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Under the Tree

Started by panda, December 25, 2005, 12:16:06 PM

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Share what you got here.

hmm, i got alot this year, but then agian that's not what its about right?

Gwar's War Party
BattleField 2
Grado Labs SR80 headphones
Resident Evil 4
Electric Razor
Zombie Survival Guide


I didnt get anythin! Woo! :D  but thats normal.

Humm... that zombie survival guide is a load of bull -.- Follow it and your sure to get eaten! Its a cool concept and a fun book to leave on your coffee table, but the guy dosnt know guns and their aplications and talks to the reader like a child. Plus he obviosly never went to any kind of  survivals school

re 4 rocks!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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You have to get some thing, are you with your friends and/or family?


I have Purchased myself Warhamemr 40k Figures, and a New Video card


I got...
-Fawlty Towers DVD collection
-Football Manager 2006
-a book about military screw-ups throughout the history
-Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
-a watch
-another memory stick
-blank DVDs and CDs

QuoteQuote from : panda
-Electric Razor

This sounds familiar as well. ^_^

I also took the liberty to purchase myself the two artbooks of Magic Knight Rayearth a week before Christmas. ^^;

All in all, I feel I got way too many presents; it makes me feel bad to get so much, not having really done anything to deserve them. The watch and the electric razor were very welcome, though. :|


Quote from: PiktinAll in all, I feel I got way too many presents; it makes me feel bad to get so much, not having really done anything to deserve them. The watch and the electric razor were very welcome, though. :|

I did too this year [got a watch for my b-day(12-8)].
My brothers and I are going to buy a Sound Card, so we can upgrade our speakers (the headphones I got are better then my speakers!)We're looking at the Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi Fatality FPS, the only problem is that we need a cd slot for the interface, so we're going to remove our RW and put that in my comp (because my RW is broken).


Quote from: "DrizzCat"I have Purchased myself Warhamemr 40k Figures, and a New Video card

Ahh, what minis and for what army?

I do blood angels and demon hunters myself
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Blood Angles here and a Tew Tac squad and a new Devastator squad


I ordered myself a greykinghts deadnought of forge world for a slef proclaimed christmas present :P
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Cool, I've been thinking about starting a Tau army

Alex Stankevitch

Well, its a bit old but I got a PSP and a 6600GT 256mb. I did get other stuff but thats not as important...

Oh yea, I have this magic 8-ball thing on my desk. Present from my sister but its always wrong, kinda like her...


please don't necro old topics.
This was also for x-mas 2005.

Alex Stankevitch