Your favorite OS-tan

Started by FabianN, April 09, 2005, 10:14:08 PM

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Strong in the Real Way.

it's nice to hear some -kun love. as for ME-tan, well, it's hard NOT to love her. she's the whole reason we have this site. -w-;;
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I love Emacs-kun! Even though that's kind of the artistic equivalent of nepotism on my part.

I also really like IBM 728 and FASTRAND-kun. KRONOS-kun is good too...


Emacs is cool, yes :3
I think everyone is gay for him. At least, I am >w>;


this site is so
girl-centric that hearing any mention of OS-kuns kind of pricks up my ears.
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Not gonna lie, the female character-centrism of OSC is probably one of the things that drew me in and has kept me here ...

As an impressionable teen who loved drawing and looking at cute anime girls this site felt like heaven.  :P


that's all well and good, but there are times when the amount of GIRL here is a touch stifling for me, on both a character and non-character level (SO MUCH YURI). ;^;
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Fair enough. I'm mentally/physically incapable of girl/yuri-overdose (as my DeviantArt gallery and favorites can attest) so I remain safe for now and the foreseeable future. ^^;;

Quote from: Penti-chan on May 03, 2015, 07:58:38 PM
Emacs is cool, yes :3
I think everyone is gay for him. At least, I am >w>;

Sometimes I wonder if I made the right call about his gender, considering the whole Emacs as Operating System theory. And the beauty and elegance with which LISP is regarded.

Then again, this exists, so who knows really.


@Kari: TBH, I suppose this site feels like an oddity, in being anime related and not being mostly, if not entirely, yaoi. Maybe I'm showing my age here, but it felt like a vast majority of the Cardcaptor Sakura, Gundam Wing, etc. fansites I stumbled onto as a kid were heavily geared toward yaoi fangirls over casual fans like myself, which given I had mom monitoring my internet usage more heavily back then, made my life hell, as I had to be careful where I clicked lest I stumble onto unmarked yaoi :\
(Maybe that's changed in the past 15 years, but that's at least what I remember. Although, I will admit I have seen some yaoi I do like in recent years, so hey -w-)

@Bella: I was thinking of that image when I mentioned Emacs, yes :3
I'm almost tempted to request an image of Emacs-kun* in that dress, having tea with Princess McIntosh** >w>;
*Still in debate on if that's Emacs-kun or Emacs-tan, and if the latter, would that be -kun with a sex change or his long-lost sister?
**That being Rodney McIntosh, roughly age 14 and gender-flipped, in a fancy dress. This will make sense when you see the story that I plan to release in August

PS: Check out On Topic(less); I posted something involving SCO Unix-tan


Quote from: Penti-chan on May 04, 2015, 01:01:45 AM
@Kari: TBH, I suppose this site feels like an oddity, in being anime related and not being mostly, if not entirely, yaoi. Maybe I'm showing my age here, but it felt like a vast majority of the Cardcaptor Sakura, Gundam Wing, etc. fansites I stumbled onto as a kid were heavily geared toward yaoi fangirls over casual fans like myself, which given I had mom monitoring my internet usage more heavily back then, made my life hell, as I had to be careful where I clicked lest I stumble onto unmarked yaoi :\
(Maybe that's changed in the past 15 years, but that's at least what I remember. Although, I will admit I have seen some yaoi I do like in recent years, so hey -w-)

When I first entered the anime fandom (2007 or so) I remember the prevailing stereotype being that anime fangirls HAD TO love yaoi. Which made me feel like a bit of an oddity as a yuri (and some het) fangirl. '_'

Quote from: Penti-chan on May 04, 2015, 01:01:45 AM@Bella: I was thinking of that image when I mentioned Emacs, yes :3
I'm almost tempted to request an image of Emacs-kun* in that dress, having tea with Princess McIntosh** >w>;
*Still in debate on if that's Emacs-kun or Emacs-tan, and if the latter, would that be -kun with a sex change or his long-lost sister?
**That being Rodney McIntosh, roughly age 14 and gender-flipped, in a fancy dress. This will make sense when you see the story that I plan to release in August

I'm still not sure if that's Emacs-kun crossdressing or magically gender-swapped.

Then again I feel like R63 Emacs would have much larger tracts of land ...

Quote from: winduko on May 04, 2015, 05:29:20 AMI can't get enough of either yuri or yaoi, though. Really, if it's either gay or lesbian, chances are I'll ship it. I'm also all for characters not being shipped too. Really, het-shipping is rare for me, but I do have a few het pairings that I like.

For me it really depends on the characters in question — if I like a pair of characters and think they'd make a good couple I'll probably like shipping them without regard for gender. That said I do agree that women and female relationships are somewhat underrepresented in fiction so I choose to focus mostly on females and female pairings in my own creative works.


@Bella: I think maybe that stereotype in '07 stems from the fact it was so prevalent in anime fangroups back in '00, when I got into it, and lived the hell of "one wrong click and something might come up that will set off mom". Hell, just fucking pop-under ads featuring scantily-clad women often got me in trouble*, even though she once told me the ads have nothing to do with what you're looking at but are instead selected at complete random >>;
And now you know half of the story on why I always have some form of ad-block enabled

Quote from: Bella on May 04, 2015, 09:51:06 AM
Then again I feel like R63 Emacs would have much larger tracts of land ...
ME-tan approves. Also, now I kinda want to see that >w>;
Although I feel I've already dumped a lot of ideas on you for art as of late -w-;;


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 04, 2015, 12:10:05 AM
that's all well and good, but there are times when the amount of GIRL here is a touch stifling for me, on both a character and non-character level (SO MUCH YURI). ;^;

I don't need your fantasy women.

I do need 100% more yuri tho


*now pictures Stew as Riker*
Hey; it fits with Bella wearing a Starfleet captain's uniform in that one story I wrote :3


guys, you misinterepret me. i'm not anti-yuri, i'm pro-OS-kun. we're such a small fandom as it is, and all the OS-kuns barely get any spotlight, that i get excited when i see mention of them. 9 times out of 10 when you're searching for OS characters on other sites they're all cute girls. ;^;

i agree with more females in fiction and bells' "it depends on the characters for me to ship it". as for my own works, i'm always in the camp of "let the characters tell YOU how they act (corny and pretentious, but it works for me)". ergo, i can't determine the pairing of any given characters i write, as they've already determined it for me. :0

speaking of, there's going to be a new story on here soon. by me. and it's yuri. sorta dark yuri.
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Yay! New story! : D

Also, true enough; the -kuns aren't as well represented. Moar art maybe? Like, the aforementioned "Emacs and Princess McIntosh have tea", or something else entirely? :3


I like ME-tan, Xp-tan, and 2k-tan ;)