Favorite genre of gaming

Started by Spysweeper, February 09, 2007, 10:28:45 PM

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Ah yes the favorite gamegenres, I like quite a lot of games though, sometimes i like to spend time in it, but mostly i like a game wich you can pick up or leave alone easily.
I usually like a good FPS game without too many strings of realism attached, halflife2, doom3, FEAR, TRON 2.0, wolfenstein: enemy territory(online only) but generally they have to have good atmosphere for me to catch on
Arcade-ish style games can entertain me for hours, burnout3 for example, most people call it a racer but cmon it's mostly about seeing things go boom XD the learning curve is low and the gameplay is great! So i call it an arcade type.
Fighters for me should be 2D, the gameplay is just more fun than the 3D (button-bashing or button sequence mastering) kind of fighting games with the exception of DBZ: budokai 3, i used to watch DBZ when i was younger yeah but that doesn't baise my opinion about this game, it really is a good fighting game.
Also the survival horror genre takes my liking but only the silent hill series actually, it's just so twisted and there's hardly any ranged weapons to keep the nasty beasts away from you. I like the intensity of it.
As for party games i like those too, examples: supersmash brothers, GUITAR HERO, and even eye-toy but DDR is a bit too energetic in my opinion, I prefer dancing on a real technofest :P
I've also played a fair ammount of RTS and platformers, I like them yeah but just not as much as the ones mentioned above.
One exception to RTS genre though is dawn of war: the dark crusade wich i've played recently. That game really makes me go: "BWUHAHA, man look at 'm go!" Sometimes it's even so fun watching the battle field that I forget about sending in some reinforcements or give them more orders. Don't play it when you're in need of relaxing, as a commander you're constantly kept busy.


There are only two Genre that i like/love

Strategy Games (every art! turn based or RTS etc.)
RPG (but those like Xenosaga)

Genre that I hate :

Senseless killing

Genre that I neutral

jump and run
Games from SNES

I Like strategy games because i like to concentrate to "plan the next move"
and "to give orders"
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


I'm simple. I like racing...
And arcade games...pinball is my favorite :)

Xi Wang chan

I love ship-shooters (Like... I not remember T.T'), adventure (Like Zelda -Nyaaa °(^o^)°-), RPG (Like Mario and Luigi ^.^) and some puzzle games (Maybe Mahjong solitaries -My poor soul ^.^'-)...


I like lots of genres, but lately I've been mostly into strategy, car racing sims and single player RPGs.   I like a good action FPS as well, F.E.A.R is the my favourite one of the most recent.


I really like ego-shooter and 3D-jump´n`runs.
I play CounterStrike:Source, HL² and some older Nintendo games.
Playing shooting-games don´t make u to a terrorist/psycho! ^^
You have to know the border between real and virtual!


me...i like MMORPG, RTS, RPG, FPS. fighting is ok with me. like soul calibur and all tht


i like it when everything is on action...
i felt boring when playing some startegy game coz i'm too lazy to arrange my troops



i love FPS. They can be engaging as a RPG but you get the satisfaction of head shots or unbelievable feats regularly which just make my day.

Loving the halo 3 beta atm ...



I find hack/slash and RTS's be the best game genres.


I have to say that i am a strange person so:


rhythm & dancing games such as DDR, and beatmaniaIIDX
racing games (the ones that are not too technical) love burnout!!
rpg's with good stories like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
fighting games also not too technical (big fan os Marvel vs. capcom 2... too     bad they never made out the 3..

I enjoy.. but not to fancy

fps.. half-life 2 rulez
graphic adventures.. fan of the longest journey, and dreamfall

I can't stand

strict simulators like some flight simulators
games without story... or not good enough to dispose of soty


I love RPGs too. Try dunne in emacs21. really cool and geeky. ^_^


For me, the RPG, adventure, action, and the final fantasy style!!
N.D.R.P. Estudios