What phone/smart device are you using?

Started by DustiiWolf, January 20, 2014, 08:29:09 PM

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My first phone was a blue Sony Ericson that looked just like this:

My grandmother gave it to me/us when out family moved to NH for my mom's medical treatment, so we could keep in touch and stuff. It was from Cingular Wireless, just before it was bought out by AT&T. We had some sort of shared/family plan and I was on it constantly.

Funny story, between the two of us we ran up a 900-some dollar phone bill one month. I about fainted when I heard the news. Got rid of the phone shortly thereafter; I don't think my grandma ever paid the bill, because she's the sort who'll run out on bills if they get too high. (Bless her ethically-challenged heart.)


your gram sounds amazing. also, i haven't heard the word Cingular in like, 10 years. thanks for the nostalgia, bells -w-

i can't find the exact model, but my first phone was basically this. the graphics were better, though, it was in colour, and it had a camera.

click to make it bigger


Remember when in order to get ringtones
you had to record songs by holding your phone up to a speaker playing music?


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 19, 2014, 01:48:03 PM
your gram sounds amazing. also, i haven't heard the word Cingular in like, 10 years. thanks for the nostalgia, bells -w-

She was really cool until she wasn't. It's a long story that's not appropriate here but it involves betrayal, theft of huge amounts of money and ended with being disowned by half my family (the ones in particular are bastards for other, unrelated reasons, so it was no big loss, but that's still traumatic to go through as a young teenager).

But back to the topic at hand: my first phone had a camera but it was sold separate and had to be attached via connection to some port at the bottom of the phone. It was the dorkiest shit ever.


@Bella: Cool phone :3

@Kari: Are you me? My first phone was like that, but without a camera. Had a color screen, though :3 (That is still one of the best phones I've ever owned)


My first one looked like this:

It was in use from September 2011 to January 2014. Wow I'm young, though I remember when my parents had phones like that

This is what my second (and current) phone looks like. I've been using it since January 2014.

Neither of the pictures are mine. It's just annoying to take an actual picture of my current phone, as it's the only camera that can be easily used. As for my old phone, I'm just lazy.


kodomo, you really ARE young, lol. blackberry for your first phone, really now...? xD

@bells: that sounds....hilarious. like a game boy printer.

@pent: i only got the phone because i basically BEGGED for it after being sick-to-fucking-death of not being able to be in touch with my mum at the time. i was about 16-17? and she forgot to pick me up a lot of the time, the worst it ever was was me waiting for over an hour. >>;
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Ahh. In my case, I was tired of losing track of mom at the store, so I used some birthday money to get a Tracfone I found at a dollar store for $10. Truth be told, I didn't think I was going to like this phone at first; I just bought it because it was cheap and I needed some way for mom to contact me, and yet, I ended up loving that phone.


@Kari: I'm dead serious. xD

Only used it to call parents whenever I missed the bus or stayed after school, however.


that's all cells are really used for, in the end.

if it were a smartphone, you probably could have done much more. but a mid 00's blackberry probably doesn't have much going for it if you're not a business person. :\
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The only reason I wanted a Blackberry, or anything like it, was that one of the first phones offered by StraightTalk was a Blackberry clone that allows you to plug it into your computer to use as a 3G antenna. Sadly, they don't have that phone anymore :\


if it was 1995 and i was the age i am now, there were a ton of apps for blackberries that could be used for tabletop gaming, such as dice rollers, character sheets, name and even town generators. sadly, since i had to source all this info via the wayback machine, the apps are long gone. >>;
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I didn't know the Blackberry existed in 1995 *w*


Phone history? Phone histories.

Family phone:
I was never allowed to use it but I think it's worth mentioning that we had a Motorola brick whose model number I don't remember. I'd have to find it, assuming it's still around.

First phone:
Don't remember my provider back then...
Second phone:
Third phone:
Cingular? I forget my carrier back then.
Fourth phone:
Fifth phone:
(given to me by my dad, used it for a couple weeks. Would have went back to my 4th phone, but I got my current one instead. lol)
Current phone:
Samsung Galaxy S3

(I really liked flip phones btw. It was just so satisfying to open.w)