What anime are ya watching?

Started by SleepyD, August 25, 2006, 05:11:48 PM

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EoE is like... "wat" haha

Finished Vividbutts. If you like "DAT PLOT" feel free to watch it. If like regular plot, feel free to skip. haha
Starting Yuyushiki~


i'd like to finish utakoi next, since i started watching it but left off somewhere around episode 7. :\
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Humanity Has Declined, if Flash would stop crashing.


FINALLY finished Doujin Work yesterday.
I would recommend this to people who like to draw doujin manga and share in circles and junk.


Watched episode 14 of Digimon and episode 15 of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Watched episode 17 of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters and episode 12 of Yu-Gi-Oh! SE0


Quote from: stewartsage on May 31, 2013, 01:33:48 AM
Humanity Has Declined, if Flash would stop crashing.


Utakoi ep 6 and half of ep 7. the fuck did i just watch.
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I might get into watching Soul Eater :u
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I just (re)watched the final three episodes of Kino's Journey. 

Not gonna lie, I forgot some of the important plot points in episodes 12 and 13. I mean, I remembered most of the plot  ......... just not the WHAM moments for some reason, I guess 15-year-old me blocked them out her memory. At any rate .... *screams while slowing sinking into pool of FEELS*

Now for a little (major spoiler-free) musing ......

This is not really related to the above comments, but re-watching this series with the knowledge I now have about feminism and gender (which is quite modest, but still MUCH more than I knew 5-6 years ago) made it a really different experience. I am completely amazed at just how egalitarian the treatment of male and female characters are, which is something I hadn't really thought about when I watched it the first time. Just looking at the minor female characters, there was a high-level scientist, an engineer / inventor (who defied her boyfriend, king/leader and an entire city-state in pursuit of her dreams), accomplished travelers, a marksman, an assassin, a revolutionary and two genocidal maniacs in cahoots. None of those characters were strongly gendered, either -  that is to say, they could have been portrayed as men without changing anything about their personalities, really (and for what it's worth, the same can be said for many of the male characters as well). The utter absence of fanservice or sexualization and diversity of body types and ages was refreshing too. Although, what it lacked in sexism it more than made up for in violence, cruelty and general THIS IS MAKING MY SOUL HURT-ness, but non of the violence or horror felt gratuitous and was firmly related to the storyline, which is also good.

Kino's Journey is essentially a philosophical tale and touches on different aspects of human nature, which makes it all the more interesting to me that the lead character is more-or-less androgynous in appearance and personality - neither man nor woman, simply A Human. That being said, she's generally addressed with female pronouns so most of the characters seem to know what's up. (Although on the one occasion that she was assumed to be a boy, I don't recall her correcting the mistake.) Adding to the intrigue is the fact that she was depicted as being quite feminine as a child, which makes me wonder what happened to make her adopt her androgynous persona. (Personally, I've always assumed it was a way of cutting ties with her past or as an homage to the person who inspired her journeys, though I'm also fond of the theory that she did it in order to be more impartial, so to speak, when observing different lands, customs and cultures in her travels.) As well, there's the matter of her apparent romantic-disinterest and the seeming incredulity with which she reacted to being told that she'll "know how it feels one day, when she has a baby of of her own" - surely, anyone who knows my own personal feelings about sexuality and gender can see why I find her such a fascinating and inspirational character!

The ending is somewhat weak, but considering the highly-episodic nature of the series - as well as the fact that it feels (in story AND art) more like a grown-up book of fairytales, rather than some great, sprawling epic - I think it managed the rather abrupt ending quite well and as satisfyingly as it could have in a 13-episode format (well, 14 if you count the bonus). Honestly, I'm a fan of shorter series but this is one of those shows I really wish could've gone on longer.

10/10 would recommend


@Bella: Sounds interesting. Maybe I should give it a try sometime

@Cockle: Do it :3


Just watched through all of Gasaraki.

I thought it was kind of
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The mechs and openings were pretty interesting.


Your name is rather interesting.



Also, sort of unrelated but not enough to start a new thread over:


It's HERE! ...undubbed though


subbed is superiour to dubs in some cases :3

also, it's a nice name. post moar. :0

Quote from: Cockleshell on June 02, 2013, 01:06:48 AM
I might get into watching Soul Eater :u


*needs to marathon utakoi so i have something to review tomorrow*
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on June 03, 2013, 08:28:25 PM
subbed is superiour to dubs in some cases :3

I should've been more clear. I meant the video has all the bgm and sfx but no voices at all. There are translated subs for what the seiyuus will say though. It's a fan creation so I guess it'll take a bit longer.

Subs with original voice acting are usually superior to dubs, with notable exceptions like DBZ. TFS DBZ abridged is my headcanon.