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The Exit

Started by SleepyD, October 15, 2006, 12:42:49 AM

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i really love this picture^o^ and one of the most important reasons is that flag of anti-windows-v-
i guess maybe you can add some mac-tans^ ^
just a piece of advice-.-


Hehe,... sorry, Macs are already taken care of in the original Running Windows pics....  ^__^

So the pics above is reserved for Anti$oft Coalition members only.  ^__^

But thank you, though.  ^__~

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh, and don't forget the updated image of my pic above.... ^v^


speaking of achain, did you see his OS/2 tan pic?


Two words: MORE OS/2!


On second thought, more C64 and PET! Better RED than IBM!


You mean this one here?

Or the ones in the Nanjaku gallery?

I know the top one is probably the one achain saw a while back ago, and that looked suspiciously like a character pulled from some manga.

The Nanjaku ones, though, I never got a chance to discuss.  ;___;


QuoteTwo words: MORE OS/2!


On second thought, more C64 and PET! Better RED than IBM!

Actually,... this time you're in luck.  I really am gonna work on a PET-chan picture next.  ^___^

Actually, it'll be her paired with Apple II-tan and Atari 8-bit-tan.  I hope to finally have the trio together, so I can better visualize them in a future micro-OVA.  -v-

Besides, the more OS/2-tan part will be covered once I finish that montage.  Kinda hard to do with no cheers of support. and a helluva lot of things to distract me with  -.-'

*long siiiigh*


*siiiiigh*  Well, for all it's worth, I'm finally finished with that pic....  -v-

(Have to thank the nice Inkscape people for adding blurring effects to the latest version.  ^.^)

Large sized version:

In just in time for the New Year,... MY New Year.... ^__^

Praise the Pig....  ^v^


Guo Nian hao! Happy new year.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


F - Y - I,... The /C-chan is now officially one VERY HAPPY camper!  ^v^

Now all we need is for the Great Penguin God to sing "Ode to OS/2 Users", and the circle will be complete.  ^.^


Me? Singing an Ode to OS/2?

Praised be JFS, OS/2's journaling filesystem, for IBM released its layout and the Linux-crew started supporting it.

Certere Censeum Microsoftem esse deledam!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


*clap clap clap*  
Bless you, oh great Penguin God, for that beautiful oration.... ^.^

Though OS/2 may be gone thanks to those IBM bastards, her spirit will live on in eCS-tan, who shall continue the struggle to bring down the monopolistic M$.  -v-

Now that the circle is complete, my mission in life is complete.  I can die in peace now.  ^__^

*trots off to die*


Oh wait no, I forgot,
Still need to finish Unix-sama.....  -____-'


And Plan 9-tan, and Inferno-tan....

And my renditions of FreeBSD and OpenBSD, plus NetBSD and DragonflyBSD....

Oh, and then there's little AROS-chan that needs to be worked on....

And the remaining Commodores....

Solaris-tan need her battle suit done....

OH Hell! And speaking of battles, I haven't worked on any CIOST member!  What's the OS-tan world without a VMS-tan?!!

And then the mainframes,... to leave out z/OS is sacrilege....  @__@

Dear GAWD, it just never ends!  ^^;


Yoooooo~ssu, minnasan! ^-^ Nejin has good newssu for ye-ssu!

(sumimasen, will try some ixnay-on-the-ssu-thing from now on ^-^;)


During my quest to get as much os-tan material as possible, i decided to try "breaking in" to the futaba-ostan servers. This didn't go very well, but after a translating i saw the regulated overseas-access notice, and decided to screw that up a bit. Y'know, proxy.
So after trying out some useless stupid software i finally got things to work accordingly (at least to some degree). And one thing, i say:

The thing with the futaba-ostan image shacks is that while they are indexed and stuff on the futaba-ostan servers and thus access-restricted (the "sub" file, the sidebar index), the image archives themselves are in fact localized at, and are totally open for anyone. So instead of making ye all screw your minds up with proxy servers whenever you want access, i'll provide ye with some half-direct linkage to the archives themselves (unfortunately with the way i'm doing this direct linkage will be a pain-in-the-a-s-s to fix, sorry). You won't get the fancy sidebar and thus won't be able to browse as swiftly as usual, but i'll give you a little how-to on this.

Warning: The below instructions can be very annoying at times and are only a measure for those of you with no other way of browsing around these places. If you HAVE an available proxy server, anonymity software or otherwise don't need ways around the block manually, just find your way around from HERE:

First, of course, you'll need the root address for all the archives. They are as follows:

Of course, the last one is obviously nsfw, but i'll put it in for the record anyways. There are degrees of nsfw-ness in the first one as well but it is not an adult gallery as such, and can be scrolled through without much "danger". Um.

Next, you will need the available archive folders.

These are the following...
/31/sam.php (3.1-tan)
/95/sam.php (95-sama)
/98/sam.php (Hacchan & Secchan)
/2k/sam.php (2k-tan)
/me/sam.php (Me-chan)
/yamada/sam.php (Yamada, the alt. win98 tan design)
/pizza/sam.php ("Pizza", who seems to be a pizza-themed clone of 2k-tan, i dunno, but apparently she's a popular meme)
/we/sam.php (We-tan, the "reverse" Me-chan)
/xp_pro/sam.php (Saseko)
/xp_home/sam.php (Homeko)
/ce/sam.php (CE-tan)
/long/sam.php (The standard "Sailor" Vis-tan and Visbou (ninja vista), not many "alternate" designs)
/negiko/sam.php (Linux and Lindows -tans)
/ostans/sam.php (Group pics)
/hage/sam.php (Antivirus-tans)
/other/sam.php (Other -tans)

/95/sam.php (95-sama)
/98/sam.php (Hacchan & Secchan)
/2k/sam.php (2k-tan)
/me/sam.php (Me-chan)
/xp_pro/sam.php (Saseko)
/xp_home/sam.php (Homeko)
/long/sam.php (Vistans)
/ostans/sam.php (Group pics)

Then simply take one of the root addresses and pair them with a corresponding archive link, and press the magic button. (or something.)
I am lazy right now so i'm doing it this way - but if anyone can get up a better way from this stuff (like direct links) it would be very appreciated - by everyone, i think (since nobody wants to stick with this crappy method, right?), and certainly by me.

I also found these two; they have their "sub" indexes on the Kazumi386 servers, but due to my screwed-up proxy server settings and annoying futaba-ostan redirects, i couldn't get ahold of the entry url:s, so you won't be able to have the "sub" as an actual sidebar index unless you can get around it somehow. Good luck on that, i'm too lazy right now ^-^;

I also got this one over at the link page above...too lazy and late at night for me to classify though - anyone could do that, please? Also my browser doesn't like the text format.

I hope. -.-

Added after 1 hours 34 minutes:



I've found it!
I remember some while ago when someone, can't remember who (or if it even was here, might even have been over at Wakachan), but he/she/it posted a pic of a potential winamp-tan. Then someone else asked whether there was any OS-tan winamp skins. Then the thread fell into obscurity, for some reason. can see it coming now, can't you?


Found it, as almost everything else, through random chance and clicking of links. It's old and not updated anymore (but since it's designed the same and seems to be a sort of companion site with the old nijiura gallery, there might be another, newer gallery somewhere), but there's still stuff there for lotsa download! Booyah!


huh, I remember that site, but I remember the winamp skins being a dead link....



Hello SleepyD.  I need your expertise.  Since the Wiki is offline at the moment, there's no way for me to cross-reference it with your master list.  ^__^

But for the time being, have you come across this site before?


As a matter of fact, I have. ^^

I don't believe I have it linked tho.  I just used the wiki in order to find other sites. (copying and pasting the japanese titles and using them in searches, for example) It's a nice resource, and when the wiki does go back online, feel free to add it.  
I've been extremely busy as of late..... -_-


Thank you, SleepyD.  -v-

Once Fedora-dono fixes our Wiki, we'll rock-paper-scissor to see who adds it.  ^^