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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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My routher died on saturday morning, so I have no internet at home.  Wah desu...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 16, 2011, 10:40:15 PM
good luck. we're all rooting for you ^^

Thanks I really appreciate it!

Quote from: zjhentohlauedy on January 17, 2011, 02:44:41 AM
My hdd just died.

30gb of "ORGANIZED" typemoon images and doujins
60gb of "ORGANIZED" manga scans
30gb of unorganized manga scans
20gb or random stuff i've made


That really sucks, I remember when my old 750GB drive died on me and that really sucked due to having collected 60-80GB of touhou music and losing it all :(

Quote from: Red-Machine on January 17, 2011, 03:38:40 AM
My routher died on saturday morning, so I have no internet at home.  Wah desu...

Oh noz! I've never had that happen to me but its happened to about all my friends so I know how it is. Hope it gets better for ya ;)


Good lord, everyone's having terrible computer luck.  Best of luck on those certifications Doc, you got this.

In other news: THE SUN, IT BURNS D:

I kid, it was out on Saturday too.  Weather's supposed to return to the usual doom and gloom tonight though, just in time to prevent the family from visiting me.  Maybe.  Probably.


Sorry about the router issue Red, that sucks.

I couldn't get a connection to the Internets (or is that World Wide Web, because I still had P2P capabilities? I use the two terms so interchangeably I've sort of lost track of their real meanings) yesterday, until I threw an old router I had lying around into the fray... that fixed things...

In other news, I'm now obsessed with trying out Linux Mint on my iMac. It wouldn't run the 32 bit version (which supposedly works with 64 bit processors too ><) so I DL'd the 64 bit one... now if I can figure out WHY I want to run it....

Dr. Kraus


he doesn't want you to install Linux, its all Unix Unix Unix!


I think you're right.... the immune system of the Mac fights off the Linux invader with amazing ferocity (in other words: the 64 bit liveCD won't boot either).

Of course the BSD and the Linux are two of nature's greatest enemies, so this doesn't quite surprise me.


Linux Mint is very nice towards me. ._. The best OS experience I've had since Fedora 8, I think... >.> Not too hard, though, since between F8 and Mint I had Windows Vista, xubuntu (failed with mobile internet) and Fedora 13 and 14, which seemed to hate everything that I had for hardware.


I've installed mint on pretty much every piece of fail I've encountered and turned into usables.


Really like(d?) it on K8... I've been tempted to install it on Dy (my 256mb RAM-having, 80gb HDD-using bitty box) but I'm afraid that it'll be too heavy for it to support. Then again, it IS running Windows XP at the moment. =w=


Do the impossible, see the invisible, Borya!

Dr. Kraus


Hey Nejin, when you look at our post times what do you see? Because you live on the other side of the world and everything.

Also planned out my "Euro tour"

Blue Line: How the trip will go in most cases
Red Line: How I really want to spend the trip

Might make the jump to Sweden through Germany and back down through Denmark but probably not going to happen -_-;

Overall I plan to spend much of my time in the UK which would be about a week and then 2 weeks traveling around the loop!

It'll be good to get back to Europe, lots of catching up to do!


Wanting to go through Russia and Belarus? That requires some visas and imagination, I'd say. ._.

Dr. Kraus

Quote from: Pitkin on January 17, 2011, 04:28:46 PM
Wanting to go through Russia and Belarus? That requires some visas and imagination, I'd say. ._.

Well, I always wanted to go to Russia and I would probably avoid Belarus now that I think about it (Because they don't like capitalists much, as I'm told by my friend whom is from Belarus).

Probably just go through the coastal countries where they like Capitalism a little more.

I also noticed that when I'm in Europe I'll be in many landlocked countries so no beach partays fo meh


That looks like a really ambitious trip Kraus. @.@ Heh, my ancestral Russian line hailed from a region in modern-day Belarus or so I am told...

Tried booting DY under Mint, but it couldn't get as far as loading GNOME - so I guess my initial suspicion that is didn't have enough memory was correct. Ended up having to trip the big red switch when it wouldn't respond anymore.


puppy would probably suit DY better, bells.
@zen: DON'T SAY THAT!! i just moved all my music to my backup drive today so i don't have a backup drive anymore. ;___;
@kraus: you've been before too? you're lucky. i'd like to go back >0<
@stew: my eyes have been burning for a year. ;__;
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