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Started by SleepyD, January 22, 2007, 08:22:52 PM

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Ah, good...
Killing should be done by authorized personnel anyways..

BTW you got any gunz, VonDaab? Don't really know the finnish gun laws...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


No I dont own any firearms. Other than some Airguns and Airsoft. But the Airsoft is for drawing references...

But have been serving the Finnish FailForces, I've had my share of firearm handling.

Finnish gun laws are the loosest in the whole EU. Sadly, there are lot of hippies and middle aged High hats in our goverment right now, and they're rapidly trying to make the laws stricter.

Only because of the recent school shootings and their opinion that "guns are bad and they shoot innocent people". See, of course its the guns fault that its used by a mentally unstable person.

I could go on ages ranting about that, so I'll stop now.


eeeh... yeah I was kinda sleepy when I posted that, even i dont agree with myself when i read back at it now =_=

I should have worded that differntly, I was more talking about stopping power. Ofcourse a .22LR will kill/fuck you up, just wouldnt put my money on it stopping them fast enough not to stick a knife in me at close range, or still manage to get a shot off themselves. For a self defence weapon, the ability to stop them before they harm you is essential, hence poison tipped pellets not being a good choice...

also, im slightly disturbed how talk about self defence seemed to evolve into how you could assasinate someone with a pellet gun <_<
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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For sheer stopping power, nothing beats a good ol' Big Blunt Object, like a baseball bat. As long as you have the skills and power. ^^

That is with the exception of the MUTHARFUCKAN RAILGUN <3

Added after 50 seconds:

Handheld railguns, the worst nightmare ever and/or the greatest win in history, Y/N?


Heh, well, its a statistical fact that the greater the distance between you and your assailant, the higher your survivability is.  Baseball bats are not the best for keeping your distance, and are useless if your being held up with a gun :P plus, you cant really keep a baseball bat in a shoulder holster out of site and totally concealed

and railguns are only handheld in fiction :P same with miniguns too. you couldnt carry enough power and ammo to make a minigun or railgun worth it
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Untrue. The ammo of the railgun is diminutive, which gives only the necessity of a good power source; Easy mode is just having small power packs which you insert into the gun itself, so you don't even need a reactor to hook it up to.



HAHA, oh wow.
This thread is getting better with every post...


Hehe, lols.  A handheld minigun, now I've heard everything...
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


:P it was featured in movies so people think its real.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Eh, was it? Handheld minigun?
I'd like to see how someone tried doing that one >_>


<_< cheeseandrice gotallmoldy, youve never seen either predator or terminator 2?

Added after 2 minutes:
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Well, to steer the discussion a little more on-topic (that is, less about weapons that may or may not be real :P), I thought I'd bring up something relevant I learned about while in Texas.  You see, I was there [Austin] during the election, and one of the local political issues involved tasers.  The Republican candidate for Sheriff of Travis County (who lost, btw) had proposed that tasers be b& in Travis County (what I mean is, under his administration officers would not be allowed to use them).  Apparently this became an issue because of a number of deaths and serious injuries caused by the use (or arguably abuse) by law enforcement in Austin.

I know this is one of those "shitstorm" issues, but that's seriously not my intention here.  It's just that it wasn't until then I was aware it was an issue anywhere, so I'm just a little curious if this is happening anywhere else...

The Choice of a New Generation.


News to me. Ive heard of a few isolated incidents, but not any real problems with tasers being abused. Ive never heard of a death where drug use on the part of the perpetrator wernt a factor. When it comes to force methods usable by police officers, its still the safest one they can employ. You take the statistics of officer or suspect injuries for any other force method, be it swarm tactics, punches and kicks, baton, pepper spray, or firearm, and compair that the taser, and the taser is safer EVERY TIME.  Hundreds of lives are saved across the country daily because the taser was there.  Take it away from officers cus a few bad apples and your just going to get people hurt or killed in the long run. Besides, if an officer abuses the weapon, chances are it doesnt matter what force method he uses, hes gonna abuse it. They need to get rid of the bad officers, not the weapon system.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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That's pretty much the same thing I was thinking.  I have to admit, part of it is the sadistic lulz I get from watching a person getting tased, but mostly it's the fact I prefer that law enforcement have as many alternatives to lethal force as they can.

Of course, the people I was discussing this with argued that the voltage delivered permanently fucks up a person's nervous system, which is, AFAIK something they pulled out of their ass.  Although I have heard that controlled substances may cause issues with a tasing...

The Choice of a New Generation.


Yeah, they were speaking out of their ass.  unless a bad shot ends up in an eye, there is no lasting or serious damage caused by the taser. When it comes to electricity its amps that hurts you, and the advanced taser has less then an amp. the "50,000" volts that everyone freaks out about means nothing. About all that really tells you is how far the electricity will arc through the air. The 50,000 volts is just what allows the current to penetrate up to 2 inches of clothing (the barbs dont even have to break skin to get the effect) allowing it to be used against targets with some forms of soft body armor or baggy clothing.

Heck, the taser is mearly the smallest fraction of the power of a defibulator, and pace makers and such are designed to withstand those. In most cases as soon as the current shuts off the effects go away completely.

obviously those people did no research, unless that research came from one of the site on the web producing miss information in their crusade against the taser.  The simple fact is that the taser is terrifying, and against any fact or reason there are people out there that are trying to take it out of the hands of police, when in fact that will only cost lives.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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