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Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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why is futa mode so upsetting? :\ i think it's interesting!

also, please note that only 98 and 2k have presented with futa mode. they also happen to have the same hairstyle, and nanami ALSO has this hairstyle.......which leads to potential for nanami having a futa mode. >:3
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Dr. Kraus

Quote from: "Chocofreak13", and nanami ALSO has this hairstyle.......which leads to potential for nanami having a futa mode. >:3

Its confirmed, everyone I know who has nanami on their computers can confirm it.

Trust us.


Quote from: "Chocofreak13"why is futa mode so upsetting? :\ i think it's interesting!

also, please note that only 98 and 2k have presented with futa mode. they also happen to have the same hairstyle, and nanami ALSO has this hairstyle.......which leads to potential for nanami having a futa mode. >:3

It's squicky. I wouldn't want to think about a male character with a vag either... ><

Times like this that I'm glad I don't accept Nanami as a canon character or even an OS-tan (COME ON PEOPLE, she's a M$ marketing scheme! What's next, calling the Mac and PC guys OS-tans too?!). TAKE IT AWAY FUTABA 7-TAN!



my nanami has yet to present futa mode however she DOES tend to lag quite a bit leaving me with this mental image:

only stick nanami where ME is. (i actually have a doodle of that around here somewhere :\)

(ps. i searched all over the gallery for that picture, and it wasn't even there! i had to download the troubled windows .swf and capture it manually, then edit the hell out of it. >___< all for a picture we always take for granted... :\)

also, that weirdo loli 7 gives me the creeps a bit. go for one of the ones in the almost-vista outfit with the swooshy long hair. :\

either that or vienna-tan. :\
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Quote from: "Bella"
Quote from: "Chocofreak13"why is futa mode so upsetting? :\ i think it's interesting!

also, please note that only 98 and 2k have presented with futa mode. they also happen to have the same hairstyle, and nanami ALSO has this hairstyle.......which leads to potential for nanami having a futa mode. >:3

It's squicky. I wouldn't want to think about a male character with a vag either... ><

What if they're happy like they are?

On Hacchan, I personally consider Hacchan a futa, but who cares. At least there's a bit of diversity in the canon characters apart from the bust size.


yaaaay!! owlcat!! ^^

possible current obsession: panty and stocking with garterbelt :3
(plus they have the most badass transformation sequence i've seen to date. -w-)
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It's just a matter of personal preference, Pitkin-sama.

I actually considered checking Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt out (heard it's the mindscrewiest Gainax animu yet), but then I found out it was mostly drawn in Western style and I was......yeah, I'll pass.


aw, c'mon! ppg was awesome! and this is like ppg in a strip club! >:3
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Credit goes to the spectacular GenshiHebi @ DeviantArt



how can you post nothing? i thought you had to write something to post, even if it was all in white or just "." .

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i see nothing ;___;

maybe i'll take that hiatus after all....
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I don't see it either, Kari.  Don't feel left out! *hugs*
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