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Started by panda, November 27, 2005, 01:21:02 PM

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Then How does that make you to Weak? and 6'2", Sweet lady Bast, you have 2 inchs on me.


Its a frail little Disgusting human body.


Quote from: "panda"disscustion

I beleive you Mean Disgusting here

And How old are you?  If you are the Strongest one in your age group that should be something to be Proud of.  I'm also starting to get the impression that you get picked on a little.  I know this will sound Tired and over used, but Sticks and stones may Break your bones, but names can't hurt you.  If you learn to Ignore them, they will eventually Ignore you.   They pick on you to get a Rise out of you.  If you don't react it gets boring for them.  and if one of them still keeps doing it, all his/her "friends" will start to ignore them as well


My age is not important. And I'm not a hot head undesiplined human.


you think that u look bat and all that stuff? Thats a bad thing that society had input too much in our minds. It seems that if we are not close to an "steriotipe", we ain't that good. Sure, lotsa people looks u just from ur outside, but they are lots of people too who care for something MUCH more important, that is, ur interior. (im one of those). U can be a very ugly person, but if u show to other people some happiness, they may be able to overcome ur exterior. Yes, i KNOW that it works that way, u know why?

Because it's ALWAYS worked. And guess what. It will continue to be like that.

Sure, they are a lot of evil people, but there will be always good one. So first, try to help yourself making yourself a better "interior". Heck, if u have a lot good appearance, but yet a bad "interior" (u feel too bad about yourself), u will be not happy. Yes, yes, its not a thing to be done in a week or two, but IT CAN be done. U say u hate yourself. But i know that people like u one way or another. For example, u said that u had a Great friend. U think that people get TRUE friends just like that? Nope, TRUE friends are because of "something" special on the other person. You (may) don't look it that way now, but PLEASE, THINK ABOUT IT. If u change (note that i say "If u can change" and not "If it would be possible to change". IT IS possible to change, EVEN if u don't see it coming right now.) Look!! Here, on the this VIRTUAL forum, that is mainly for topics so different, there is still people who spend their time trying to making u feel better, or better yet, trying to help u out. Im from far, far away, my native language isn't english, but my good spirit impulses me (and not just me!!) to try to help u out, and to make u see that with HOPE (K.E.Y. W.O.R.D.!!! If u don't have it, u can still work for it!), u indeed can be happier. Wow, that took a lot...


I still don't want to live. And the rifle is looking better each day.


Quote from: "Ayromek"I used to say the same things, Panda - and worse than just saying them, I believed them.  Over time, those beliefs became more and more corrupt, to the point that my disgust for Humanity was replaced with an all-out hatred for it.  That hatred drove me to acts of unspeakable cruelty and malice towards the people around me...and in the end it almost cost me my own life and the life of seventy-nine other people.
Is it ok if I ask for more info.?


errr panda can i ask what do u expect in death?
like, do u believe that it will get better because u're go to heaven or something like tht?


no, death is death, there is nothing after death. well that's what sceinces is saying, and that's what I belive more then an ancent text.

Gunsmith Cat

Ok bro, looks like you are going through some crap I went through when I was young and all depressed as hell. Think about this for a second, all you want is some attention, at this point you could care less if it is good or bad. You should really just realize that regardless of how bad things have been or how bad things are there's always tomorrow, there's always a chance things can get better, if you allow yourself no tomorrow then there will be no chance for things to be better. Death is not the answer, all it does is take your sadness and displace it to your family and friends. In the end all you want is someone to see you and make you feel like you are not all alone, that is in majority the case with those who talk about suicide or attempt suicide. I have had suicidal thoughts in the past and I have developed my own system to where I no longer think such thoughts. It's kind of an arrogant way of thought but I just keep thinking that I am the most powerful force in my life, no one can stop me from accomplishing my goals, I am the single deciding force that determines what happens to me, I am the beginning and the end for myself, my will can climb the tallest mountain or crush it to rubble in one blow. But anyways it all comes down to you, what are you going to do now?


Too soon the killing was over
The stench of death was all that remained
Death he commands in this poison land
Distributing pain
The choking sky, black buzzards fly
Scanning the dead for fresh meat
The roar of battle
Oh, how I cherish the sound
Of splintered shields and bursting bowels
As we trample the town
And then I saw you
You had tears in your eyes
And when we impaled your family I felt I should apologize


errrr... ok then....... hey i want to try this as well

Nothing left, just you and me
Your army have fallen
and you cry for them
All I can do is smile
Then I laugh with joy
I want more
Blood, Pian AND DEATH!!!!
You pull out your gun
I walk towards you, slowly
You're shacking in fear
Show no mercy show no pity
And then I say it
"Lets do this again"
Then I walk away  
You screem as loud as you can
You ask yourself
"How many more times, HOW MANY MORE TIMES!!!!!!!!!!
I do not answer just keep walking
You look at your gun
You stop shacking
I look back at you
"This was fun, see you in hell"
You fall to the ground
Blood driping out your body slowly
I continue walking, smiling


I've been many faces, been many names
Known love and hate until they were the same
I bring ruin, am I human?
They think that they know what I know
They think they know what's best
I think that's why they killed me, that's why I joined the SS
Nice try, I cannot die
You blow off my arm I laugh at the pain
And after the battle I feast on the slain
Yes, you see I need your strength, so I can kill the wrong
Yes, you see I need you, so I can snuff the weak
Addicted to violence
I don't care what flag that I choose, I don't care if I win or lose
I don't care if you have to die, just fight without a side, never say die!
Then I tried to drink myself to death
4 hours went by, and drunken I was left
And drunk I was when they caught me
Knowing all the answers to the question I ignore


This time I must stop him
This time he must died
Is this why I fight, is this why I kill
No, there was a time where I was at pace
Where I was free and happy
But that was a lie, he showed me that
He showed me by his gun
He killed the people I loved
He killed the things I cared for
But did not stop
So that is why I raised an army
That is why I'm on this battle field
The battle goes on for hours and hours
It like it will never end
Some part of me wishes that it goes on forever
But then I stop, I look around the battle has ended
All that is left are bodies with no souls
He coming to me towards me
He say something, I say something back
I canââ,¬â,,¢t think, I canââ,¬â,,¢t speak
I donââ,¬â,,¢t want this, your world of hatred and anger
I want it to end
I find something srceeming in me
A voice saying kill.... KIILLLLLLLL HIMMMM
but i don't want tht, i don't want tht
Then i hear a voice, it's death
you did your best, now it time to rest
no i don't to, but i want it to end .. i want it to end
slowly i raise my gun
i watch death come toward me with arms open
death is no longer there, who's death
i see a man walking away, who is he
your enemy, Kill him
yes, I think your right


finish !!!!! wirte wirte wirte