Your own Os-tans and kuns

Started by Spysweeper, November 28, 2006, 05:51:03 PM

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QuoteSou sou, they'd make for interesting Mac parallels to these particular M$ releases. -v-

Something has always interested me about the prototype-tans. The Windows ones have always been very "mythological" and futuristic looking, I think the Mac ones should be similar.
Plus, I wonder what their personalities are like...


That's why my Vista-idea was portrayed as the victim in all this.  In most Windows-protos and betas, they include a lot of VERY good features, that (within the limitations of a beta) are something that I'd really enjoy.

Then the final release comes out, and the lawyers have sucked most of the blood and good features out of it, while replacing them with things like DRM that have no real business in an Operating System.

Of course, I'm not too popular in my view that Windows is actually a very GOOD OS, it just has some very bad decision-makers.

That's actually why in the real world, XP got her new Ubuntu roommate.  I preferred just bolting on whatever I needed as required, as opposed to spending a lot of time trying to get stuff OUT when it caused trouble.  It's just easier.  

I woudl actually love to find a Windows-equivalent to the software repositoreis in Linux, without having to go through the maze that is the MS website.


QuoteThat's why my Vista-idea was portrayed as the victim in all this. In most Windows-protos and betas, they include a lot of VERY good features, that (within the limitations of a beta) are something that I'd really enjoy.

Then the final release comes out, and the lawyers have sucked most of the blood and good features out of it, while replacing them with things like DRM that have no real business in an Operating System.

I think your right. I don't think Vista itself is a "bad" OS (save that for ME and some of the other non-NTs)...Just that I don't think it's better than XP (after all the successor should be better than the predecessor).

QuoteOf course, I'm not too popular in my view that Windows is actually a very GOOD OS, it just has some very bad decision-makers.

I think that, NT-based Windows (mostly 2k and XP) are very good OSs.

Hopefully, they'll see people don't like Vista that much and codename Vienna will be a lot better. It could happen...after all, XP was after ME...
But one was NT-based and the other not, whereas Vista and XP are both NT-based, so these really are different situations : |


QuoteI woudl actually love to find a Windows-equivalent to the software repositoreis in Linux, without having to go through the maze that is the MS website.

Wow, almost forgot about this.  You really should consider putting up a memorable avatar, Grant-san.... ^^'

*looks at Bella-san's Sonata-san avi and SWOONS*  XvX


Anyway, lesse..... -v-


A Windows-equivalent to software repositories....  -.-



*ponders some more*


Best Buy!  ^v^

HARHARHAR...!  ^-^

Nah, just kidding.... -v-
I'd probably say sites like or are as close as you can get to the concept of software repositories.  The difference being (besides the fact that you have to install all that Windows freeware/shareware yourself and one-by-one) that 95% of what's found in the repositories is free, whereas 95% of the stuff in those download sites is not (they're either shareware or buyware,... ironically, most of the best apps are the drop-in-the-bucket freeware ones).   ^^


Autopatcher maybe?  Not sure if that's what you were looking for.


I actually am working on the avatar thing.  Trouble is, I have a host of stuff, but somehow, I don't think a picture of an anime-style girl works for me (I'm a 28-year-old GUY) because if it did, I would got for the XP-tan with a gun.  I love the penguins, but am still looking for one hat fits me.

Plus grad school's eating my time like XP and beef.

I agree on the free stuff, I recently changed from Norton's to a multi-pronged mix of comodo, AVG, Defender (yes, a Microsoft product!) with Spybot and Ad-Aware running backup.  My computer is a LOT faster like that in XP-mode.


maybe a system mechanics 7 tan???? ;011


This summer while I'm away I'll probably do quite a bit of drawing in my free time.
Since I usually come up with new characters using suggestions and ideas from the creative people on this site, I'll likely do mostly fanart, as well as some designs I have had in my head but never got around to drawing.

Some ideas:

Kubuntu-tan: I see her as being similar to Juzo-kun's Ubuntu-tan, perhaps taller, slightly better endowed, and more refined (because KDE is considered prettier than GNOME). I think she'd have longer hair, dress in blue, and have a Kubuntu KDE gear necklace.

Xubuntu-tan: I remember C-Chan mentioned a design for her. Something like a girl, with pigtails and a pet hamster.


Yesma'amebob!  ^__^

Think of Xubuntu-tan as a gentler, mousier, bluer SAM-chan.  ^.^
And yeah, technically that should also be a mouse, but since I already slipped up prior, might as well keep it a hamster.  ^.^

Other than that, the sky's the limit for you, Bella-san. You'd know I'd like everything you make.... I'm just hoping I'd hear from you earlier than anticipated.  ^__^


This is my Barcode-kun

It's a photoshop edit or an attempt but it's a start

he actually has two forms one is the unscanned mode and the other is scanned mode.

His strongest finishing move is Called Code label scan

He has a goth feel to him which means he has kind of a dull personality but he is very strong is one the strongest net characters.


Supporting the Barcode-tan idea.

This is Nea (EAN backwards(silly huh?)).
Much like -kun she's pretty goth.
Works in a local store mostly putting stuff on the shelves and checking that the prize is correct.
Striped stockings are just a must.


I'll also be making another one called PSTHRII60 it's a fusion of the NEXT GEN os-tan/kun consoles.


And Barcode-kun is here too, I see.  ^__^

And thanks, VonDaab, for your support of local artistry!  ^v^
Admittedly I can't make the connection between barcoding and NEA, but the sketch is beautifully done and the character concept intriguing!  ^__^

Course, if you replaced the black-and-white stockings with red-and-white ones, she would like right at home at a McDonald's.  Perhaps one of her partime gigs?  ^.^


Haha, oh wow, didn't notice the mcdonalds thing.

Oh well, the NEA thing is from the european EAN-barcode system.

My lazy research, because first after finishing the sketch I noticed that the states and eu has different barcode names.


Oh geez, the US has something that isn't standardized with the rest of the world,... what a surprise.... *chortle chortle*  ^.^
The mile/kilometer thing also gets me too when I'm traveling.  -.-;

But now that I get it, for sure she's astounding!  ^v^
I was gonna ask for a colored version,............... but somehow, black-and-white seems very fitting for a barcode character.  ^___^