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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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So you can reach the fourth level in the hierachy?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


But then technically, that means you can't reach the 4th level, Kami-Tux...


Well, look here:

I can just stop shaving :)

(and BTW: one of my earlier avatars did have a beard)

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!



*twitch twitch twitch*  ^___^x

Methinks I have to have a little chat with Emko-san and Brodzik-san about zoology.  After all, pigs are technically smarter than dogs and penguins........ combined......  -v-x

*twitch twitch*

[slyly]  OHOHOHOHO!!!  ^0^
Plus, last I checked, this isn't the Year of the Penguin but the Year of the Pig.  ^___^
Wait,... there is no Year of the Penguin?  Oh, that's too bad.... ^.^

*tsk tsk tsk*

Don't worry, we'll just celebrate it alongside the Year of the Cat..... ^________^

Fufufufufu.....  ^.^

Added after 41 seconds:

BTW, Neji-san,...

Once the Grad stuff is over, don't forget to go over those commands up above.  `v'


There is no Year of the penguin because we were to smart to expose us to a culture whicch eats almost anything. :) Unlike pigs who were not smart enough for that

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Hmmpf!  What's wrong with being omnivorous?  Â¯__¯

At least WE'RE not afraid to eat highly nutritious (and cheap) bugs.  Â¯v¯

Westerners, on the other hand, cringe at the thought even while feasting on lobsters, crabs and shrimp (which are all essentially giant spiders).  -v-

We also provide vegans with 10x more incredible, edible choices, so they don't have to come up with weird and wacky ways to reutilize lettuce, cucumbers, bean curd and what not....  -v-


Crayfish all the way!!!

Added after 14 minutes:

Oh also, me is going down to me cousin's place now, to fetch him up here. He can be a bit lazy at times - even more so than I am...

is that possible? o_o


Quote from: "C-Chan"Hmmpf!  What's wrong with being omnivorous?  Â¯__¯
For those who eat like that, nothing, for those who are eaten... well, something. And on that note: why is there a term for pig-meat but not for penguinmeat? Because us penguins were too smart to become a food-source, neither for the chinese, nor for any other civilisation.

Quote from: "C-Chan"At least WE'RE not afraid to eat highly nutritious (and cheap) bugs.  Â¯v¯

Westerners, on the other hand, cringe at the thought even while feasting on lobsters, crabs and shrimp (which are all essentially giant spiders).  -v-
Bugs are not eaten, they are coded and then thrown out of the code. And I love all kinds of seafood as you might have guessed :)

Quote from: "C-Chan"We also provide vegans with 10x more incredible, edible choices, so they don't have to come up with weird and wacky ways to reutilize lettuce, cucumbers, bean curd and what not....  -v-
Vegans should return to their solar system :)

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Fufufu... that might be called "smart" in some circles, but antisocial in others.  If you think about it, there's no penguin meat for lack of trying,... but those evil humans have banned your consumption.  So technically speaking, you guys are just another repressed minority.  ;__;

Oh!  How my heart bleeds for my penguin bretheren!  ;^0^;

[passionately] I say stand up and fight for your right to be at the dinner table!  ;^-^;


To conveniently put us back on topic, all this talk of edible creatures has just given me an idea for Yet Another Linux Distribution.....  -v-


PorkOS!!!!  ^V^

A clever name that's a cute piggy reference to some, a literal take on "Pig Latin" for others, and even and obscure yet obscene pun for the scummier Linux users amongst us.  It's perfect, I say....  ^.^



By the flying pigs! This thing is SO not good.
It worked fine yesterday, and now it's all crummy - when I try booting up with the Kubuntu LiveCD i get the following halfway through the boot sequence:

/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off

What the flying fuck?


GYAAAH!!!  What a heck of a time to be having hardware problems, just when I'm out the door.... T__T
Hopefully the Penguin God can help,.. otherwise, read through this thread to find out a possible workaround (since the TTY thing seems to be common with *Buntu):

BTW, what computer are you writing from?  Can you burn CDs?  I recommend trying another distros to see if it's software or hardware issue.  Cause if you're XP is crummy, and your Kubuntu LiveCD can't write to RAM disk (translation of that weird code), then my guess is that it has something to do with your physical RAM.  -_____-'

But that's just my guess.....

Good luck, dude!  ;___;


Well, I tried out my old Puppy - it worked as fine as ever (still no clue as of how to set up the net thou ^^) so it's gotta be *buntu.


Dude, you're lucky my dentist could lend me his LAN.  Well maybe not,... can't really stick around for too long to be of much use.  -___-

Was that the first time you used Kubuntu Live on your PC?  Maybe it's just crummy on certain machines,... might still recommend you use PCLinuxOS instead if you can download it.   ^^'

You can connect Puppy-chan to the web by using the internet connection wizard.  Click Get Driver to locate a driver for your ethernet card (or modem, but you look like an ethernet person) then once it retrieves one, just click on "Test ..." to get the connection active.

For wireless internet, though, you might have to read up on that since I've never used wireless anything....

...and etc, just search around.

Gotta go, c ya!  ^__^

Added after 3 hours 50 minutes:

Okay, I'm back, ~desu!

I'll be standing by for assistance, ~desu.  ^__^


In scary-at-the-time-but-now-okay news, yesterday while booting into Puppy something went wrong. I don't know what, but according to the bootscreen it had a kernel panic. After a moment, I shut down the computer and turned it back on. Everything went fine afterward :|

QuoteNo, that would be USB drives probably. ^__^

Ethernet connectivity has been around since at least the age of the Xerox PARC, and certainly had to be accessible to Windows NT back in the early 90's (given the whole server thing... -v-). On the other hand, high-speed internet connectivty was not particularly popular in the American consumer market during the mid-to-late 90's (remember AOL?), so computer manufacturers (as you can probably tell from HaPup's cheap-ass BIOS) omitted such things to cut costs. ^___^

In any event, I think we've reached that point where software solutions have been rendered impossible, and hardware solutions are inevitable. So even though I won't recommend you splurge too much on HaPup (it pains me to say it, but I guess we can live with just 64 megs of RAM... -v-'), perhaps installing an ethernet card is the least you can do for her to extend her life. ^___^

With network capabilities, she can go online AND share files with other computers in your home, as well as access the Linux repositories (although Puppy's official respositories are childishly small compared to the *Buntu ones).

But before we go there, how about we get your external HD working, eh?
Have anyone you can borrow a USB stick from?
If you connect that and THAT doesn't read (which I know it must), then there might be a hardware problem with your computer's USB ports. -v-'
That I would probably recommend fixing as well, since a computer without USB ports in this day-and-age is like a chicken caesar salad with just chicken. -.-'

Keep me posted,... that'll be your new priority. ^__^

I'll be honest...I'm incredibly paranoid with the external HD, what with K8 in the shop and all, and you know, maybe having the HD formated. Right now, I'm pretty much too paranoid to connect the HD to either of the computers (DY or HaPup).

But I do know the USB ports work, I can plug a USB mouse in.

I didn't know about DSL/highspeed until I got K8, and that was just a few years ago.  

QuoteWell Puppy's too friendly to compete against' Hacchan. I'd imagine something more like Puppy-chan bursting with energy, and trying to get a lazy, lethargic, television-watching Hacchan off the couch. (Since Puppy's younger and smaller, it'd make it even more humorous.... ^___^)

Heehee...or maybe something like Hacchan and Puppy-chan having to be roommates.

Hacchan: "I'm not sharing a house with a Linux, no way."


QuoteYep, although I should probably disclaim that Puppy is tailored-made to be particularly fast, whereas SAM Linux is geared towards being more modern. So if there is a speed difference, bear in mind it won't be as bad as when it's actually installed (since it won't have to decompress any large programs on the fly). Remember there's also other distros like Zenwalk and Xubuntu, and even various different flavors of Puppy, such as GrafPup (for graphic artists) or ChubbyPup (which includes gobs of additional programs, including even some KDE ones!).

I'm not as enthusiastic about you trying PCLinuxOS anymore, although if you ever have CD's to burn (no pun intended), it would make for an interesting benchmark test (cause if your machine can run KDE with no problems, there's no reason in the world for you to sacrifice all your Windows experience.... ^__^).

I thought Xubuntu was a 64-bit distro? I read Zenwalk needs 128 MB RAM ideally, although it can work with less. I just wonder if being based on Slackware would make it more difficult to work with...and isn't SAM more or less like PC Linux OS with Xfce DE?


YEAH!!!  Bella-sama is back!!!  ^v^

Tsk tsk,... well I guess if you want to wait until K8 returns (hopefully not ravaged by those Worst Buy bastards), that's okay.  ^__^
Although it would be nice if you bought yourself a nice 1 gig USB stick,... nowadays you can probably get one for $18 USD.  ^___^

Truly the floppy disk of the 21st century.  ^.^

The *Buntus are usually made for various architectures,... you might've thought that Xubuntu was 64-bit because I use it on my AMD64, but otherwise I used to have a 32-bit version installed in my machine.  ^^

PCLinuxOS and SAM have drained a lot of my excitement with the *Buntus, but they're still your best bet if you want GOBS of software with relative easy of use (Ubuntu's repositories are HUGE and Debian-based).  

If Zenwalk is also a LiveCD, it's only natural that it demands 128MB cause all LiveCDs need 128 megs.  ^^'
(To install a whole OS on RAMdisk requires at least that much.)
Remember, Puppy ALSO requires at least 128 megs for its LiveCD,.. but since you created that nice little partition, you no longer have anything to fear.  ^___^

Well,... maybe those kernel panics.....
There is a reason, after all, why no one "advises" you use swap to prop up a LiveCD -- guess that's just a small reminder that hard drive swap is not exactly a 100% replacement for real RAM.  ^^;
For your purposes, though, I guess an 80% replacement will do.  -v-

Slackware-based stuff MIGHT be a bit tricky to work with, but then it's one of the best for old hardware.  And besides, you'll never know if you don't try.  ^v^

And that's sort of an accurate description of SAM Linux, but then that's a good thing.  ^__^
Trust me, if you can get something as wonderful as PCLinuxOS working on old hardware, you'd cry tears of joy as well.  It really is beautiful and snappy to boot!  ^.^

But don't take my word for it,.. you're not the only one to ask about it....  ^___^

Added after 9 minutes:

QuoteHeehee...or maybe something like Hacchan and Puppy-chan having to be roommates.

Hacchan: "I'm not sharing a house with a Linux, no way."


Originally I was thinking of something similar, where Hacchan would be hogging all the food while Puppy (w/ wagging tail) was eagerly waiting for at least a tiny morsel.  A reference to Puppy not being permitted to use up even a little bit of hard drive space.  ^___^

BTW, this is something you may want to try once you're really comfortable modifying stuff, but did you know that you can install Puppy alongside Windows 98?

The concept is simple,... Puppy-chan just installs the same files it uses on the LiveCD onto the hard drive, so whenever you boot to Puppy, it just decompresses itself as if it were running on a CD (but naturally since it's on HD, it's a bit faster).  

Alternatively, you can get the custom-built Windows 98 Puppy that prepares a more convenient set-up for you....

...unfortunately, though, it's only version 1.07, and besides it kinda defeats the purpose of not having to go into Hacchan (the other method is a lot more like the regular LiveCD).  ^^'