REQUEST: Atari-Tan / ST-Tan

Started by MagikGimp, March 18, 2009, 04:47:10 PM

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OT = off topic.

but yeah, aurora, the new ST-tan is really nice, love the colouring. :3
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Quote from: "Chocofreak13"love the colouring. :3
Indeed, her colours are the best thing about her. The greens are there (later versions of GEM changed to a slightly lighter shade), the white and black of the logo (although this could be rainbow instead although I doubt that would look right, see below) and her hair is the colour of the case so yeah without a doubt the colours are bang on.

TOS v1.04 is known as RAINBOW TOS because the logo looks like this on the about screen:


And Atari isn't dead, last thing i heard from one of her siblings was Test Drive Unlimited, wich was from Atari HD...
Also a nice logo, albeit what simpler...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


Quote from: "Smokey"And Atari isn't dead, last thing i heard from one of her siblings was Test Drive Unlimited, wich was from Atari HD...
Also a nice logo, albeit what simpler...
A lot of people know the brand but the Atari of today is nothing to do with what the name represented in the past; read the Wikipedia article for more information.
The new logo looks more modern but I don't think it should be the one on ST-Tan's skirt.


Well, the new logo is basically the old logo + red only...


Yep different colors, same style...
At least Atari survived, btw, there are a host of soft-/ hardwarecompanys who went belly-up in the nineties...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


You don't understand; Bushnell's company is effectively dead, only the name and logo (albeit red & slightly more curvy) remain. The brand name was so well known (there's a business term I can't think of right now) that it's used these days and people go "oh yeah Atari, they're cool, I'll buy that". I mean the company has already been sold twice... =/

Anyway, I think it's time we finished ST-Tan's design and got her into the gallery where she belongs. I enjoyed helping in her development (I can't take any credit for her invention of course) and I'd like to work on another Tan some time, possibly other Atari machines, who knows. What I do know is that there are tons of Tan's yet to be born(?); that didn't sound too weird I hope...

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Chocofreak13"OT = off topic.

but yeah, aurora, the new ST-tan is really nice, love the colouring. :3
Thanks! She's not actually a brand new character though, my original chibi ST-tan design is in my user gallery at OSC and was made in the summer of 2008.

There are people who say that the bright color scheme of Atari TOS is very gaudy but I like it! :)

Quote from: "Red_Machine"
Tramiel wanted to destroy Commodore, so he had to scramble to come up with something to beat the new Amiga and he designed the Atari ST.  He was doomed from the start.
It's so sad that Tramiel, the founder of Commodore wanted to cause its demise after he left. Well... Commodore eventually caused its own demise with bad marketing!

What the heck happened anyways? (Did all the competent people at Commodore leave too?) In the early 80's Commodore made great advertisements for the VIC-20 and C64 which were so successful they brought the gaming industry to its knees! But their attempts at advertising the Amiga were half-***ed and half-hearted at best.

Quote from: "MagikGimp"
You don't understand; Bushnell's company is effectively dead, only the name and logo (albeit red & slightly more curvy) remain. The brand name was so well known (there's a business term I can't think of right now) that it's used these days and people go "oh yeah Atari, they're cool, I'll buy that". I mean the company has already been sold twice... =/
I think the term you're looking for is brand loyalty.

Atari's history is confusing but reading the Wikipedia article did clear things up for me. Too bad that the original Atari that made game consoles and home computers is long dead. :(

Anyway, I think it's time we finished ST-Tan's design and got her into the gallery where she belongs. I enjoyed helping in her development (I can't take any credit for her invention of course) and I'd like to work on another Tan some time, possibly other Atari machines, who knows. What I do know is that there are tons of Tan's yet to be born(?); that didn't sound too weird I hope...
I'm glad you could help me improve ST-tan's design!

What other new OS-tan characters did you have in mind. There already is also a catch-all character for the Atari 8-bit computers but about characters to represent the original Atari game consoles?


Here's a second, minor revision to ST-tan's design:

[attachment deleted by admin]


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"It's so sad that Tramiel, the founder of Commodore wanted to cause its demise after he left. Well... Commodore eventually caused its own demise with bad marketing!

What the heck happened anyways? (Did all the competent people at Commodore leave too?) In the early 80's Commodore made great advertisements for the VIC-20 and C64 which were so successful they brought the gaming industry to its knees! But their attempts at advertising the Amiga were half-***ed and half-hearted at best.

Commodore's internal politics were a complete and total shamble.  When the Amiga A600, the first model designed and built in the UK, was launched the MD of Commodore UK said it was a "complete and utter screw-up".  Funny thing is, he had the first one (serial no. "1") in his office XD.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i love it.

btw, on the topic of 80's computers, is there a franklin-tan? my friend russel's first computer was a franklin (or maybe a pirate of it)
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