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random picture thread

Started by panda, February 15, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

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Nice cosplay xD

GENO IN SMASH (As a costume, but still; glad to finally see him make a return in any form)

This is why I enjoy Joel's Sims streams


"Don't take my picture, dammit; I'm trying to take pictures of the leaves

Yay! (Also, I'd love to have a black turtleneck to wear under my red dress >w>; )

>TFW struggling to pronounce a name


A new reaction image, powered by IF -w-

Isn't this from that cat game Kari was talking about?


I can picture Bella wearing this (Or myself, to be honest -w-)



I love that image xD

An Undertale Christmas

Who wouldn't want a catgirl delivering presents? :3

[resists urge to rewrite Rudolph to be about a well-endowed lady in reindeer pajamas saving Christmas]

Scooby is not amused by my last comment


Quote from: Penti-chan on December 17, 2015, 02:19:25 PM

Who wouldn't want a catgirl delivering presents? :3

I really love this person's artwork, it's a shame the anime based on their stuff was apparently generic random fanservicey bullshit.


Mmm :\

Sometimes, I kinda wonder how I'd look in a sexy Santa dress >w>;;

- Me


Rabbit! : D

- Me, trying to make dinner the other night



@bells: what anime was it? :0
@pent: yes, that cat is from Neko Atsume. that's Bolt trying to fit into the small cardboard box. :0

it's adorably addicting. >w<
click to make it bigger


Kittehs~ >w<

>TFW you won a new bottle of Crystal Pepsi

>TFW 2k's waking up

I still need to get Fallout 4...but I do still need to beat 3, and start over 2 because I lost my save on it -w-;;


I would put this in my deck, if it were real -w-;;

>TFW avoiding someone you don't want to see

"I didn't think my cunning plan all the way through"

I'm surprised I haven't seen a parody of this, but with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air theme -w-;

The first error I ever noticed in an episode of Scooby-Doo

"Oh god not another Fire Emblem character" -GameFAQs Smash community, if she got in

[guitar solo from Master of Puppets goes here]




Failure of such a magnitude is an achievement on its own.


click to make it bigger




[attempts to substitute 2k's i7-2600 with this]

Meanwhile, a fanboy is raging

I have no idea what's going on here -w-;;

[considers putting Fallout 2 on my laptop]


Best anime ever


Help comes from the best (or worst?) places...


click to make it bigger



If Kari ran a store -w-

This game is as sausage weiners are

- Me, on New Year's Eve (mentally)