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How to Survive a

Started by panda, December 20, 2005, 09:32:17 PM

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thanks, I think I'll look into the glock, considering their reliable, and can have an internal lazer, not tho find out if they can also have a light.
hmm, I'm also looking at the heckler & koch USP

Do you know were I could get a good leather shoulder harnase? (the ones where the gun is under your arm, and extra clips are on the other side.)

Gunsmith Cat

The USP is an overpriced hunk of shit. They feel like crap, the mags are way too expensive, parts are near impossible to come across due to HK being unwilling to provide customer service unless you are a government agency. Glocks will put up with more abuse and keep working better than any firearm on the planet. I would really advise you to not go with a shoulder rig unless you plan on carrying the thing under a jacket and have a concealed weapons permit. A hip holster has a much faster draw and allows you to carry the gun more comfortably.


what are some generaly good pistol compomies?

Gunsmith Cat

I would have to say Glock, Springfield Armory, FN, STI, SVI, CZ, Detonics, Kahr Arms, Para Ordinance, Sig Arms, Steyr, and Walther. I usually suggest Glock for a first handgun, they always work, they are lightweight, hold a lot of ammo, are pretty accurate for what they are and overall they are very inexpensive.


Humm I wonder if you need a concealed weapons permit if its right out in the open... I just bought a 90 dollar drop holster for use out here in the desert for my beretta M9, which will fit my M92 back home.  I also picked up a set of lazer grips for it and got a set of 6 H&K 30 round mags for my m16 a4. I tell you those mags are sweet compaired to the normal gov issue.  But we have a pretty hefty budget out here so we are ordering better gear then normal.. black hawk holsters instead of gov "green monsters" and the like.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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how do you like your M92? and how are the lazer grips?

Gunsmith Cat

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"Humm I wonder if you need a concealed weapons permit if its right out in the open... I just bought a 90 dollar drop holster for use out here in the desert for my beretta M9, which will fit my M92 back home.  I also picked up a set of lazer grips for it and got a set of 6 H&K 30 round mags for my m16 a4. I tell you those mags are sweet compaired to the normal gov issue.  But we have a pretty hefty budget out here so we are ordering better gear then normal.. black hawk holsters instead of gov "green monsters" and the like.
I really like the HK High Reliability Mags, they are awesome however they do weigh twice what the standard mags weigh which does add up when you are carrying a bunch of them around. I really wish they would just issue you guys G17s and get rid of that damn big heavy nasty M9. I sell a lot of those Crimson Trace lazergrips and they are interesting but it's just a funny gadget, if you were to put anything on a gun I would suggest Tritium sights first. Hope you always come home safe from a deployment, and hope your chain of command allows you the "shoot first, ask questions later" form of engagement.


what do I need to stop a mad robot? Just Spash Watedr! That will fry they're innards. Just remeber however, When you kill a computer of any kind...

your killing the little OS-Tan inside.


you forget, it can be water proof, and almost all electronics are water resistant at least.
Plus you would need alot of water for a robot that is desined to hunt down/surve humans, as it would be desined to be able to "deal with it".


panda have u ever seen a Dalek killer robbots with something in side

they have no weakness ... well maybe stairs ... lol


take out its sensors (caramas, micraphones, etc.)
But I'm preatty sure my 270 will peirce that.