Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Thank you, Resident Ninja.  ^___^
Leopard took a lot more work than expected,... the merger between Aurora's design and the one in the Running Windows desktop proved to be quite the minefield.  ^___^

Eventually settled on a compromise which I pray she (as well as everyone else) will like.  (It does skew 80% towards Aurora's)


And here's the moment of truth....
Leopard-chan's fully body.....  -____-

*braces for impact*

Turns out both designs were surprisingly similar, although naturally I chose Aurora's green hair since pink didn't strike me as an OSX color.  O_o
The eye color approximates a peach, though (average between yellow and pink).  Clothes parallel the Running Desktop Leopard-tan, except I inverted the colors to better conform with Aurora's design.  Plus kept Aurora's belt since it provided a great touch.  The apple on her chest was added to the white and grey velcro straps on her chest.  Gloves and boots stayed exactly the same as Aurora's, since her design was far more original than the simple rehash of Tiger-sama's gloves/leggings.  Chain for the stopwatch was replaced with a retractable cable, similar to the ones used in portable mice (and some Mac accessories).

Have to admit this was the trickiest piece of fanart I've had to do to date.... ^^;


Indeed! Very good!
You wanted it! You asked for it! And here it is, the uploads to Wikipedia:
The Uploaded Images To Wikipedia

Aurora Borealis

*Looks at C-Chan's Leopard-tan*...

*Squeals with delight*

OH MY GOSH!! IT'S AWESOME!! I LIKE IT INDEED! ;010 Great combination of both renditions! And getting all of the OS X wilcat avatars done... this calls for a celebration! I'll go get the cake! (Before XP-tan finds it first and eats it all) :D


*sees the catgirl os-tans amd leopard-tan and drools slightly* o_o

YOU ROCK SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!   ;010


Sorry I'm late, everyone!  ^__^

Let's see.....

NewYinzer:  Thank you, and definitely thank YOU for uploading them all to Wiki.  ^.^
At this rate, I'll have to change you from NewYinzer to "NewReliable".  ^__^'

BTW, someone at the Wiki discussion thread seems to have raised the issue pertaining to one-shots, although given how strangely it's written I'm not sure if it's for or against:

Probably worth taking a look, Wiki master.  ^v^

*bows reverently*

Aurora:  WAIII!!!!!!!!  ^V^
Thank you Aurora!   If you're happy enough to use it as your new avi, then I must've done something right!  ^___^

Guess I won't be needing this then,....

*tosses away firing squad blindfold*

Before we celebrate though, pray do tell me if there are any gripes with the compromised design I used.  Since I may need to do this again, I don't want you to feel like I'm trampling over your hard work.  
I abide by the Golden Rule, so of course since I wouldn't be very happy if an artist completely ignored a character design I worked hard to create, I try to make sure I don't do that for all parties involved.... -__-

brougeXP22:  Thank you, XP #22!  ^__^
You rock just for saying I rock!  ^v^

And since you love the OSX kitties so much now, how about considering a Mac switch?  ^__^

BWAHAHAHAHA!!!  Just kiddin'.  (unless you really want to, but not sure if they're cute enough for you to dish out +$1k just yet....)  ^___^'

We know Aurora's -tan is the best one of all, of course....  `v'
*stares at everyone suspiciously*
...................Good.  ^__^
But aside from Leopard-chan, do you have a favorite of the current OSX kitties?  ^__^

C-Chan added the following  1 minute after last message :

Oh, btw, if you'd like to see the Wiki avi scrap art to help you decide, here's a nice 800x600 for ya....  ^^


First and foremost, let me thank Ms Borealis and C-Chan for their excellent artwork!  I love all these little OS-Girls characters ââ,¬â€ in an agape way, that is.


Now, forgive me for asking new-guy questions; but in regard to this Wikipedia page....

1.  What does "commenting out" mean?

2.  Why are there so many comments by people who aren't even "users"?

3.  Should people not be required to register with Wikipedia in order to make comments?

4.  Why do some commentators with anal-retention problems assert the OS Girls phenomenon should be controlled exclusively by corporations?

Thank you for your enlightenment on these matters ââ,¬â€ whomever you may be, dear Enlightening Personage!  Long live the lovely and wonderful bomb-throwing Mac-tan (or whatever her name is)!




QuoteQuote from : C-Chan
BTW, someone at the Wiki discussion thread seems to have raised the issue pertaining to one-shots, although given how strangely it's written I'm not sure if it's for or against:

Probably worth taking a look, Wiki master.  ^v^

*bows reverently*

hehehe.... ;001


QuoteFirst and foremost, let me thank Ms Borealis and C-Chan for their excellent artwork! I love all these little OS-Girls characters ââ,¬â€ in an agape way, that is.

Thank you, Mr. Cat-san.  Though I wasn't aware there was an "agape" kind of love....  ^__^

QuoteNow, forgive me for asking new-guy questions; but in regard to this Wikipedia page....

1. What does "commenting out" mean?

Actually that's the first time I've seen that.  Likely means removing someone's contribution without actually deleting it.  You simply go into the article's page source and modify the tags so that the text remains as "comments" in the source, but won't display in the HTML (the actual page you view).

Quote2. Why are there so many comments by people who aren't even "users"?

That's the good (and bad) thing about a wiki.  Everyone is allowed to contribute, much in the same way as the Waka-chan image board (only with more purpose).

Quote3. Should people not be required to register with Wikipedia in order to make comments?

Most wiki's do allow comments made by unregistered people.  Of course, if you do register, at least you don't allow your IP to be displayed.  (Not that that matters much from a security standpoint....)

Quote4. Why do some commentators with anal-retention problems assert the OS Girls phenomenon should be controlled exclusively by corporations? [

Either they're shills or sufficiently brain-washed enough to think that everything needs to be privatized.  Or, conversely, they're worried about copyright vios.  I always wondered why Microsoft hasn't unleashed hell on Futaba yet for so much manipulation of their trademark logos.....  

QuoteThank you for your enlightenment on these matters ââ,¬â€ whomever you may be, dear Enlightening Personage! Long live the lovely and wonderful bomb-throwing Mac-tan (or whatever her name is)!

[Generic] Mac-tan is still the safest name, although there is still one hanging chad that prevents me from switching over to the "[Generic] Mac OSX-tan" crowd.  (more on that later)



*facefaults*  Guhh.......................  QoQ',........... Ano...... Eto................... Sono..........  Q~Q'

*switchest topic hastily*




*realized he's up against a brick wall*

Oh crap.  -____-'
Sorry dude, didn't know it was you who wrote that.... ^^'
(in fact, didn't even know you can leave comments about the comments at that Wiki article.....  ^^;)

You did however post-edited that a lot, so maybe I'm not entirely dead meat....  ^^;

Seriously, though, I'm still not getting at what you're saying entirely....
Are you advocating the article be expanded into separate releases (a Futaba section, a Niijura section, an OS-tan Collections section, etc...) or into separate articles (like with the Moezilla)?  

Certainly if it were expanded in the former point, the result might mirror the Annex a bit (and, well, you know how THAT giant thing looks,... ^^;)
But yes, at least you do make a valid point that we mustn't limit ourselves unless we plan on stifling creativity.  ^___^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
And although I know a lot about Macs, I can't make OS-tans for Systems 2-5 because they don't have any codenames (that I could make puns of or such) and their GUI is pretty much the same as System 1's (well, actually all Macintosh systems below Mac OS 8 look somewhat like System 1)

Ahhhh, excuses excuses..... -v-
If they don't have codenames, make them up. ^-^
Or just base them on whatever happened on the year of the release, or have them intentionally look like System 1 but with some notable difference.

Then again, I'm not one to force you to draw more Mac-tans than necessary. Surely there are times when enough is enough.... -v-'

Agreed, history is a good alternative for coming up with designs.

I need to get around to drawing... really. So much potential from these chibi forms... Curse these midterms and papers and projects and..... bah, stupid school and my hard-working, procrastinating ways.

Leopard-chan is screaming at me to be drawn.  I don't know what's going to happen if i do draw her.... Yes, the hair thing is a fickle little dichotomy there. We can go for the cool monochromatic thing.  Looks good. Yet, something is telling me that I shouldn't throw the pink hair away. Then... how can you compromise two totally different colors?

As far as costume goes, It seems you have a nice compromise there. If I somehow at the time of drawing feel there should be changes, I certainly will not ignore any images.
Furthermore, most of these chibi images are based off of other people's images, yes? Are there any leopard images apart from the running windows walls that I don't know about? Might help.


Hey, can anyone here make me a fanart OS-girl?
Thank you very much if someone does!


QuoteNewYinzer: Thank you, and definitely thank YOU for uploading them all to Wiki. ^.^
At this rate, I'll have to change you from NewYinzer to "NewReliable". ^__^'

BTW, someone at the Wiki discussion thread seems to have raised the issue pertaining to one-shots, although given how strangely it's written I'm not sure if it's for or against:

Probably worth taking a look, Wiki master. ^v^

*bows reverently*

Something's going on. I'll keep an eye on it...

*deploys military advisors in Wikipedia Page*


Heads up Yinzer Meister.  Someone's trying to get rid of We-tan.  Not that I'm a We-tan fan, but could be a gateway deletion (you start with one, then another, then another,...)  ^^'

Resident Ninja:  I could make you one as long as it's an obscure or an as-yet-unreleased OS-tan (I don't do canon OS-tans  since they already get WAY too much exposure).  ^__^

Try adopting a new OS-tan from the Annex:

May have to wait a while, given some scheduling gridlock ahead, plus the fact I'm drawing Unix-sama.

SleepyD:  You've got a lot, so lemme do this piece by piece....

QuoteI need to get around to drawing... really. So much potential from these chibi forms... Curse these midterms and papers and projects and..... bah, stupid school and my hard-working, procrastinating ways.

Poor SleepyD.  ^__^
Though frankly never knew you had to work hard in order to procrastinate...  ^v^'
Chibi forms are great since they have high commercial value (="cute") and they're quick and easy to deploy (not having to worry about hands, feet and decent body proportions helps).

QuoteLeopard-chan is screaming at me to be drawn.

After OS/2-sama, I'm sure....  `v'

QuoteI don't know what's going to happen if i do draw her.... Yes, the hair thing is a fickle little dichotomy there. We can go for the cool monochromatic thing. Looks good. Yet, something is telling me that I shouldn't throw the pink hair away. Then... how can you compromise two totally different colors?

Perhaps the same way as with the eyes.  In inkscape, I overlapped a semi-transparent yellow square and s semi-transparent pink square and ended up with peach.  So you could do the same with the hair.

Then again, I was also mulling the idea that she loves dying her hair different colors every once and a while.  Meaning she CAN be pink if she so chooses (and also that, by now, no one remembers what her natural hair color looks like...!  ^^;)

QuoteAs far as costume goes, It seems you have a nice compromise there. If I somehow at the time of drawing feel there should be changes, I certainly will not ignore any images.

Good man, SleepyD!  That's how canon characters are created.  ^__^
Too bad our Japanese characters might not reciprocate....  -v-'

QuoteFurthermore, most of these chibi images are based off of other people's images, yes? Are there any leopard images apart from the running windows walls that I don't know about? Might help.

Nope, aside from Aurora's rendition, that leopard-chan was the only one I've ever seen about.  '_'


Thank you, C-Chan, for answering my questions!  Well, personally, I think it's downright silly of Wikipedia to not require registration for those who wish to comment/edit/whatever.


Anyway, in an effort to demonstrate my affection for all those Apple machines I used during the pre-broadband Dark Ages of Dial-Up Hell, I'm going to find images of Mac-tan to nick for avatar and signature-block use.  Perhaps a crazy girl with bombs is just what I need to chase away my recent lethargy on line.




QuoteThank you, C-Chan, for answering my questions! Well, personally, I think it's downright silly of Wikipedia to not require registration for those who wish to comment/edit/whatever.

Certainly when you dive into the political hotbed articles, the shilling and vandalism gets so outrageous that they often have to lock the articles from editing.  Course, that runs the risk of locking in the lies along with it...  ^^;

Awesome Blossom!  Good man, supporting an alternative OS!!!  You must be commended!  ^v^

Would definitely love to see your avi and sig go Mac-tan on us.  ^___^

Alex Stankevitch

Quote from: "C-Chan"

Would definitely love to see your avi and sig go Mac-tan on us.  ^___^

Ahh, i seen that in the gallery and was going to add it to my OSX Tiger compilation (WIP), but its not quite the right image...