H-NA Productions' RP - ERROR:403 (Outgame)

Started by NejinOniwa, May 12, 2007, 03:53:11 PM

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Sorry, I was at Church. ^^'
Iria probably was too, though I'm not sure when hers is.
Anyways, I'm going to call her so we can synchronize our entrance!


Well if you were at church then it's OK.
Christian/Catholic people always get to excuse them self ^^

Lt. Iria

Sorry for the delay, I had... err... meetings. yeah

Anywho, I've posted my part of our introduction, now Tsubashi ought to bring us up to speed like we talked about, right?
^o^ Lithuanian Iria? It\'s Lieutenant Iria, thank you very much! ^o^


Okey-dokie! I've written Iria-sensei and I up to the same point as everyone else, care to proceed?

Added after 52 minutes:

This is fun! Should've joined long ago, ne?


Church? Maa, maa...these are the times when I feel it's nice to be an atheist. (Besides, whaddya going to church on mondays for? Or am i just in the wrong timespace here?)
Anyways, onto topic....
Ashamed to say so, but I'm feeling slightly lost here.
What's a Cerberus, except a mythical ancient Greek monster? Despite my allegiances I'm not all that well-educated in vampire terminology and stuff...yav'ta explain things here yar tsubashi-kun ^^

Still, I'll try to get things rolling anyways. Good job minasan!

Added after 6 minutes:

Oh and also good idea on the colored speech. Dark Red is SO mine. -w-


mayb cerberus is a type of missile?

BRB(gotta do something)~pyoro :3

oh and dibs

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Hooh-haah. Nice to seya, Kyon! Oh i mean Xeon. Sorry... ^-^;
Just to let ya know, ya're clear fer launch! Guidelines for launch are the following:
Crashed Craft
General Confusion
Bomb Alert

well, you get it. X-006 XEON, Hasshin dozo!


there just posted ~pyoro

althought dont know if its right my head still hurts ~pyoro :3

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


Sorry, I guess I'm too used to talking things over with Iria-sensei. She seems to understand! ^^'
Anyway, the Cerberus, in this context, is a type of sentry mine. Typically higher end production and a bit expensive. As Iria-sensei's response implies, we've had a few run ins with them before.

Fitting name, eh? Since the Cerberus guarded the gate to Hades ^__^

Amahki Blades in the Twilightian order are very similar to their Eclipsian counterparts. The blades are given only to the most disciplined and Honorable warriors, given for uncommon bravery in protecting others. Unlike Eclipsian blades, however, these are not ceremonial blades. They are inhumanly sharp, and coated in Vampiric venom, just enough to paralyze the victim in pain. The fact that Iria-sensei earned these while still human is incredible!

Azralim is elorathian, meaning "The Old Ones," denoting the original Vampires of Legend. Here, though, I use it as an expletive.

QuoteOh and also good idea on the colored speech. Dark Red is SO mine. -w-

Thank Iria-sensei. I was wishing we could change the font, when she said "How about colors?"


So be it! Applauses go to Iria!  ;019  ;019
Now *censored* into the ingame thread and start working, tsubashi-kun!!!

Lt. Iria

Stop being so modest, you stupid vampire! It was pretty much your idea, so own up to it!

anywhatwhen, I was wondering what you meant by: "Grammar! Proper grammar! Oh, glorious proper grammar!" eh NejinOniwa?
^o^ Lithuanian Iria? It\'s Lieutenant Iria, thank you very much! ^o^


Pyopyopyopyo -w- Won't be saying any names but have a guess, lololo -w-

Added after 1 hours 27 minutes:

Hm tsubashi, i dunno if i got ya rightssu, but i take this as them Cerberus thingies=the bomb stuffs falling over everyone, so i will act on this data. -w-


QuoteStop being so modest, you stupid vampire! It was pretty much your idea, so own up to it!
Liar! ^__^

QuoteWon't be saying any names but have a guess

I don't get it! Did I mess up somewhere?

As for the Cerberus, though, that was simply what Iria-sensei and I possibly mistook them as. How you proceed is entirely up to you. It works regardless of wether they are or not.

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and was that Xeon-san's ship you just punched through? Because I don't think ours is anywhere near flight-ready at this point. ^__^;


He's praising your grammar ~pyoro :3

Oh, and was that Xeon-san's ship you just punched through? Because I don't think ours is anywhere near flight-ready at this point. ^__^;

And that would just be mean T_T, well it cant be me since im being bombed or its my twin? hmmmmmm let me ponder on this

P.S your post really makes me regret not making my character into a cult leader that worships cthulu, or wait! a hypnotizing baby :D

Them be the Velvets. They are made of Velvets and Megidolaon.


QuoteHe's praising your grammar

Hontou ni? I though he was being sarcastic!
Arigatou Gozaimasu, Nejin-san!

QuoteAnd that would just be mean T_T, well it cant be me since im being bombed or its my twin? hmmmmmm let me ponder on this

Well, what if the detected object was REN, instead of a bomb (Or perhaps both?) Either way, your ship's gone, I think...

Quoteyour post really makes me regret not making my character into a cult leader that worships cthulu, or wait! a hypnotizing baby

Eeehhh? How so? I'm uncertain what made you think of that!