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Topicless thread

Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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This is the TOPICLESS thread, right? So sometimes I like to get really high and watch movies in other languages. This was my pick today, and this shit is tight. I like the part when the dude was all like "I ank a nai a durrim", and then this other dude was like "guru dah nai loon" and then they laughed, and I laughed, and we were all laughing, and I had no idea why I laughed.

Bella story brah.

I keep forgetting to ask, but who is that in your avatar, Leaf? Is it ... one of those blue alien people from that one Daft Punk music video...?


It's Mystical Elf from Yugioh.


who's going to pax prime?


I wish I could, but I'm focusing on knocking out some bills so I can start to save up for a Christmas vacation


i just dropped about $30 on getting new glass and tools to put it into my iphone, and then i have so many more expenses coming up right now that it makes no sense to plan ahead for anything. SO MUCH FABRIC TO BUY I'LL BE LUCKY IF I CAN MAKE IT TO ONE DAY OF AAC IN AN XP HOME COSTUME
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Quote from: Bella on August 24, 2013, 09:32:40 PM
I keep forgetting to ask, but who is that in your avatar, Leaf? Is it ... one of those blue alien people from that one Daft Punk music video...?
It is INDEED Mystical Elf from Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Also guys, sorry for making rather trolly posts in this thread recently... (My life isn't very interesting, lol.)/size]


@Kari: I know the feeling. I've got to pay off 2 lingering bills in the next month and then begin to save up about $300+ to pay for tickets to take my trip in December...and because it's been so slow at work, everyone's had their hours cut, so I'm not making near as much :\

@Leaf: Nice. As for the tiny text, it's alright


eh, i'm just stressing because it feels like the deadlines are approaching swiftly. the closest one isn't till mid october, but all the same i can feel the pressure of putting it off. >>;
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Mmm. I'm sure I have enough time to save up once I have these bills out of the way -w-


i'll likely pick up fabric next week (labour day) after i've saved up a good enough stock of cash to afford a good amount. after that, i'll be sewing for days~
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Good luck :3

Tomorrow, I put gas in the Spirit; since the new fuel pump is in and (hopefully) it'll be drivable



Tomorrow I drive like three hours in a Spirit to a place a certain person with an eerily similar name to a pony princess thinks is hilarious!


What place would that be?


i am also interested to know about this mystical equestria location :0

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