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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So, good news and bad news:

The good news is that the Spirit is drivable again. It just needed more gas -w-;

The bad news is that I shouldn't have put more gas in it, as I now noticed my phone needs to be renewed in less than 2 days and I would have had enough money to do so prior to this >_<
Why can't this damn phone do like my old Tracfone and badger me every 12 hours or whatever when it got close to the due date? I can't see the "You have X days remaining" notice on the main menu when I don't have a signal, which the most populated area of Palestine is a dead zone so I usually can't see it unless I'm at home.


i still vote you switch back. tracphone is well-supported for the most part up here and honestly, even if you have to change your number, it seems worth it.

kickass on the spirit, though. one step closer to moving. :3
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I'm pretty sure I've come close to being killed by lightening like three times today.

Well twice by lightening, and once when the lightening made the power go out while I was sprinting up the stairs in a panic.


ah, so is that why you're not online?
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Mhmm. :/

I'm still freaked out because i heard a big, electrical-sounding POP when the power went out ... but I can't figure out what made the noise. o_o


That explains why you never showed up online :\



<jk>. that was likely the fuse in the neighborhood transformer blowing, not much to worry about unless 1. your power lines are so badly covered in trees they sort of look like they have beards; or 2. your power goes out. call the electrical company either way, just make sure you don't report it as an emergency. i've heard the one in front of our house enough times to know what it is. though we're so close to ours that it sounds like a legit explosion. :0
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Kill me.

(I really wish I could get a better router... anybody buy me one? -shot-)


Simon was here :P


@Leaf: Still faster than my shit-tier connection, so no complaining >_>;

@Simon: Wut?



A trap boy from Baka & Test.
Simon was here :P


Laaady and a Trap~

i'm rather surprised with the upload speeds. :0

EDIT: oh yeah, check this fun little number out.
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@Simon: Oh. I know that character, even if I haven't seen that series yet :3

@Kari: Can has your internets? *w*


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After checking my speed, I'm pretty sure Time Warner Cable put the hammer down on me for torrenting stuff.

Which would be pretty ominous, because I've only torrented like five things since the start of the year. >:|