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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Have I ever mentioned how much I miss the Confederation of the Rhine?  They coulda been somethin' after Napoleon fell, but no.


So yeah, I recently did a bit of a fact-check on something rather vital in my books...namely, the Angsty Backstory Rating of the main cast.

For example, "MY PARENTS ARE DEAD AND MY ONLY BROTHER IS AN INFIDEL" is a 3, as are several other variations on the theme of My Parent(s) Are Dead (or tried to have me killed in the first chapter). Meanwhile, "I'M EXTREMELY SHORT AND I HAVE A HEART CONDITION" is comparatively worse (actually sounds legit and not just whiny) so 5. Then there's "Banished from the country his father just crowned himself king of when he was just a kid for rather arbitrary reasons", which is like 6 or so.

Not going to spoil the details on the rest, but the fact that my main characters have backstory angst levels of 8 and 10 respectively, sort of worries me. Even worse is the fact that I have one character that my best idea of an accurate rating for was "DO YOU EVEN LIFT". I am NOT doing that summary, thank you very much.

Oh, yes, also:
9/11 today. Happy birthday dad.


i lol'd again. -w-

oh, and tell your dad that your study abroad family's daughter says happy birthday.
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on September 11, 2013, 11:15:14 AM
@Bella: Get an HP laptop. HP bought out Compaq, who bought out DEC, so it's a technical DEC laptop -w-;

Quote from: Krizonar on September 11, 2013, 11:20:36 AM
We must go Deeper.

Yes, but Macs run OS X which is a form of Unix which is a descendent of Multics. :p

Sorry for any Mac patriotism lately. I think I mostly feel this way because Eve's fourth birthday is coming up. ;u;


So, having an epically shit night here. Seems nothing is going right from the point I logged off to go to work onward


What's the matter? (If you're okay with saying.)


I've already brought it up to Kari, but I'll retell everything here.

So it all started when I was getting ready for work. I found my favorite pair of jeans that I wore to work now had a hole in it; leaving me with only one pair of slacks that I swear shrunk in the wash. Then, I got to work, and instead of prepping dough like I usually do, I was on dishes...and we're about to start buffet for the night, and we didn't have anything we needed for it cleaned. Hurray; I have to rush like mad to get all the stuff they need cleaned because buffet started 5 minutes ago and they weren't ready. In the rush, I nearly forgot to put in the order mom asked for; which to be honest wouldn't have been a terrible thing, as bro-in-law is getting fed up with making food for the parents every week when dad hasn't even started to work on his truck, which has been parked at our house for the past several months and he's yet to even start to work on it or give any sort of indication on if it can be fixed or not.

Then, things went fine...until I got off work. I went to grandma's office, settled in with a cup of Dr Pepper, setup my laptop, flipped to trap mode, and loaded everything up...and Skype died on me the instant I messaged Kari. So, I force closed out, reloaded, and tried once more; with it doing the same thing (Acting like it's receiving several months worth of messages when it had already caught up to today before I sent the first message). Then the power flickered; knocking out the internet. Once it came back on, I tried once more...and met with the same issue. After a total of maybe 4 or 5 attempts, I was fed up and decided to just go home; maybe take out my frustration by grinding in MapleStory for a few hours.

Then I got home. Yay; mom's home, and given that this is a night dad works, she'll be up watching Netflix for the next several hours. So, I awkwardly change back into my normal clothes while in that tiny car (I was wishing I was in the Ramcharger for once; as there's so much room in that thing that changing clothes was easy), and went in. Once I was back in and comfortable (In standard mode), I went to the bathroom to wash my face when I was met with mom giving me the usual 20 questions when I get off work...including me having to explain how the ovens at work are setup as she failed to see how anything could get burned in it. At the very least, she did offer to buy me a new pair of jeans for work tomorrow; so at least that's something.

Now, I'm back in my room. Stomach is messed up, really would like some tea but there isn't any made right now and I don't feel like making any at the moment, and I really want to strangle someone >_<;


*pat pat* ;^;

@bells: *whacks head with newspaper* don't ask for help finding a windows laptop when you're just going to nerdgasm over macs the whole time anyway!! ><;;

*frustrates off into corner*
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Also, while I'm thinking about it...

@Bella: Didn't you once say you refused to consider post-SL versions of OSX as Unix because it dropped some background feature that every OS since Multics has had? :\


*points to own previous post on matter* ><;;;
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Finally back home. Mom wanted to get me new jeans for work...and waste a good chunk of my free time in the process -___-;

Lunch was nice, at least, and I got a white cherry slushie, which is always a good thing. Just, I should have worn more comfortable shoes. But, I might slip out early for work to obtain a free cupcake using this coupon mom gave me :3

EDIT: The bakery that the coupon was for was closed, and said coupon expires today. Wasted my time trying to get it *facedesk*


I'm freaking out right not, Peekaboo seems sick and idk what's wrong with her. I might take her to the vet tomorrow but I'm also scared to do that because what if there's something really wrong with her and they recommend putting her down because she's so old? :(



I hope it'll be fine


I just got up to check on Peekaboo again. She passed away during the night.
tbh I had the feeling she wouldn't be there when I got up. I don't know how to explain it.

I feel devastated but I'm glad she went peacefully and quickly.

Rest in peace Peekabook Shushu, 10/1997 - 09/2013.