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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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oh dang i missed aurora's birthday ;___;

late happy birthday ;_;
My my, aren't you lovely~


Happy birthday, Aurora-hime!
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!

Dr. Kraus

Just had a shit-storm of snow here (I NEED IT TO SNOW MOAR SO I CAN NOT HAVE SCHOOL LAK:SJD:LAKWN).

Its the first big snow fall of the year so its a bit exciting, but not like last year when we got a full week and 1/2 off because of a good 1 foot of snow.

In other news, I have finals next week along with Monday off and then Friday off! 2nd semester starts the week after next week and its swimming for gym! I'm not aloud to do swimming though due to my extreme skin condition/disease where its really bad for me to get wet in cold weather (Completely fine during warm spring and summer times though :D). Also getting a job (probably) at BestBuy due to Apple not saying anything for a week...going to wait till Friday and if nothing happens than I'll apply for Bestbuy (Which I can probably get the job in a day or so due to my BestBuy NEVER having any staff! Really, they only have 10 people in the whole store and 2 people for geek squad)


Yeah, every time I go to best buy, there's never hardly anyone there to help anyone.
You should really work there.

Dr. Kraus

Now all I have to do is figure out what to spend this $50 in bestbuy gift cards on....


Writing sheet music on the computer is a bitch, I tell you.

But at least it gets right thanks to the helpful little midi synth. -w-



THAT'S enough to get you out of school??
it takes at least 3 and a half feet of the stuff here to get ya out!!! 4 if you're in college!!!!

@aurora: *power-hugs till little trickle of foam comes out of aurora-san mouth*....happy.......birthday..... <333333 (btw what state do you hail from if you don't mind my asking? :3)
for YOU:

@pitkin: i love sweden too. -w- it was so pretty, and every breath was like standing on a mountaintop. -w- when i got home i coughed for a week. >w<;;
@bells: i agree, new hampshire/mass be epic. we PWN.
@kraus: best buy sucks. work there so it doesn't suck anymore.
@nej: i can has link to the program? i wanna make music on the computer too....

i'm out of candy..... ;___;
click to make it bigger


It's a very pirated copy of Finale, so I don't think that'll quite work. >_>


If memory serves Aurora-dono's from Iowa.

Seriously?  One foot?  We're in blizzard conditions, uncleared snow everywhere, and they won't cancel school for anything.


pathetic, 1 foot. -_-;;

@nej: ;___;
click to make it bigger


My my, aren't you lovely~


@zen: 1 foot = 1/3 of a meter. :3
click to make it bigger


i know XD i was just fooling around =D

Besides what chu talking about? snow? or flood D:
My my, aren't you lovely~


snow. 1 foot of water would be bad. VERY bad. 0___0

plus our neighbor would sue us more :\
click to make it bigger


One Foot of Water = Rocks fall, everyone dies.