Started by CaptBrenden, April 11, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

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the hat is the key here. that's not Ace, that's Duce, his apprentice. :3

though to be fair Ace was freaking out on the same page as this doodle. -w-;
click to make it bigger


She looks fabulous and appropriately sinister, Aurora! I like the dark, creepy lighting and portrait-like feel of the picture. It fits her very well. :)

Stew's new OS-tans, HT11, MUMPS, HDOS along with Nova-tan.


Very nice ^^
(I'm a sucker for buns in hair like that. Maybe it's because of Sailor Moon or possibly Sage -w-; )


Oooh! I really like what you've done with 3.2-tan's design! It's a good combination of cute and elegant. :D

@Pent: You and BSD-tan both. -w-


Indeed. I loved that comic -w-


@aurora: SHE'S BEAUTIFUL (EE-tan)
also, i adore the Qipao. i never thought of how good she'd look in that, but damn, she really would. maybe it's because i always thought of her as a wanderer/fighter and that doesn't really seem practical/too high class. perhaps before her wanderer days, she wore that? :0

@bells: lurvely. any chance you'll do more in colour? :0
click to make it bigger

Aurora Borealis

Thanks, everyone! :)

@Choco: She is a wanderer and fighter, and I'm torn as to whether she should wear that outfit as her main one (because of the parallel to 3.1-tan's), or if that's the old outfit she wore before her wanderer days. It'd be totally impractical for melee combat, because it's an ankle-length dress with long and flowing sleeves.

I can see 3.1-tan and 3.2-tan both being spellcasters, and their DOS companions serve as their familiars. That way, wearing impractical clothing in combat isn't completely ruled out, but I also envision 3.2-tan being experienced in melee combat, which she learned as a wanderer. :-/

This picture would have to be one that takes place in the present or recent past, because 3.2-tan was isolated from the rest of the Windows-tans (perhaps aside from 97 and 95 OSR 2.1) for a long time.


mmm. i could see her wearing that and learning her magic pre-exile, but not having as much of a grasp on it as 3.1 does, since .1 had more time to practice. .2 was shoved out into the world sooner than it should have, which may contribute to her distrust of others. :0
click to make it bigger


Nice job Aurora and Bella!

Haven't had time to draw for a while. My summer is worse than my school year ugh.

*weebing intensifies*
I blame 3.1-tan's sadistic expression on the dubstep.


christ almighty, Balrith, your art is insane... I love it. that 2k-tan is calling my name..
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Those look fantastic Balrith, you have excellent command of perspective and anatomy! :D

Quick(ish) painting inspired by Salar de Uyuni salt flat. (With obvious fantasy elements thrown in.)

Colonial-era me.


Still love those :3

So, Bella made a new painting of SCOPE-tan, which lead to me making this comment:
Quote from: PentiumMMX, on dAAlso, would she prefer Listerine for mouth wash, or Scope?

...leading to me taking the pic and making this:


Quote from: PentiumMMX on June 04, 2014, 11:06:41 AM
Still love those :3

So, Bella made a new painting of SCOPE-tan, which lead to me making this comment:
...leading to me taking the pic and making this:

Oh my god. I snorted with laughter when I scrolled down and saw this. Nicely done, Pent. :D

Quote from: Aurora Borealis on June 04, 2014, 11:59:26 AM
The comments on Bella's newest SCOPE-tan painting make me want to draw an OS-tan + Magic School Bus crossover, and I like your edit, Pentium! :P


Alternatively, we can try doing a collaboration ... if you only want to do part of it. Up to you!


Mission accomplished -w-


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.