Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Behold! Macintosh System 2-tan! All you Mac users out there (I know there are at least 2 members that are), thank System 2 for the Shut Down feature! :D

Anyways, System 2-tan's appearance is obviously a variation on System 1-tan's but their personalities are quite different though. The book she's holding that says "N.S <----> O.S" is a Newspeak <-----> Oldspeak (aka standard English) dictionary as she speaks both. Her personality is like that of Syme's from "1984"

And you all know what that means?...

The Macintosh System-tan family is complete!!


I favor the blond with the bomb and the rainbow skirt, Aurora.  So, what's happened to her legs and her right arm?  *hopes it doesn't hurt all the time*



Aurora Borealis

That's OS 8-tan (also known as Tempo-tan or Veronica, Tempo being 8.0's codename and Veronica being 8.6's codename) and she's seriously battle-scarred because she endured the worst that Apple has gone through. She lost one of her arms and legs which were replaced with platinum Automail (which btw would be really heavy and even more costly but it was worth it) and her other leg is wrapped in bandages from some mighty bad cuts! Most likely from a battle.

Her new limbs don't hurt anymore because she's gotten used to how heavy her automail limbs are and is very strong! (well, she'd have to be!)


QuoteAhh, i seen that in the gallery and was going to add it to my OSX Tiger compilation (WIP), but its not quite the right image...

Yeah, since she's not Tiger-san but just plain ol' Generic Mac OS[X]-tan.  ^^;

Still a nice bod, though.  ^.^

QuoteBehold! Macintosh System 2-tan! All you Mac users out there (I know there are at least 2 members that are), thank System 2 for the Shut Down feature!

There's an old French expression that could perfectly describe OS2.  I believe it's "Trés Cute"!  ^.^

QuoteAnyways, System 2-tan's appearance is obviously a variation on System 1-tan's but their personalities are quite different though. The book she's holding that says "N.S <----> O.S" is a Newspeak <-----> Oldspeak (aka standard English) dictionary as she speaks both. Her personality is like that of Syme's from "1984"

Yay!  You took my advice!  ^___^
Guess it's only fittinjg she came up with the Shut Down feature.  Much like Syme who worked hard to advance the Newspeak movement thinking many years ahead of his time, only to be "disappeared" for being dangerously insightful.  ^^'
But in any case, she looks cute, great and clearly ready to pull her sister (and her hammer) out of trouble.  ^v^

QuoteAnd you all know what that means?...

The Macintosh System-tan family is complete!!

Well, almost. As technically there is no OS-tan for Systems 6.0.1-6.0.7 but what the heck I guess I should make Terminator-tan just be System 6.0.x-tan! But she is only 6.0.8-tan for the sake of the Terminator references but then again she uses the phrase "Big Deal!" a lot which is a reference to 6.0.5's codename! Contradictory is it?

So... Who's in favor of keeping Terminator-tan as System 6.0.8-tan and who's in favor of her just being System 6-tan?

First of, WOOHOO!!!  Congratulations, Aurora-sama!  You single-handedly patched up all the holes left by discriminating Futaba/Niijura artists!  ^v^

Secondly, now that you mention it, "System 6.0.8" does sort of stick out like a sore thumb.  Perhaps changing to OS6 would help keep them all consistent.  ^__^
BTW, what did make you decide to give her the 6.0.8 height?  (Not that I'm complaining.... *lecherous laugh*  ^v^)

QuoteSo out all 8 of the pre OS 9 Mac-tans, who's your favorite?

Still love OS3 for some reason.  I guess her cuteness is hypnotic.  ^.^
Followed by OS5 in second place, for obvious reasons.  ^v^

Still, Leopard-chan takes the cake for my favorite of your Mac renditions, just cause I spent so much time with her over the weekend.  ^.^


Thank you, Aurora, for explaining the situation regarding OS8-tan.  It's a pity she suffered so many injuries in service to her Apple homeland, but I'm glad to know she's not in constant pain.  I do hope she was awarded a disability pension!





WAI!  Rhapsody has gone above and beyond cute!  ^v^
[even if you only see the upper half of her body]  ^__^

But seriously, Aurora....  -v-
WHY BACON?!!  WHY?!!!!!!  ;^0^;

*runs off to cry tears of sorrow for the demise of a fellow pig*  ;^0^;


*sniff* Okay, I'm back....  -_____-

QuoteSystem 6-tan is 6'8 with the 6 corresponding to the system 6 (and that Sys.6 was a big step up from its predecessors- at least in stability and unifying components of the Mac OS!. But Sys. 5 did introduce multitasking and some other really important thing though!) and the 8 corresponding to the 8 in 6.0.8, which terminated the System 6-era (hence the codename of "Terminator"! Hey, it's another reference! This time not so obvious!  )

You know, now that I look at it again, shouldn't that really be 6'0.8"?
Or in other words, just shy of 6'1"?

Might be more appropriate, since the Governator himself is 6'1"-6'2"ish.  -v-
More so now that we seem to agree on chopping her to just System 6-tan, in which case the 6 foot mark is more viable.  ^^'

*snaps hoof*  Shoot, I hate to propose reducing a girl's hate, especially since there's such a shortage of tall women in this world.....  -____-
But tis for the sake of theme.  ^^

Besides, 6" - 6'2" is still respectably tall, and of course we'll always have BarbieOS-sama.  ^.^


*sniff sniff*  'kay,... I'll forgive you I guess.  ^___^;
I'll just pretend that's halal bacon (=beef) and call it a day.  ^v^

Yep, love the fact that QNX has that kind of flexibility!  ^v^
That's why I LOVEZ her!   ^v^

And don't worry, we can still squeeze in a few extremely tall OS-tans here and there.  ^.^

Try the Mainframe OS-tans, for instance.  The shortest one (VSE-sama) is just shy over 50'.  ^v^
(Not that they'd mingle much with common OS-tans, but you know.... -v-)



Time for complexes have come and gone.... -v-

Now I really AM a pig....  ^___^

See my rank? The rank never lies.... ^v^


QuoteQuote from : Aurora Borealis

Behold! Macintosh System 2-tan! All you Mac users out there (I know there are at least 2 members that are), thank System 2 for the Shut Down feature! :D

Anyways, System 2-tan's appearance is obviously a variation on System 1-tan's but their personalities are quite different though. The book she's holding that says "N.S <----> O.S" is a Newspeak <-----> Oldspeak (aka standard English) dictionary as she speaks both. Her personality is like that of Syme's from "1984"

And you all know what that means?...

The Macintosh System-tan family is complete!!

Well, almost. As technically there is no OS-tan for Systems 6.0.1-6.0.7 but what the heck I guess I should make Terminator-tan just be System 6.0.x-tan! But she is only 6.0.8-tan for the sake of the Terminator references but then again she uses the phrase "Big Deal!" a lot which is a reference to 6.0.5's codename! Contradictory is it?

So... Who's in favor of keeping Terminator-tan as System 6.0.8-tan and who's in favor of her just being System 6-tan?

And to celebrate the (almost?) completion of the Pre OS 9 Mac-tan family, here are the others again!

So out all 8 of the pre OS 9 Mac-tans, who's your favorite?

Great job!  ;001  ;010

The MacOS-tans of Aurora is now complete!

I gotta say that you really did bring life and touched its character as you also define its history! Now that's expertly good!

I even wish this should be a "pinned topic" as this gallery of unnoticed yet given life Mac-tans will be recognized from now on....(i really wish)

Aurora Borealis

Thanks! I started drawing new OS-tans about a year ago and I originally just decided to draw a System 1-tan and OS X Server/Rhapsody-tan but one thing led to another! :D

Thinking of Mac-tans for Systems 1-7 (and a rendition of OS 8-tan that is based off the "official" one but incorporates some Apple history) wasn't too hard except for trying to think of a System 5-tan! Luckily C-Chan helped me out there because my mind was drawing a blank! ^^


Great Galloping Glavin! Aurora's back! Nice rendering! BTW, what does Barbie-tan represent?
Thank GAWD my cold is starting to get better. Some of the work I have to do is done. By Saturday, my status will be better!



*lies back to get better upski--,...... er, "POV"*


Good things pigs don't get nosebleeds.  ^w^
Yep, this is life.  ^___^




Oh right, a comment.  ^__^;

Her rendition is gorgeous, hands down.
The perspective slope was an excellent idea that helps accentuate her height and the swirling flowers were a neat touch.   ^__^

But although it's likely too late to change anything, I do have two recommendations:

1)  Add "OS" to "Barbie-tan", since it could easily pass for a -tan of the real doll.  ^^'
And you know of course that a -tan has been made for every thing and its dog.  ^^;

2) Not 100% crazy about the doll joints, especially since real Barbie dolls don't even have them (not visibly anyway).  -v-'