year question that had been plaguing me: what was it that i was trying to draw? and with that, it provided the fundamentals for the artist i have become.

while i don't use most of the stuff i learned from that book anymore (i have since evolved and left the past behind), i still use some of the basic techniques that i learned from it (for example, one of the most important things, the skeletal way of forming a character).

everyone learns differently, so while you may not benefit from books, i did.

also, most of the "how to draw manga" books i had were translated from japanese and printed here. and the author of my first one was british. :\

click to make it bigger

Dr. Kraus

There is some language in this but its not that bad, just a heads up!


wtf is that, is "daisy" a bot or something?

oh, and grammar, man. >.<;
click to make it bigger


@Kari: Top left is a poster of Asobi Seksu. Great band, most probably you won't know them though.

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on March 13, 2011, 03:45:18 PM
wtf is that, is "daisy" a bot or something?

oh, and grammar, man. >.<;

its a bot that you have to teach the human language to, sadly I taught it some bad words which it puts in its sentences.
Though I did teach it that making fun of people is bad, it still makes fun of me.
Download link:

Why isn't the perfect elegant maid in touhou13?

left to right: Youmu x Yuyuko = Youyu (boy), Marisa x Reimu = Rerisa, Meiling x Sakuya = Xiao(ling) ("shourei") (boy), Alice x Reisen = Iris


n'awww. they so cute. ^^
@paul: youtube link?
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The world wonders.


Kari: lol



Let this cheer you up!  Please...


The last picture was made of win. x3

Random Maria-sama ga Miteru picture:


i'm so....burnt. just mentally drained.
click to make it bigger


No, they dream of Blade Runner. :3
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!