H-NA Productions' RP - ERROR:403 (Ingame)

Started by NejinOniwa, April 26, 2007, 03:46:37 PM

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With all of Gummster's senses now fully activated he senses something huge on it's way to the group. Gummster then looks up and sees an enormous sphere just about to hit Ren, who just in time escaped with a great jump.
Gummster thinks for a second "How'd that happen? Oh yeah it's a robot."
Then hearing what sounded like run from Ren.
"Bah, I'm in no mood for this right now, I guess I have to help Ji out a little too." Says Gummster to himself then grabbing Ji and running away.
With the others.

Lt. Iria

It had taken a lot of convincing to get Tsubashi out of his quarters to accompany me on my walk. The twin suns were poised to disappear over the horizon and plunge the landscape into an eerie, uncommon darkness. For this, Tsubashi was extremely thankful.
While Tsubashi got ready, I grabbed my field equipment and surveyed our surroundings. The thick vegetation prevented me from seeing very far, and I once again regretted Tsubashi's decision to leave our craft shielded. I groaned inwardly. I hated not knowing what was out there! I checked our power levels, vainly hoping the fusion generator had mystically restarted itself.

It hadn't. The solar panels were gaining supplying power for our shields, but once the suns went down, the batteries could only hold out so long. Flackit! Why were we here? Heck, why was this planet here? It wasn't on a single star-map in the Vampiric federation, nor any publicly available map. Frak! We were supposed to be providing Anecris for the brotherhood ceremony, Dammit all!

"Onward then?" Tsubashi said, more cheerily than I was feeling. We took off through the forest, at an excruciatingly slow pace due to the thick vegetation. If not for Tsubashi, my  Amahki Blades would have easily cut a path, but I well knew Tsubashi's feelings on destroying native life. I kept my blades to myself. Before long, though, Tsubashi, sensing my frustration I'm sure, lifted me from behind and flew me over the tree tops. While still grumpy, the beautiful landscape softened my mood.

Looking up, I suddenly saw a large energy burst a few kilometers to the southeast. From the looks of it, it was caused by the implosion of a small fusion type device. The waste of energy almost made me cry.
Why couldn't you just channel into our craft! I silently yelled at the fading shockwave. Tsubashi suddenly banked steeply left, jostling me from my thoughts. I looked around to see an odd assortment of items raining down in fury upon us.
"We will need to collect those" Tsubashi said in his silky, velvet voice I had come to love.
The items had, luckily, fallen about a hundred meters of each other. We split up and scoured the area. The items I found didn't seem related, a pretty staff, a baseball bat, some music. I was at a loss why Tsubashi wanted these things. Tsubashi scared me, landing on my shoulder as quiet as ever. I was about to scold him, when suddenly the jewel on my necklace pulsed blue.
^o^ Lithuanian Iria? It\'s Lieutenant Iria, thank you very much! ^o^


"We are being traced" I said simply. The necklace Iria-sensei wore was no ordinary jewelry. It's ornate fasionings hid intricate circuitry within. It was a portable cloaking device, capable of confounding even the most advanced detection systems. Only ranking officials of the Mradu class were given these.
"Seems to be working" Iria smiled. The blue pulse signified optimal operation. If it shifted to a more intense shade, such as red, we would proceed with all haste back to our craft. Limited as it was, Iria-sensei's chance of survival was much higher there. The pulse began to fade, and then stopped altogether.
"Guess we passed then?" Iria said laughing. I hopped off her shoulder to examine the items we had collected. What a strange group of things! Iria started wandering away, going through her purse. I looked over the remains of the music. It was a moderately hard piece, written for the violin. It had an engaging melody, beautifully written. It made me itch for something to play it on. Iria was a number of meters away now, examining her Khethian blade. She began a ceremonial sequence with it closing her eyes, probably out of boredom. Forgetting where she was, she startled when she accidentally hit a tree. The 'Thunk' of her impact was masked by the unmistakable sound of engaging booster packs, probably too quiet for Iria-sensei to hear.
"MOVE!" I yelled to her

Lt. Iria

Tsubashi hit me like a block of ice.
"What the..." was all I could manage, my lungs being devoid of air. I was on my back now, looking up into a sky dotted with black circles, each illuminated faintly by a small lenticular halo.
"Cerberus?!?" I said incredulously
^o^ Lithuanian Iria? It\'s Lieutenant Iria, thank you very much! ^o^


"Can't be certain" I said a bit hurriedly. "I didn't think they were still tracing us"
I took a good look at the slowly descending objects
"No" I said, "These are not the same ones"
I tensed as one of the group disengaged boosters and gained speed. Iria-sensei felt it, I'm sure, but kept silent, trusting my judgement. The Cerberus headed southwest of our position, it's detonation visible in the already dimming landscape. Others began to follow suit. Iria-sensei's cloaking device ought to keep us safe. I thought to myself, running through a worst-case senario, What could be... Oh Azralim, our craft!
The realization washed through me in a violent wave. Iria-sensei looked alarmed.
"We need to get back to the ship... now!"


Grammar! Proper grammar! Oh, glorious proper grammar!
It was roughly a minute later.
The bombardment of black spheres of destruction had grown really intense, and if REN had known the word miracle it would most probably have been typed into the console log at this time. Still, judging by the hastily analyzed data inputs, they would not be able to hold much longer against this kind of attack - it was only a matter of time for the casualties to start coming. And the only way of getting us all out is using...that uncomfortable thing. Still, we have no choice,[/color] REN finished half aloud, and entered
in the console, activating the Adaptive Process Power Transfer mode.
REN felt the exoskeleton become bulky as the APPT functions started up. The power levels rose quickly, though, and the tentacle-like EP modules shifted shape, from long and sleek to longer and less sleek, with ends more like spearpoints than balloons. Swiftly REN wrapped them around the others - less brutally than last time, though - and redirected all spare power to the flight module, which fired up in a million shades of purple. "Hang on tight, everyone,"[/color] REN said as the EP modules pulled the others closer to the steel frame. Then, without any other warning, the flight module gave out a screaming sound and the aloft group went from standstill to mach 1 in a matter of seconds, plunging up to the free airspace and making their way towards their target.


"Why?.... why did it have to happen?" Echoes in Wrights head. "Crash landing succesful" Wright suddenly wakes up after hearing the ships computer voice "What? what happen, where am i? oh right.... Arghhh no time to think about that." As Wright thinks about his situation, Wright tries to regain his focus. "Computer damage report." Wright said quickly. "Navigation system Functional,Universal SOS System Functional,Wings Damage,Thrusters Damage Flight is impossible." Said the computer. "Alright first things first computer, Naviga.." As Wright was suddenly interrupted. "WARNING! WARNING! Unidentified object is detected above the ship, impact is imminent, t-minus 30 seconds until impact. Advise all personal to evacuate, repeat advise all personal to evacuate." The computer kept repeating. Oh Crap! i gotta get out of here quick." As Wright quickly heads for the ships exit.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Gummster was really getting annoyed by the noise of these black spheres being bombarded onto the group.
"Bah, isn't it gonna stop soon?" Said Gummster to himself.
Gummster was not only running by himself, he was also carrying his violin and Ji.
"How many of those things are ther.. bwuahh" he said before Ren took him up and flew somewhere away.
"Well at least it's more comfortable than last time" he thought.

Lt. Iria

The panic in Tsubashi's voice was not undeserved. The shock felt like an ice cold wind as I realized that ship was our only way out.
"Run!" I yelled, pushing Tsubashi off me. I booked it as fast as I could, slashing anything and everything in my way.
Of course, he still beat me back.
^o^ Lithuanian Iria? It\'s Lieutenant Iria, thank you very much! ^o^


The shields had held, but not without significant battery drain. There was no way we could lift off in this condition
"Take everything offline" Iria said, after analyzing things for a moment
"Are you insane!" I hissed at her "They will pummel us!"
Still, as I rebuked her, I began carrying out her orders. She was, after all, the senior officer.
"They're either electrically or heat guided. Eliminate those and we're invisible to them" She said, flipping off the nearby light switch.
I could only hope she was right. Without our shields, a single blast might rip the ship apart, and Iria-sensei with it. No, I thought to myself, I must think positivly. I must believe that they are not manually targeted

I cut main power...


The flying REN had a hard time dodging the falling bombs in the APPT mode - And is it just me or are these things equipped with homing devices of some sort? They certainly aren't normal drop bombs. Well, in that case...[/color] REN hastily boosted ETHEREAL's effect output as they went past one of the bombs, and the black blade silently swept through the casing, which immediately turned from its original black to a conventional steel hue, all within the tiny fragment of time in which it was visible for REN's eyes. They were more than a hundred meters away before it exploded, but the shockwave struck REN as a blast of wind, and with the APPT module the usual maneuverability was gone with the wind, causing REN to waver heavily, losing both speed and altitude heavily. But just as they were about to turn upwards again, a spaceship tattered with high-voltage signatures appeared out of the blue right before them. "Shields?!?"[/color] REN shouted in surprise, before disengaging the booster and unfolding the flight module like wings, trying to avoid a fatal collision.
The speed provided by the extra weight of the others acted against this, though - despite the fact that they had been tossed upwards the moment the EISS detected the craft - foiled REN's attempts quite well, and the only reason that the exoskeletal layer wasn't crushed like a bug against a wall was that, in the last millisecond, the LEVCS activated with a blast-like output, and REN punched through the wall of the craft like a bullet of melt-hot lava through paper.


As Wright quickly exits his ship, he turns his head to see some sort of ballistic missile about to impact on a spaceship. "What the heck? is this planet a warzone or something?" Wright thinks in his head. But his attention was quickly focused on a swarm of bombs which shadows seem to block the sky, "What the Hell!" Shouts Wright, as a bomb suddenly explodes next to him. "Theres to many bombs i don't think i can escape before they fall" But just as the situation seemed grim, Wright remembered he still had a Experimental Speed Vial on his belt "I'm gonna get such a hangover later" Wright thought to himself as he drinks the vial, which gives him superhuman speed, then he quickly proceeds to find shelter.

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Exa followed the team he wanted to join, even though it seemed that no one cared about him. "If anything strange happens, maybe I can do something useful, too." - he said. - "But it seems that everything becomes more and more crazy and hard to understand..."


(OOC: In order to make things happen a bit, SCAI is stepping in for some DM work here. ayoussu!)

A few seconds after REN had shot into the vampire vessel, Exa, Gummster and Ji fell in a rather spread formation to the ground. Luckily they took a rather bumpy road through the branchworks of a bunch of trees, so it was with a somewhat gentle touch they landed on the bare earth, various foilage, or, in Ji's case, on Tsubashi's head. Luckily for them both, penguins are rather fluffy and not all that lethal as throwing weapons - otherwise the vampire might had suffered some severe damage, instead of merely having a lump of feathers thrown at you.

Xeon had run at his blue hedgehog speed a ways from his mostly destructed ship when another of the bombs detonated in the airspace above him. The shockwave made him stumble and trip over a root, and as he was pushing forward a rather high velocity at the time the alchemy-using lawyer found himself flying at a rather high speed for a few moments, until he like the embodiment of a body slam hit the unsuspecting Iria from the side.

fwahahaa! was i eavil now? >w< crash kaboom!!

With a distinctively human line, REN's head popped out of the ravaged durasteel wall. If something like a balance sense had ever been implanted in REN it would definitely have been running total amok now - and despite this not being the case, REN still was feeling extremely dizzy. With a few wobbly steps the robot waddled to the hole in the wall from which it had came through, and looked out.
The scene the processed data from the MV showed was confusing to a degree that REN started to feel nauseous - despite this being physically impossible - and in order to ease it all, REN activated the EISS - which only made things worse. The trees around them were somewhat ravaged by the scattered shockwaves of bombs detonating at random, but at the ground it showed a rather disturbing scene. The mortals REN had met at the bar were scattered on the ground, with the penguin having landed on the top of a...something, a something in very peculiar clothing with a completely screwed-up molecular structure - and a few meters away, a human male in dark clothing and a hat, who seemed to have collided with a human female in clothing of the same style of the something, only somewhat less in quantity. While the other group seemed to have some acceptable level of consciousness, the other two showed signs of severe interior damage. This just keeps getting worse, doesn't it? REN thought silently, and fired up the boosters slightly. With a slight shake of the head, the robot exited the odd craft through the punchhole and floated down to the ground slowly, in order not to stir up even more disturbances in the system.


Gummster woke up in a rubble, with Exa, Ji and two other unknown people, that were in rather dark clothes.
"Where the hell am I?" Said Gummster in a low voice. "Augh my head, what happened? More important who are they?" Gummster looked at the two people he had not seen before, immediately got over his headache and grabbed his bow and violin.
"Surely I wouldn't need to get serious, they might even be friendly, but just to be sure..."

At that moment one of the darker ones seemed to be regaining his senses.