Started by CaptBrenden, April 11, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

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to be fair i started learning anatomy from HtDM books. xD

and yeah bro, "real" watercolours aren't fucking jokes. gouache is even worse. i'm somewhat thankful that i likely won't have to buy them ever again. ><
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I wouldn't mind investing in a nice watercolor set but ... but ... I'm not experimental enough with traditional mediums. I get nervous that I'll ruin everything with one out-of-place brushstroke and it kind of keeps me in my own little comfort-level box, which isn't a very good way to progress as an artist. :/





and if i could find my old watercolour notes i'd send them your way. in the event i'm forced to take another WC class i'll get some info for you, since while growth as an artist is important, not wasting $50 materials (and that's JUST the block of paper) is also important.
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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


-Artemis, On This Picture
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Thanks for the kind words, everyone~ :D

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 26, 2014, 06:45:20 PM
and if i could find my old watercolour notes i'd send them your way. in the event i'm forced to take another WC class i'll get some info for you, since while growth as an artist is important, not wasting $50 materials (and that's JUST the block of paper) is also important.

That'd be great. ^^

Quote from: Cockleshell on July 26, 2014, 11:33:27 PM

It is one of my artistic missions in life.


np bells. and i believe you've done this, but ever try messing around in a painting program (i forget the name of the freeware clone of Corel Painter, Mypaint, right?)? if nothing else, testing it in theory might be a good way to work up to practice.
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I don't think there's an OS X version of MyPaint. I have Painter installed but it's such a resource hog it's barely worth using. x.x I do feel as though my work with digital art has given me a better foundation for traditional art, mostly in conceptualizing 3d objects in 2d space and color theory type stuff.

Kawaii VMS-tan.

Pent accidentally suggested a thing.



I can't decide if that, my wedding picture, the 2k and PDP-11 costume swap, or Tsundere GLaDOS should be Pic of the Year



also, bells, didn't you have some kinda PC for this exact reason...?

oh yeah, i had fresh art to post. that's rare.

my friend Arty's D&D character, Xyno (our Monk, she's female if you're wondering)

i wasn't aware of how much molly/allen art i had uploaded, so if these two are repeats, i apologize

the bottom picture on this one was drawn last night, but idk if the rest has been posted either

this one was also drawn last night
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@Pent: Why not bo- I mean, all three?

@Kari: Ehh, I use my PC for SAI sometimes but it's extremely difficult to work with since the screen isn't very good and doesn't accurately represent color at all.

Seconding Pent, I like those drawings. Especially the action shots!

W-what happened to Molly though? Arrow to the chest? 0__0


Acid Arrow to be specific. she's been springing a lot of traps recently (unintentionally) that all happen to be acid arrows. it hurts her pride more than her, though, as she's supposed to be the master disarmer. (i have the highest search and disable device, for fuck's sake. >>; )

also, haha. i'll have to find an excuse to draw more of Action!Molly and Action!Allen, then. suppose it makes it even more exciting when she's given the opportunity to master her Were-Boar powers. xD;

also, i don't believe i mentioned to you guys, but i'm toying with the idea of paying to get Molly a set of dragon wings. :0
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You were having trouble looking for an image editor/drawing app? You shoulda asked! Is a good free drawing app.

edit: forgot to mention this: I browse the art here a lot and enjoy it, keep up the good work everyone.