More IBM-tans II: The DECkoning

Started by stewartsage, May 21, 2014, 10:48:54 PM

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Do eet~ ^^
(Art is always good :3)


Quote from: Aurora Borealis on May 30, 2014, 12:45:38 AM
... aside from being mute, carries a shotgun, and wears some sort of retro-futuristic outfit.

Something something dangerous mute lunatic.

I was also planning on drawing Odyssey and O2-tan. The more the merrier, though. :D



we will have their younger brother later, so you can draw them together. i'm picturing him as blonde, short, wearing glasses and a multicoloured, bow-tied suit.
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They look great Aurora!

I lol'd at O2 being frustrated by chess. ^_^;


Love it :3
Got a good LOL at O2 being frustrated by chess, and Odyssey looks badass with her gun


also, i lol'd at vengeful rainbow brite. cause that strangely fits what she was/is. -w-;;;
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She's looking both adorable AND fierce, Aurora. : o

There's one little critique I have — I think her eyes and mouth are a bit high on her face, knock them down a bit and it'll look perfect. :)


gah so kawaiiiiii

agreeing with bells about smidging the features down a bit. either that, or lower one and add a nose to offset it. :0
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Nicely done ^^

I actually saved that picture; may use as an avatar sometime in the future :3


do eet.

@aurora: are we to expect a coloured Odyssey2 sometime in the future....? >w>
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Did somebody say Soviet DEC clones?  Because there are an assload of PDP-11 OS clones that originated behind the iron curtain.  Our own wiki says seven RT 11 clones but I only ever managed to track down three that were specifically RT 11 related.  Below are also an RSTS and two RSX 11 clones, plus bonus System/360 clones for the IBM lovers out there.

-Often seen in public but little is known about her.  During the Cold War she was the target of much speculation by DEC Intelligence services.
-A copy of RT-11, physically
-Good friends with OS/RV-tan, another DEC PDP11 OS-tan clone.
-Reappeared under different names throughout the late Cold War.
-A countined embarassment to DEC.
-Reasonably popular among former and current users
-Never publically or privately acknowledged her DEC lineage, apparently considering it unimportant.
-Speaks at least Czech and Russian.
-Rumored to be a deadly assasain.
-Status: Alive, retired in the Czech Republic to live as a hobby OS.
Physical form: See RT-11 and add a little height/weight

-Similar to RAFOS, a clone of a DEC operating system (RSX11M) created by the Soviets.
-Physically identical to RSX11, except a little heavier in build.
-Best friends with RAFOS, her fellow DEC copy of the era
-Extremely jealous of RSX11 before the Iron Curtain fell, sent menacing letters to her.  Had a creepy shrine of DEC memorabilia.
-Somewhat limited compared to her polylingual siblings, speaks bits of English but only Russian well.
-Still one of the most versatile minicomputer -tans of the era and a hard worker.
-Runs in her spare time as a hobby
-Status: Alive, divides time between Minsk and formerly Ukraine.
Physical form: See RSX11

-Another RSX11M clone
-The weakest Soviet DEC-tan
-Has trouble keeping up with work, forcing OS/RV to do more.
-Primarily employed in simple tasks like mass data processing much to her sisters' disappointment
-Well liked by her users, congenial if a bit incompetent.
-Not popular or versatile enough to survive as a hobby OS after her commercial utility was exceeded.
-Status: Deceased
Physical: A pre-teen or early teen RSX11

DOS KP-tan
-Clone of RSTS-tan
-Most competent of the Soviet PDP-11 OS clones, lacking RAFOS-tans air of mystique and OS/RV-tans creepy obession with the west.
-Worked as a book keeper for many years, and in information processing.
-Heavy drinker to cope with vast amounts of work left to her and from trying to manage her eccentric sisters.
-Travelled a lot
-Unlike her origin OS, not very competitive or sociable.
-Has a very dark, sardonic wit.
-Cares for her various odd siblings.
-Status: Unknown, last known to have retired to the sea.
Physical form: See RSTS

-Soviet copy of DOS/360
-Gregarious and friendly, a winner at dinner parties and functions.
-Worked in a variety of industries, including telecommunications and engineering.
-Hard-working and task focused, she enjoys manual labor to relax.
-Not considered particularly intelligent, but very capable if given a few tasks or workers to manage at a time.
-Speaks Bulgarian, Hungarian, Russian, and Czech
-Sometime friend and companion of 'rogue' ES operating systems MOS and OS10/ES.
-Dotes on her younger sister OS/ES
-Status: Alive
Physical form: Shortish (for a mainframe), plump, wears glasses and some type of coveralls usually. Same hair and eye color as DOS/360.

-Soviet copy of OS/360
-A little cold and socially awkward, she relies on DOS to make introductions a lot of the time.
-Not very commanding presence but proud of her status as a 'high end' OS
-Works in business and scientific fields
-Speaks fewer languages then her sister, but does speak English.
-Disdains most of the mini- and micro- OS-tans, seeing them as second class systems.
-Formerly was spokeswoman for SVM when it existed.
-Dedicated to computing and increasingly it's history in the former Soviet Union.
-Doesn't like DOS hanging out with MOS.
-Status: Alive
Physical form: Mid to late teens girl, thin and kind of gangly, dresses well but conservatively and a tad out of fashion with the late Soviet and certainly the modern era.  Same hair and eye color as OS/360-tan.

Relationship Notes:
Unlike the actual DEC -tans who have a variety of convoluted relationships, I consider all the DEC clones to be sisters since their cloning/translation was all done by basically the same teams for the same Institutes in the various countries.  RAFOS-tan is kind of distant, preferring not to take responsibility for the rest leaving that to KP-tan, especially taking care of RVR-tan.

Coming soon....
-MOS, MNOS, and DEMOS-tans: The Soviet Unixes.


reall cool, dude, i'm looking forward to it. i'd wonder about artwork, but we all know bells will come sniffing through this thread soon. -w-;
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One wonders how the Soviets ended up cloning them in the first place ... stalking around DEC HQ and stealing -tans' hair?

Also, I really like your DOS/ES & OS/ES-tan designs! (I'd say more but I gave you most of my comments the other day.)

Quote from: stewartsage on March 20, 2015, 09:35:52 PM
-MOS, MNOS, and DEMOS-tans: The Soviet Unixes.

Hooray! Some actual communist Unices to go along with our pseudo-communist Unices (which is to say, the Unices).