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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Pretty fire. OvO

Even though it's a joke, that State map filled me with indignation. Especially the New England part. ¬¬;;

Maine is not full of stupid people, that's a horrible cultural stereotype.
Why would corporate taxes be a problem in a state with so few? (NH)
Mass drivers aren't bad, they're bold!
How is drug use a problem in RI? It's much worse in NY. = =
Infertility isn't a problem, it's a blessing from nature. We should all hope to be as un-fruitful as our Vermont friends. -W-
As for cancer in Conn.... no comment. >>

Aurora Borealis

My state's worst offense is being full of old people? That's really not bad.

And Minnesota being the most tornado-prone state is way off. 2010 was a record year for tornadoes there, but that was mainly a fluke. KS and OK have the most tornadoes.


No idea Kari, though that's the best use anyone's ever put a Char B1 bis to.

Agreed on the tornado part.  Virginia's is true though.


Quote from: Bella on January 30, 2011, 11:36:52 PM
Maine is not full of stupid people, that's a horrible cultural stereotype.
Why would corporate taxes be a problem in a state with so few? (NH)
Mass drivers aren't bad, they're bold!
How is drug use a problem in RI? It's much worse in NY. = =
Infertility isn't a problem, it's a blessing from nature. We should all hope to be as un-fruitful as our Vermont friends. -W-
As for cancer in Conn.... no comment. >>

they provide explanation. :3

also, have you BEEN to rhode island? well, actually, the cities in conn seemed worse. >__<
1 out of 10 couples disagree with you about the infertility thing. :3
mass drivers by nature aren't bad. massholes, on the other hand...
maine is apparently voted dumbest state due to SAT scores, which were lowest in the nation. however, i think i heard that they were also the state to have the most students actually TAKING the SAT, so that speaks to their intelligence. :3
NH: CORPORATE taxes, bell. CORPORATE taxes.

@stew: it's BEAUTY-FUL~~~
@aurora: yeah, idk about the tornado one either....i'd peg that state for coldest in the continental 48. :\
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-I typically spend between two weeks and a month per year vacationing in RI. Illicit drug use =/= having a drug problem (especially when the entire notion of "illicit drugs" - when we have also have "acceptable drugs" - is completely ridiculous).

-Vermont DOESN'T have a fertility problem. They have LOW BIRTH RATES, meaning that people are consciously choosing not to plop out kids just 'cause they can. The leading explanation for this is that VT has a disproportionately large population of college-educated and career women. Maine and NH are in second and third place for this honour, meaning New England has among the lowest birth rates in the nation, in case you needed any more proof that this is the greatest region in the country. -w-

-The worse Masshole on the road is orders of magnitude better than the best drivers you'd find in Miami, Detroit or NYC. Daring is not the same as bad or reckless.

-Oh, yeah right, like the SAT's can tell you anything about a person's intelligence. Standardized testing, especially here in the good ol' US-of-A, is a complete joke, blind to the personal talents, weaknesses and skill-sets that individuals have.

-I mean to say, NH has no corporations (and we like it that way) - why would corporate taxes be an issue? On second thought, how are high corporate taxes even an issue? I'd like to see the government drain them of as much money as they possibly can.

In closing, here's another thing that caused be RAGGGGGGE:



Quote from: Bella on February 01, 2011, 12:20:40 AM
-I typically spend between two weeks and a month per year vacationing in RI. Illicit drug use =/= having a drug problem (especially when the entire notion of "illicit drugs" - when we have also have "acceptable drugs" - is completely ridiculous).

-Vermont DOESN'T have a fertility problem. They have LOW BIRTH RATES, meaning that people are consciously choosing not to plop out kids just 'cause they can. The leading explanation for this is that VT has a disproportionately large population of college-educated and career women. Maine and NH are in second and third place for this honour, meaning New England has among the lowest birth rates in the nation, in case you needed any more proof that this is the greatest region in the country. -w-

-The worse Masshole on the road is orders of magnitude better than the best drivers you'd find in Miami, Detroit or NYC. Daring is not the same as bad or reckless.

-Oh, yeah right, like the SAT's can tell you anything about a person's intelligence. Standardized testing, especially here in the good ol' US-of-A, is a complete joke, blind to the personal talents, weaknesses and skill-sets that individuals have.

-I mean to say, NH has no corporations (and we like it that way) - why would corporate taxes be an issue? On second thought, how are high corporate taxes even an issue? I'd like to see the government drain them of as much money as they possibly can.

In closing, here's another thing that caused be RAGGGGGGE:


i love that bed!

while test scores =/= iq scores, it DOES say something to attention in schools and quality of education.
having a career =/= not wanting to have kids. and having kids isn't the same as "plopping them out". >:[ not ALL of us are mormons/catholics/jehova's witnesses. and why do you keep saying it's a good thing??
"good" driving is in the eye of the beholder. i'd prefer a more cautious driver on the road than one you call "daring". driving is a more dangerous activity than we give it credit for.
NH having no corporations is a blatant lie.
by your talk, i don't think you've ever known anyone who's done drugs.
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Quotemass drivers by nature aren't bad.
Mass Drivers, you say...?


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Quote from: Bella on February 01, 2011, 12:20:40 AMI typically spend between two weeks and a month per year vacationing in RI. Illicit drug use =/= having a drug problem (especially when the entire notion of "illicit drugs" - when we have also have "acceptable drugs" - is completely ridiculous).

For a moment there, Bells, I thought you meant when you went to RI you partook in illicit drug use...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Oh public versus private education and standardized testing.  This is not the place for a rant about either of those.

Ah, there she is!

And posting this just to prove I have it, since it took literally hours of concentrated searching to find.


yay! i love examples like that ^^
think i'ma add it to my artist's morgue, even though idk what i'd do with it. :3
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It's from an official Navy publication, but it took forever to find.

Now, what carrier are these F6F Hellcat's from?  (ignoring the weird set-up of the picture like how on earth did those Zero's sneak up on them and only get one, how did they do that to begin with, etc.)


Quote from: Red-Machine on February 01, 2011, 05:57:08 AM
Quote from: Bella on February 01, 2011, 12:20:40 AMI typically spend between two weeks and a month per year vacationing in RI. Illicit drug use =/= having a drug problem (especially when the entire notion of "illicit drugs" - when we have also have "acceptable drugs" - is completely ridiculous).

For a moment there, Bells, I thought you meant when you went to RI you partook in illicit drug use...

Though I guess for somebody with psychic-vampiric tendencies like myself, being surrounded by Rhode Islanders IS pretty psychologically stimulating....


is that harry potter in that comic, stew?

i'd sooner peg palin for president than bella on drugs. :\
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on February 01, 2011, 03:30:18 PM
is that harry potter in that comic, stew?

Its a Katawa Shoujo comic