Signatures on forum: Input Needed

Started by fedora-tan, February 06, 2010, 08:24:47 AM

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How do you feel about the new forum signature standards?

They are just right
4 (100%)
Could be smaller...(post why)
0 (0%)
Could be larger...(post why)
0 (0%)
We need to do away with them completely
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closed: February 18, 2010, 02:02:44 PM



I would like to attract attention of everyone on the rules regarding signatures :

Quote6.b : Signatures maximum size is 500x90 pixels (width x height) all included. If you use pictures, the total maximum size is 50kb for all of them. Animated pictures in signatures are allowed, even if not recommended, as long as they fit the total 50kb maximum size and dimensions.

Therefore, i count on all members to respect that so everyone can enjoy reading the posts without being bothered by signatures.
I attract your attention especially on the 90px height and 50 Kb size limit.

Any signatures not fitting those criterias by the end of next week will be removed by myself. It may eventually lead to a deny to put further signatures for concerned members.



Fedora-dono, my maths always sucked, so could you confirm whether or not mine is acceptable?  If not, what would I need to do to make it so?

Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Currently it is 200 pixels height, 400 pixels width for a total of 221Kb.
Allowed is 90 pixels height, 450 pixels width for a total of 50kb.

Details :
35 pixels height for KagurazakaAsuna, 3.5Kb
20 pixels for all pictures below (6 times == 120 pixels total)
* Elfen Lied : 5.2kb
* Swat 4 : 101Kb
* Anime : 90kb
* Msdos : 1Kb
* Win98 : 15Kb
* Amiga : 6Kb

Suggestion : Removing the animated signatures, which are size-hogs, or making them static. height is twice too much, so just try to half it ;)


Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


It's better but still not fitting (20 px for text + 35 for KagurazakaAsuna + 20x3 for the 3 bars == 120px, spaces included)

Why not something like that ? (it's a suggest, maybe it looks crap)

Else, your current one fits with just the KagurazakaAsuna removed.

[attachment deleted by admin]


I think I'm safe now, swapped the Asuna one for a smaller version and deleted the MS-DOS one.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


Perfect, thanks for understanding !  ;21


Btw, is anyone here good at making these userbars?  I'd like a Windows ME User one, but I can't find any and I'm crap at it myself.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.


Yes, 5 lines of text makes exactly 90 px height ;hi


i realize i'm not within the limit. could you post a picture that is 90px high as an example?

(i was meaning to change my sig anyway :\ )
click to make it bigger


Also, pic in my sig is 90px high, as a reference.


I'm fully aware that i'm going to be considerated a old picky moron but if i may, i would point the fact that the 90 px are for overall sig (pictures + text) and the width is 500px max... but well, i say that, i say nothing...  ;151

As info, a normal line of text takes approx. 20px height.

All in one, i really appreciate the efforts and comprehension of every of you so far, i know the sig is something quite personal so thanks  ;hi

Last Angel

why my signature doesnt appears? O-o
i cant understand it x3


Did you click "attach my signature" when you posted?
E 123 \'Omega\': Eggman detected. Begin annihilation sequence.
Miles \'Tails\' Prowler: No, Omega, Eggman is our friend!
E 123 \'Omega\': Small forest creature has gone mad. Suggest immediate termination.