What computer/OS are you using?

Started by Bella, April 16, 2007, 02:59:17 PM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI wonder what the did with the old 98s?

I'm wondering that too.... ;__;

That there is valuable real estate!  ;^0^;
Hopefully Canadians are more conscientious of e-Waste, so they'll find a way to reuse or recycle them properly.  ^^
Canadians are most likely to give away their old OSes to other people like family and friends or to a needy school (We DO have programs like that!). Some people keep them in storage or an attic in their homes (like what we do). And then we have those people that just throw away in the trash. -_-;

Hopefully, my school still has them somewhere. Because I feel like taking one to take care of. I mean, they still work! So... there would be no point to throw it away if it still works right?


*dispenses many huggies to IceLilly*  ^___^

That's the spirit!!  ^v^
Say NO to e-Waste!  ^-^


Hm, while we're on that topic, Sempai, what should i do with the old HP Vectra (Win2k) that's standing in a blue IKEA bag some 2 meters behind me?



Quote from: "C-Chan"*dispenses many huggies to IceLilly*  ^___^

That's the spirit!!  ^v^
Say NO to e-Waste!  ^-^
*slowly makes "Say NO to e-Waste!" banners* :3




Let see

My first PC was...

Motherboard: Intel VX430i
Prosessor: Pentium I 100MHZ
HD: 850 MB
OS:  DOS 6.22/Win 3.1

later was the same but with a few updates
HD: 2GB to 20GB
Ram: 32MB
OS: Win95 later Win98

Later in 2003 i buy 2 PCs

Motherboard: Pcchips M925 (Pentium 4) and M825LU (AMD Duron)
Processors: Pentium 4 (M925), AMD Duron K7 (M825LU) @ 1.8Ghz
Ram: 384 MB
HD: 20GB and 40 GB
OS: Linux Rexart ---->Win98/XP Pro

And my last PC that buy this year is

Motherboard: PCChips (Model unknown yet beause Warranty)
Processor: P4 @ 3.06GHZ
RAM. 256MB
HD: 80GB
OS: Win XP Home (deleted by a Virus) ----> Win XP Pro
N.D.R.P. Estudios


i have Windows XP Professional, and I have always used Windows XP Professional except for the old school computers. They were Mac. :)
Neptune: the OS that never was


jajajajajjajajajajajaja, some mounths ago, i found my old Commodore 64 in a old box, what have almost 13 years old of not open it, and just for experiment, i conect it, AND IT STILL WORKS! I DIDNT BELIVE IT! of corse, most of my games was damaged, but others still works very well, and the controls (the commodore can use Atari Joysticks) are usless, but some games doesnt need its... i save my Commodore again in the old box after i found in internet a rom emultator of C64, i hope that still works in 13 more year.
----Xonomech Xeno Mecha----


You're using a C64? Incredibly awesome! :D


Fufu... wait, don't put away your PAN-chan.  ^___^

Try adding some of these things to put it up to date:



WOW!!!! TANX C-CHAN!  But... i don't know how to programate... i just know how to run the programs... jeje...
----Xonomech Xeno Mecha----


My friend gave me his laptop because never used since the day he bought it. The laptop says it's a Windows 2000 but he told me it had XP Home installed on it (Yay! Homeko-san! ^v^). But I don't have a power cord and because it's an older model, it's gonna be difficult to find a cord that's at a decent price (or places that carry one at all)... ;_;


Let me know what the make and model is -- maybe we could get lucky.  ^.^


QuoteMy friend gave me his laptop because never used since the day he bought it. The laptop says it's a Windows 2000 but he told me it had XP Home installed on it (Yay! Homeko-san! ^v^). But I don't have a power cord and because it's an older model, it's gonna be difficult to find a cord that's at a decent price (or places that carry one at all)... ;_;

Oooh! Awesome!  ;010