"The Dependable Woman's Song"

Started by EmiOfBrie, February 21, 2007, 01:47:00 AM

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This song will be recorded tomorrow, by the way  :)

(to the tune of "The Chemical Worker's Song" by Ron Angel)
Lyrics Ã,©2007 by Emi M. Briet

And it's go girls go
Defend with every breath
And some days when we're in this place we're two days nearer death
But you go

Well a processor have I and I'm telling you no lie
Got 2.7 gigaHertz but I just barely fly
There's porno all around me and a virus in my hair
There's a lousy smell, a beeping bell, and Master doesn't care


Well I work among my sisters and I fear the magic smoke
I've shuffled through the data that for ME makes her choke
XP fell deep inside a loop, got sick from an email spam
Tonight is rough, I've seen enough, it's time to clear the LAN


Make Money Fast with bonus opportunities galore
The hackers like their spyware but I'll stop them breeding more
And soon XP is online looking frazzled but alive
And ME's fine with help from 98 and 95


Well a processor have I and I'm telling you no lie
Got 2.7 gigaHertz and now just watch me fly
I know that I'm dependable through malware and through hacks
When a sister's down, I'll be around to thwart what may attack

And it's go girls go
Defend with every breath
And some days when we're in this place we're two days nearer death
And it's go girls go
Defend with every breath
And some days when we're in this place we're two days nearer death
But you go


WOW! That must have taken some time. If we got someone to sing it, we could probably make and AMV...of sorts. C-Chan should really see this!


Um,... well that's a really cool adaptation of the lyrics, but I've never done AMVs before.  -v-'

Would be nice to throw in a brief mention of the Mac-tans in there, though, given that's their biggest competitor.  ^^


*shakes his head* its awsome as is.. ont listen to the pig.  dosent say a thing exep that it dosent mention macs.  how cruel
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Quote from: "NewYinzer"WOW! That must have taken some time. If we got someone to sing it, we could probably make and AMV...of sorts. C-Chan should really see this!

I *did* record it  :)
I've allowed downloads on it (as I have no problem with 128K rips of my songs being shared), so if you want to AMV it, go right ahead  :)


Quote*shakes his head* its awsome as is.. ont listen to the pig. dosent say a thing exep that it dosent mention macs. how cruel

Yeah yeah, just reading what he wants to read again to divide and conquer.  -v-

I know all you're tricks so date, so go away.  Shoo! Scat!  Git!  -.-

QuoteI *did* record it  
I've allowed downloads on it (as I have no problem with 128K rips of my songs being shared), so if you want to AMV it, go right ahead

Wow, now that's definitely commitment.  ^___^
I'm afraid where I'm typing from, I can't visit Myspace locations, but I will love to give ita listen next time I have.  ^v^

Don't listen to the evil, vile Captain -- Windows or not, I feel every attempt to contribute something to the OS-tan phenomenon should be greatly appreciated.

It prevents us from just idling by like tubeworms filtering whatever floats downstream from Japan.  -v-


I'm sorry for the hold-up,...
Got caught up in a bit of a collaborative project.  ^^'

In any case, Emi-san,... I did manage to listen to your song, not sure what to expect.  And the verdict is officially that I'm downright floored.  @v@

Granted, I don't know much about music composition, but that sounds to me like spot-on production value, sung with a clearly experienced voice (strong, clear and unwavering), as well as a very pleasing assortment of instruments.  'v'

If you don't mind, I also took the liberty to visit your djparticle.com website (sorry about your cat, btw...), and also felt beyond impressed by the presentation and be the overall feeling I get from your work that you're truly engaged in what you do.  ^.^

I won't restate a lot of what's said -- I leave that up to you to disclose as much about your trade as you want in this forum.  But I do hope to follow your work as close as I can.  ^v^

Oh, and I already saw the lyrics to "A GEEK LIKE ME" and am happy to note not just the Mac reference, but the Ubuntu one too!  ^__~

(Though now you've gotten me extra curious about "Windows Vista Sucks"... fufufu.... ^.^)



Am I blind, are the songs flash-files or both? I do not see where I can DL them.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


On the MySpace?  There are download links under the song titles

On my website, I have demo tracks available under "Demos", and then you click on the DDR-style song banners.


i do not see the song titles. Also, I think MySpace is horrible in terms of design...

Edit: it seems to be implemented with flash and/or Javascript. ...  ;273 Myspace!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


should still work on Linux though....works on my Ubuntu machine  O.o


There is no flashplayer for 64-bit Linux

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Kami-Tux, you really should consider adopting another computer.  Seems that 64-bit one is causing some boggles.  ^^;

I adopted my Xubuntu machine virtually for free after a coworker tried to throw it away due to massive WinRot.  ^v^'

BTW, Emi-san, glad to have another member of the Ubuntu family on board.  ^.^


The only "bad" thing is not having Flash and I am not so eager to use commercial software and proprietary file formats anyways.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!