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New gallery

Started by fedora-tan, May 15, 2016, 06:34:22 AM

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I am trying a new gallery, less heavy and more modern - also mobile friendly.

A few changes :
- There will be no link with forum accounts. It's boring to do and not very useful. All pictures are publicy available anyway.
- You can register an account on the gallery. It allows to rate and upload new pictures.
- There will be no user albums anymore. Please upload in most adequate existing albums. Existing user albums are kept
- Comments are disabled, former comments were not moved. They bring moderation duties and i want gallery to require as few as possible.

It should be so that i didn't trash any pictures from old gallery. However my script may still have bugs, so if you see anything suspect please tell me.

Please comment.


It looks good; has a sort of Booru feel to it. I do kinda wish that there was still a box for info on the image, like back on the old setup (Like, you could have a brief description of the item in question), but that aside, it works nicely so far



Quote from: Penti-chan on May 15, 2016, 11:44:16 AM
It looks good; has a sort of Booru feel to it. I do kinda wish that there was still a box for info on the image, like back on the old setup (Like, you could have a brief description of the item in question), but that aside, it works nicely so far

That can surely be added



It is possible. There is a description field. I'll try to retrieve existing description from old gallery to new one, and for new uploads one can directly insert description.


Alright. Thanks; I felt the descriptions really helped


Ooh, I hope it works out! I liked having a description field too and would like to see it included, if it's feasible to implement.

Ghost Member

Cool what about wiki? :D

The wiki thumbnail still broken.


Quote from: Ghost Member on May 17, 2016, 03:16:14 AM
Cool what about wiki? :D

The wiki thumbnail still broken.

Fixed. Probably was like that for a while, email me directly when something gets wrong :)


Thanks Fedora-Tan! That'd been bothering me for awhile as well.


Can we still upload to the user albums? sorry for the late reply.
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