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os tan anime

Started by Chocofreak13, September 21, 2008, 04:32:04 PM

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os tans anime: good or bad?

good! <3
24 (85.7%)
bad >_<
4 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 27

Voting closed: September 21, 2008, 04:32:04 PM


Well, we haven't been shut down yet... o_o;
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


we are.. unconcenquential.... there is no money to take from us, and we are making no money off of them. for the most part thats what the copyrights are there to protect.  Why would they spend money on a legal team to shut us down, when it gains them nothing?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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point taken, at most it's free publicity for 'em...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


There's a thought. Do you think the CEOs (Steve, Bill) have ever heard of the OS-tans? What do you think their reaction would be? XD
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


"hey, maybe that's a good idea...we should do that..."

And M$ did, they made some lame LEGO-ripoff mascottes...

But this was mentioned in a thread here somewhere some time ago...
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


heh, i wonder if Bill has seen the things the internet has made his systems personifications do XD  that would be more interesting.  "Mr gates, this is WinXP,  this is WinXP with some DP action. any questions?"
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


would be cool but i expect alot of fan service... XD


Mr Gotes:
"Whoaaa...! that's goood!! that's good!! I like it!!
no question....!! continue... continue....!!
That's a free advertisement for me....."

no offense!!
maybe something like that??  ;047


He's the über-nerd, so he'll ask for a printout, hide in a closet and starts fapping... ^_^
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


wow, topic revived! thankyou persona! i posted this months ago! xD

at any rate, the funny thing is, it actually WOULDN'T be that hard to get licencing. i've look at the microsoft site, not one mention of the -tans. and as for the original creators, they sort of can't be determined, there are actually fights going on over who actually did come up with the canon os-tans.

and the terms "ME", "2k", "XP" are not subject to copyright. add in "win", and it's still not under copyright. (especially since "Mac" isn't either; twas "Macintosh" back in the day, "Mac" is slang, and it is now "apple". sometimes things may be subject to copyright though, such in the case of ipods. )
click to make it bigger


Nevar underestimate the lobbyist.

Also, trying too hard. Regardless of what we say, all this is just a damn unreachable pseudo-dream anyway.



Wow, Nejin, your blunt form of arsshole never ceases to astonish me.  Do us all a favor, find polite ways to talk to people for once.  This is not 4chan, we are not the unforgiving heartless anon. Leave that crap at the door.  Even if her goal is rather unobtainable, you neednt rub her face in that fact.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I'm heartless, emotion-wise I'm plugged out of the damn heart machine, don't expect the impossible from me

Besides, better to be blunt right away than allow people's hope to get up all high before they crash. Cuz the higher the hopes, the harder the crash, you know~