What phone/smart device are you using?

Started by DustiiWolf, January 20, 2014, 08:29:09 PM

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Quote from: SleepyD on September 01, 2014, 03:15:58 AM
Smartphones are one of those things where you either go "eh" or "where have you been all my life!?" I have a feeling tablet computers are also in that similar category--it depends on what uses the person finds for it.

As for me, I didn't use it much before, but now I study kanji on it, use it to place my to do list, develop programs for it, tweet, chat, play games, even remotely control my desktop computer with it (this will kill any meager data plan, btw), etc etc. So yeah, this phone is getting a lot of use from me.

More or less, yeah. Honestly I'm not a huge fan of tablets, but I believe I could get by fine with a tablet + desktop computer, since I've historically had nonstop trouble with midrange laptops and don't use them enough to necessitate buying a high-end one. Tablets are relatively affordable and satisfy most of my mobile computing needs (mainly reading and web browsing). Same can be said of smartphones.

I'm very curious about this remote computer access app. What's it called?


ooo, i totes missed that part. Sleepy, spill.

@bells: funny, since it's like, if you're on level 2 and 4, i'm on level 1 and 3. i get by fine with a laptop and a smartphone, rather than a desktop and tablet. ^^
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That app. I needs info :3

At the moment, I don't have any games on my phone...although I do want to get Sonic 2; as the Android version has an extra level not on the original Genesis version
If only I had a Droid Maxx, so I could say "Droid Does what Nintendon't" : p

Xi Wang chan

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 30, 2014, 10:22:01 PM

Yup yup ^^/... my ISP (I think) had blocked this forum =A='...

Yup yup, it's cute ^^ ♥... just I have some problems with specific games (3 inches screen it's veeeery tiny X'D)...

And... I filled the internal memmory already (Most of apps, games ¬3¬')...


I look for the most suitable thread for this... without results =,='... posting my default mobile desktop ^^ ♥...


Ah, I use TeamViewer:

Install on your desktop and install on your phone. It's still a bit clunky since your monitor is much much bigger than your phone screen, so if you have a dual screen setup like me, it'll involve a lot of scrolling around. And again, this will use up gigs of data in a relatively short amount of time.

I generally only use it for any sort of emergency or if I wanted to take care of my moe-boats real quick.w But if you absolutely need to have access to your computer while physically away from it, a remote desktop system like this is your best bet.


thanks for the info. :3

@xi wang: wtf? where/what isp are you using?
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Xi Wang chan

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 02, 2014, 04:26:28 PM
thanks for the info. :3

@xi wang: wtf? where/what isp are you using?

Good question (I just uses Internet ^^')... the fact is, I had this forum (From my favorite collection) blocked for a long time (I checked with tools that told me Site is active, your connection/provider is bad uu)...


that's so weird. glad to see you're back, come back to the other parts of the forum, too. ;^;
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Xi Wang chan

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on September 03, 2014, 01:27:50 PM
that's so weird. glad to see you're back, come back to the other parts of the forum, too. ;^;

Is a lot to read ^^'... but yep =9...



so guys, in my desperate attempts to sync my iphone, i accidentally activated DFU mode, and when i managed to get it out of it it had somehow fixed the soun issues with my phone. all my game sounds, my new mail sound, my reminder sounds are back on. o__o

still didn't get it to connect/sync, but hey, i feel like i came out ahead here. .__.;
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On my new phone. It's a Nokia 630 and runs Windows Phone 8.1. I'm loving it already. Her name is Chicago because goddammit 95-tan.


Nice. I have limited experience with Windows Phone; it seems nice, but I haven't use it much -w-;


This is an actual picture of the old phone that I could only get thanks to the new phone.

Here's what a phone at the Cricket Store looked like.

This is Chicago.


i think my d key is slightly broken.

also congrats on the new phone. -w-
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