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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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At least she isn't suffering anymore. Still terrible :[


oh my god, bells. ;^; *powerhugs*
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I'm honestly not sure what the gods' policy on animal companions are. I mean, she didn't exactly die in battle, so no Valhalla for her, I suppose.

Ravens guide her spirit, wherever it may be headed next.


That is a long life for any pet, I'm sure it was a good one.


*wraps blanket around bells and hands cocoa* ;^;
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*gives Bella a cookie to go with cocoa*


At least it was quick.

Ugh, people all over my god damn house and I haven't done a damn thing all week.


So my favorite headphones just died, and I'm broke until next week so I can't replace them in time to watch my usual shows, and the only pair I have is like anti-noise-cancelling as everything outside is 20x louder than what I'm listening to. Great >_<;


my eyes keep going out of focus. goddammit.
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Thanks for the kind words everyone, it means a lot to me. <3

Right now it just feels like there's a giant hole in my life. I mean, Peekaboo was there for, like, 4/5ths of my life and we were never apart for more than a few weeks altogether, so it's like losing a sibling. I know she's gone but it's like I subconsciously keep expecting to see her curled up on the couch or chair next to me out of pure reflex alone. :C


it was like that for me for a good month or two after olive died. you'll mistake a mop or a shirt or a field of wheat for her, and when you realize it isn't her, you'll be disappointed and sad and heartbroken for awhile, and then go back to what you were doing. gradually the heartache period will get shorter and shorter, till it's just light disappointment and a nostalgic feeling for your lost pet. :\

it's times like these that i wish i had saved olive's hair.
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I know the feeling. When my rabbit died, for about a month I still expected to walk into my room when I got off work and see him waiting for me in his cage


it's something that only goes away with time. :\
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I knew I should have watched Soul Eater last night, even though I was feeling sick and wanted to go home. No clue when I'll get a chance now >_<


I'm finally getting a life...