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Started by Red-Machine, December 24, 2010, 06:01:41 PM

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i recieved an extra $100 today :3 and i'm going to get even more from the returns. >:3

currently: $210 <3
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I got sixty bucks in cash.  Not that I'm not thankful, but I really would have liked a gift card to a bookstore far more then an IHOP one.  Then I could've kept myself in manga for the next.... year or so.

Dr. Kraus

I'm at $392 but tomorrow I'll be down to $290 with the purchase of a few things that will keep me busy for a year. My parents are getting me some stands for my Bose 201's and a TV stand so my room is a bit more organized.


I got $50... and a $25 gift certificate for the neighbourhood used book store.


yay :3 and bella,  love the new avatar! <3

stew, i saw a service on the tv that supposedly bought your unwanted gift cards and refunded you with cash.....or you could ask a family member to trade. :3

i had a hot topic gift card in my wallet from a few years ago. i thought it was empty, but on a whim i went and had it checked after bertucci's earlier today. it turned out to have a little over 6 bucks on it. :3 so we look around for something for me to buy, and when i can't find anything cheap i wanted, i dropped a $50 to pay for the remainder of a hello kitty mini speaker. >:3

i'm down a few bucks, but anything i don't have i can re-earn later. plus, i've been wanted a portable speaker for a few years now. >:3

also: i am now sworn to get the manga series Bunny Drop (i've already read the first volume and about a chapter and a half into #2 :3). only problem is that they're by yen press, so they;re more expensive than usual manga. :\
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I suppose my Christmas gift to myself was a couple of volumes of adorable yuri mangas.


dammit man, titles! give me titles! *0*
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*scrawls web address on paper* Here's where you go; choose your own path Kari-kun.



*sighs, reaches for notepad in coat pocket, it's not there*

Tough luck.


does want a link post? :3
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