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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Dr. Kraus

I just happened to play a little Gen4 of pokemon a few minutes ago... these are god!

its says he would rather lick her than the ice cream.

Best comment I saw was "He should have dropped the ice cream on his crotch"



you guys make me sad, with your posting of hawt, sweet, long/green-haired guy. ;___; i want a boyfriend.....and one that won't treat me like shit like they always do.

*cries in corner*
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*pats choco*

we won't treat you like shit D:

oh and What's with the pokemon trend? XD
My my, aren't you lovely~


You're cute choco, I'm sure somebody would love to have you.

and because Pokemon is awesomez?


pokemans never go out of style. >__>;;

i can't think of a single boyfriend i've had that's treated me like anything more than trash. my outlook has become rather bleak.
click to make it bigger


I treat my girlfriend like a Macintosh 128k, personally.


i'm picky
so i'm pretty much always single
they guys i was serious about always had potential
but, like almost every male of the species, they decided to be douchefags and not do a thing about it, being the lazy, arrogant, neglectful BASTARDS they are.

never trust any males outside of your family. and even then you probably can't trust ALL male members of your family. >:[ [/rant]
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maybe you just really suck at picking a guy choco DX


back to random

My my, aren't you lovely~


^That's made of win. :^D

Quote from: Krizonar on January 12, 2011, 12:14:32 AM
I treat my girlfriend like a Macintosh 128k, personally. mean she lives next to your bed by a stack of VICs - oh, that's how I treat MY Macintosh 128k. ^//^

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 12, 2011, 12:18:34 AM
i'm picky
so i'm pretty much always single
they guys i was serious about always had potential
but, like almost every male of the species, they decided to be douchefags and not do a thing about it, being the lazy, arrogant, neglectful BASTARDS they are.

never trust any males outside of your family. and even then you probably can't trust ALL male members of your family. >:[ [/rant]

Sorry that you've had to run into so many douchey men. And there's nothing wrong with being picky or being single...

Hm... everyone I've ever been interested in, ever - a list that can probably be counted on one hand, one and a half tops - has fallen into one of three categories, wherein any sort of relationship would be out of the question: 1) geographical disparity, 2) awkward social situations that would make admitting my feelings very difficult, or 3) not liking me back. I don't think I can feel affection that isn't unrequited. D:


Quote from: Bella on January 12, 2011, 12:44:07 AM
Quote from: Krizonar on January 12, 2011, 12:14:32 AM
I treat my girlfriend like a Macintosh 128k, personally. mean she lives next to your bed by a stack of VICs - oh, that's how I treat MY Macintosh 128k. ^//^
She can sleep in the bed, I'll sleep on the floor, the floor might scratch her.

She gets anything she wants, even if the parts are ridiculously expensive.

She can be cranky and slow to listen and she still gets 110% of the love.


MAKE IT 120%
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But then your girlfriend has a rival... your 128K DX
My my, aren't you lovely~